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Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2018)

One of the problems for use of rubber in various industries is the surface tension at the surface of rubbers, which results in the crack on the surface, fracture of the rubber and reduces its service life. These tensions are caused by contacting the rubber component with the metal surface and the friction between two surfaces. Roughness of the surface, the composition of the rubber compound, the environmental factors, test conditions and etc. affect the friction between rubbers – metal. Surface roughness plays an important role in sliding between two surfaces and mainly controls friction behavior. On the other hand, roughness effect on the coefficient of friction is controllable using a suitable lubricant. In the present study regarding to the application of JP4 as an aviation fuel, the effect of JP4 fuel as a lubricant was investigated in the reduction of the sliding friction coefficient between the NBR and aluminum surfaces with different roughness. Experimental studies showed, friction coefficient has a good correlation with the mean surface roughness (Ra). By applying JP4 lubricant, the coefficient of friction decreased by about 75%. JP4 fuel as lubricant has changed the trend of varying friction coefficient from decreasing to increasing regard to the surface roughness.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Effective IT governance guarantees alignment of IT with business in order to maximize benefits, achieving organizational goals and optimal use of IT resources. Therefore in industries such as banking industry due to the dependency of their activities on IT, appropriate IT governance is no longer a “nice to have”, it is a “must have”. To achieve effective IT governance, an organization needs to employ well-designed, well-understood, and transparent governance mechanisms. A complete list of 30 IT governance mechanisms categorized in 3 groups: decision making structures, alignment processes and relational mechanisms were synthesized through the literature review and using the Qualitative Meta-Synthesis Methodology. In the next step, a group of domain experts were requested to modify the list to the specific characteristics of Iranian banking industry and as a final outcome, a list of 26 mechanisms for effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry was obtained. Then, designed and validated questionnaire of field studies was distributed among IT managers of 25 banks. The collected data were analyzed via statistical tests. Results indicated 12 mechanisms are strongly deployed among which the existence of an IT strategy committee, IT project steering committee, IT project tracking (time and budget control) and Motivation and incentive to follow the principles of IT governance have positive impact on effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry.    

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Research subject: The use of nanoparticles, especially nano-antibiotics, increases their efficacy. More uniform release of antibiotics is one of the benefits of being nano. They can also be made using ointment or banderol to absorb through the skin to the infection, thereby reducing its side effects. Amoxicillin is one of the most widely used antibiotics in the world which can be prevented by increasing the use of other strong antibiotics if promoted as nanoparticles. Determining the mechanism of nanoparticle formation of this drug is an important factor for its commercial production.
Research approach: The purpose of this study was to determine the nucleation mechanism and time of induction of crystallization of amoxicillin nanoparticles in the presence of surface active agents ‘CTAB’ and ‘SDS’. Therefore, the effect of amoxicillin concentration and stabilizing concentration on the crystallization process was investigated. In this project, a combination of inductive-reactive crystallization was used. In this method, amoxicillin sodium was produced with sodium hydroxide, amoxicillin sodium, has a much higher solubility in water. Then, by adding hydrochloric acid, amoxicillin will be recovered and supersaturated. SEM and DLS analyzes were used to determine the properties of amoxicillin nanoparticles. All the experiments were repeated twice.
Main results: The results show that particles with a mean size of 50 nm were formed, and the particle stability was confirmed up to one week after formation. The results of the experiments show that the nucleation mechanism is the primary type with an average explanatory factor (R2) equal to 0.9887 and adding a stabilizing agent has no effect on the nucleation mechanism.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Although European integration was aimed at expanding regional co-operation and greater integration between member states, but the Corona Virus has threatened its main objectives. The purpose of this inquiry is to analyze the potential consequences of the spread of the Corona Virus on European co-operation and European strategic co-operation to manage this crisis. The present study was based on the hypothesis that weaknesses and failure of the EU members in the face of Corona Virus has intensified unilateralism among members of the European Union. The author using descriptive- analytic method looks consequences of Corona Virus in European countries. The research findings indicated that the Corona Virus triggered cracking of the gap between the states of the north and south and the emergence of populist movements. Also, hopelessness and mistrust, unemployment and poverty have been increased among EU members. In response to the crisis, the European Union has begun to strengthen its governance by looking at the previous experience and with investments in the health sector as a way to enhance the swing, flexibility and stability of the member countries economy.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The subject of the present article is the study the adapted movie of Pasoini from Thousand and One Nights in the form of adaptation. The research question of our paper is whether Pasolini's adapted movie makes it possible for the text to be clarified and illustrated or if Pasolini's movie can add new meaning and interpretations to the text? the objective of the paper is, in addition to studing the similarities and differences of the text and the image with a comparative approach, is to demonstrate that Pasolini behind adapting the Nights is to insert his ideological mechanisms his school's discourses into the movie. The method of this article is based on Linda Hucheon's theory of adaptation. hucheon believes adaptation is derivation but not copying rather it is a new work which is important in itself. According to Hucheon Pasoini' make the arabian Nights his own and changes it and place his own worldview on it and has deviated from it and this deviation is inevitable

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Horizontal development of the cities has resulted in much destruction environmentally and economically. Two of the major consequences of such destruction is imbalanced development and inappropriate application of lands in the cities that are referred brownfield in this article. Brownfield in the urban planning jargon, a brownfield site (or simply a brownfield), is a type of land formerly used for industrial purposes or some commercial applications. The brownfield concept was first introduced by the British government and was used in accordance with the sustainable development policies which is mostly focused on the environmentally polluted lands. In the last two decades, redevelopment policies of brownfield as a crucial practical solution for preventing disperse growth of cities and also supporting the concentrated growth of cities have been attracted more attention. The main features of the brownfields are: -1 Pollution: each land in which an environmental complication has the occurrence probability. -2 Empty and leaved without using and in general lands and properties that their activities have been closed or not been used anymore. Of course, some of the terms that must be separated from the brownfield areas are: greenfields and grayfields.
Greenfields are those lands that previously has not been developed and often are rural or suburban. These green sites are located in the edge of small or large cities and have better accessibility and more palatability with additional space for future development.
The term grayfield, was defined in 1998 by new urbanism congress. Unlike the famous terms of greenfields (the rural undeveloped) and brownfields (polluted urban sites), the gray lands are called to the large undeveloped sites that have good reasons for redevelopment. The term of grayfield can be used to describe any kind of redevelopment that significantly is not polluted. But regarding the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development and realization their policies, it is essential to eliminate or reduce the environmental pollutions purposefully to achieve the redevelopment of brownfields.
For the sake of importance and novelty of the subject, redevelopment of Brownfield with the objective of efficient applications of lands in cities and reducing the environmental pollution and also improving the social-economical context of these fields is the subject of this article. Brownfield of Kan stream in Tehran was selected as the case study. The field was selected as it is one of the few major barren Brownfield in Tehran. They are not only in the leaved brownfields but also regarding the river-valley nature, the fields has specific ecological and tourism features. Unfortunately, due to lack of planning and management, these brownfields have been converted to the locations of rubbish depot and uncontrolled polluted waters and therefore infected with the environmental pollution. The methodology of this article is descriptiveanalytical using library studies. After studying the theoretical framework, defining features of brownfield, literature review, objectives and the importance and of these fields, the redevelopment process of Kan stream Brownfield are presented. Finally, the conclusion and analysis of the actions are conducted in redevelopment of brownfield with social, economical and tourism approach.
After comprehensive studies, in order to determine the kind of landuses in Kan brownfields, establishing a national and even an international performance scale park is designated as the planning vision. In this context, the objectives of the redevelopment planning process Kan brownfield included:
creating a touristic space to enhance the region›s tourism identity, planning with emphasis on providing recreational services for all social classes, such as children, elderly people and women and people with disabilities (all divisions with regard to sex, age and physical aspects), strengthening of the relationship between people and nature and to replacing normal social activities and improvement environmental conditions; Developing ecotourism in urban environment regarding and it s benefits beyond natural landscapes, enhancing green space for per capita in Tehran city and attainment to the standard limits for
environment qualities by using marginal lands and rivers sanctums.steel plates. In addition these bars are pre- tensioned by means of cable passing through them in order to behave properly to the applied forces.
The way that the bars are moved through the retraction process and the function of the building effects on the selection of the covering materials. In this structure, as the distance between the bars is changed during the deployment process it is required to use a flexible but strong material that can resist repeated retraction. Therefore, a flexible membrane that is strong enough during movement and has a proper foldability such as ETFE is one of the best alternatives for covering the roof. ETFE is also able to penetrate enough light inside of the building when the roof is in fully closed position and this in turn reduce the energy required for running the building.
The membrane is also attached to the bars though the slots that have already been created during fabrication and is fasted by means of pinned curve plate. This is also worth to mention that in this structure, the placement of the moveable components underneath the covering material support the whole structure even in severe weather conditions. Therefore, this increase the life cycle of the system and decrease the maintenance cost.
In summary, this paper proposes a new solution for a retractable curved roof system that can not only be transformed from an open to closed configuration but is also able to support itself structurally even during movement and transformation. In other word, the structural and transformable components are integrated and are able to make the whole structure stable during transformation.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (4-2019)

Aims: Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica Oliv.) a woody species, which is naturally distributed in desert areas of some parts Asia and Africa. This research was conducted to evaluate the physiological response to salinity stress in 12 in Iran.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted to evaluate the physiological response to different levels of salinity (75, 150, 225, and 300 NaCl) control and to assess the response physiologic traits such as RWC, EL, MDA, Proline, GB, TSS, plant pigments, SOD, CAT, and GPX.
Findings: The analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference between treatments all traits. Comparing of that Hamidieh was the highest group and Mahneshan and were in the lowest group. Comparing of treatments showed that 75 was the highest group in terms of performance. The 75 was the highest group in terms of SOD in contrast, 300 and control were in the lowest group.
Conclusion: The result represents that Populus euphratica is a moderate , which could be suggested to reclamation of saline lands with high water table. This uses multiple mechanisms to overcome salinity stress and there is not a clear path to overcome salinity in this species. Cluster analysis divided the examined into five groups based on total traits. The grouping was not based on geographical distance, rather it was based on the conditions of the original habitat especially soil salinity.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2022)

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According to a perspective, male and female copulatory organs have not more extreme morphologies. However, a skewed bias in males, -as well as the scanty taxonomic data on female genitalia, may explain why most evolutionary biologists failed to find acceptable evidence for the reproductive co-evolution in insects. A recent finding shows that the mechanical footing has a cooperative essence in the weevil genus Sitona. In this viewpoint, successful mating is achieved by the dynamic correspondence between the male endophallus and female genital lumen. The present work addresses some missing evidence in the genital traits of this taxon that may keep the hampered comprehensions under lock and key. The female bursal lumen in the studied species is provisioned with a pair of forklift-shaped structures (named the “codelocks”) that may provide for stabilizing the characteristic position of the male bio-syringe during copulation. This structure varies between the species based on the shape and direction of its paired levers, so that an elaborate algorithm possibly serves as the fuel of this device. However, in one of these, Sitona fairmairei (Allard, 1869), the levers perform a dual function in accordance to the lockback mechanism of the male copulatory organ. This species is also featured for having several campaniform mechano-receptors on the flanges of the male bio-syringe which are involved in the in-vivo navigation of this armature towards female spermathecal duct.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)

The toxicological and biochemical properties of four organophosphate (OP) insecticides, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, phosalone and dichlorvos, were examined in terms of the diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) susceptible (Gu-S) and resistant (Kar-R) to OPs. The Kar-R population had significantly high resistance to chlorpyriphos (69.3 fold), medium resistance to diazinon (14.49-fold) and phosalone (10.3-fold), and had less resistance to dichlorvos (5.17-fold) compared to Gu-S population. DEM and TPP reduced Chlopyrifos resistance of Kar-R population as an inhibitor of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and esterases (EST), respectively. Biochemical studies clarified that GST and EST kinetic parameters in the Kar-R population were significantly higher than parameters of Gu-S population. Moreover, this study examined the Kinetics of hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine iodide, butyrylthiocholine iodide as artificial substrates by AChE of resistant and susceptible population. IC50 of monocrotophos, neostigmine bromide and eserine were also determined on AChE of resistant and susceptible populations. Kinetic analysis and inhibition tests indicated that an alteration in AChE of Kar-R population has an effect on both kinetic and inhibition results. The results distinctly showed that multiple mechanisms such as GST, esterases and altered AChE created chlorpyrifos resistance in the Kar-R and insensitivity of AChE is a significant factor for resistance to conventional OP compounds.
Mehran Mahboubkhah, Mohammad Javad. Nategh, Siamak. E. Khadem,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)

Considering frictional, inertial and machining forces, the authors have presented an enhanced analysis of a hexapod table as used in milling machines. The Newton-Euler analysis of hexapod’s components has been implemented by a simulation program developed by the authors in MATLAB environment and the results have been verified by those of others. The impact of various loads involved in machining operation carried out on a milling machine equipped with hexapod table has been presented in the paper. This provides a potential machine tool designer with guidelines on the importance of these loads and helps him give appropriate weights to them.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Aims: The objective of this review is to conduct a thorough analysis of the utilization of acupuncture as a non-pharmacological method for managing pain, with a specific focus on its effectiveness in addressing chronic musculoskeletal pain and headaches.
Method and Materials: A comprehensive search was conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar to identify relevant studies published until January 2024. The search employed keywords such as "acupuncture," "acupuncture mechanism," "headache," "musculoskeletal pain," and "pain management." Studies were included if they assessed the use of acupuncture in different clinical populations and reported outcomes related to pain intensity, functional status, and cost-effectiveness. Ultimately, a total of 6 articles were selected for the final analysis.
Findings: The studies included in this review encompassed a diverse range of patient populations, specifically focusing on individuals who received acupuncture treatment. The findings indicated that acupuncture was associated with improved pain control and reduced reliance on medication among patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain and headaches. Additionally, one study demonstrated the long-term cost-effectiveness of utilizing acupuncture in this manner..
Conclusion: The results of this review provide support for the implementation of acupuncture as part of non-pharmacological approaches in clinical settings. Future research should concentrate on identifying the most effective combinations of acupuncture and standard care, as well as elucidating the mechanisms that underlie the synergistic effects of this treatment modality.

Volume 9, Issue 6 (3-2018)

The present study, as a research in the field of language and gender, aimed at investigating the Persian spoken by women in Kermanshah city based on Lakoff’s dominance approach. Research in the field of language and gender began by Robin Lakoff (1973, 1975). She postulated that the language of women is different from men. According to her, women have a tendency to use the linguistic features that reflect and reinforce a subordinate role in society’s power structure. These linguistic features include "hedges", "indirect requests", "tag questions", "fillers", "and empty adjectives “and” up talk". She further suggested that women use "super polite forms" and have a "poorer sense of humor" than men. The purpose of this study was to investigate, describe and categorize the specific features in women’s speech. It further analyzed the impact of age on the frequency of using these speech features. The data of the present study were collected using questionnaires and interviews from 90 urban middle-class Persian-speaking women of Kermanshah in three different age groups with diploma or no academic degree. The authors of this study, in addition to examining the language of Kermanshahi women in line with Lakoff’s approach and explaining them based on "Freud's defense mechanism theory", succeeded to add several other features based on the science of psychology. These new and innovative speech features which were pointed out in the present study are: "childlike speech and tone", "stretched sounds", "histrionic language", "avoidant language", and "animism". The research findings were analyzed quantitatively using chi-square test, and qualitatively adopting the framework of Freud's defense mechanisms theory. The findings of the study demonstrate that age creates a significant difference in the frequency of using most of these speech features. Save for the two features of "rising tone in statements" and "tag questions", all the other features of Lakoff's approach and the features discovered by the researchers exist in women's speech, with different frequencies though, and can be generalizable to the population at large.
The table below presents both group of features of women’s language by Lakoff and the authors:
Features of the Persian language spoken women (Kermanshahi)
Features included in Lakoff's approach Features Discovered by Researchers
Hedging Childlike speech and tone
Color terms Stretched sound
Empty adjectives Avoidant language
Super polite forms Histrionic of choice
Weak quantifiers Animism 
Empathic stress  

Volume 10, Issue 1 (10-2021)

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is a major pest of crops and ornamental plants worldwide. It is a highly polyphagous pest that has a notorious reputation for its ability to rapidly develop resistance to commonly used pesticides. Thus, in the current study, the contact toxicity of propargite (EC 57%) and chlorpyrifos (EC 40.8%) was investigated against two populations of T. urticae from Iran, Mahallat (MhR) and Karaj (KrS), using a leaf-dip bioassay. Findings showed that the LC50 of propargite against MhR and KrS populations was 5337.90 and 116.81 mg a.i/l, respectively. While the LC50 of the chlorpyrifos against MhR and KrS populations was 2760.83 and 479.25 mg a.i/l, respectively. Based on the median lethal concentrations (LC50), MhR and KrS populations were considered as resistant and susceptible populations to both pesticides, respectively. MhR population was 5.76-fold and 45.70-fold more resistant to chlorpyrifos and propargite than the KrS population, respectively. Insecticide synergists including triphenyl phosphate (TPP), piperonyl butoxide (PBO), and diethyl maleate (DEM)) revealed the contribution of esterases, glutathione S-transferases (GST), and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) to resistance. Nonetheless, the involvement of esterases and P450s was more evident against chlorpyrifos and propargite, respectively. The activity of P450s, GSTs, esterases, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was measured in susceptible and resistant populations. All enzymes showed significantly higher activity in the resistant population than in the susceptible one. Additionally, zymogram analysis of esterase showed two distinct bands in the MhR population, whereas the stronger band was absent in KrS population. These results indicate that metabolic pathways are associated with chlorpyrifos and propargite resistance in the MhR population.
, Ramin Khamedi, Amir Sharifi, Hassan Ebrahimnejad,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2011)

In this paper a new approach about relation of Acoustic Emission(AE) method and mechanical properties of ferrite-martensite dual phase steels(DPS) has presented. The AE signals from a tensile test using a range of DPS with different volume fractions of martensite (VM)s, in the range of 12–65% VM, were obtained and their AE signals were investigated. In order to better study DPS internal behaviour, a function named “sentry function” was used. The amount of this function depends on the strain energy and acoustic emission energy. the Results show that AE monitoring and sentry function are efficient tools for detection of micromechanisms, consisting of Ferrite-Martensite interface decohesion and/or martensite phase fracture, identifying the correlation of failure mechanisms to microstructure in DPS.
Faramarz Ashenai Ghasemi, Esmaeil Aligholizadeh, Ali Pourkamali Anaraki,
Volume 14, Issue 9 (12-2014)

The present research deals with the impact response of notched aluminum plates repaired by fiber metal laminate (FML) patches under various temperatures using drop weight impact test status. Some aluminum samples repaired by FML patches were prepaired to study their impact behavior and frcture mechanisms under drop weight tests at the temperature range of -20 ℃ to 60 ℃. An Energy Profiling Diagram (EPD) was used to obtain the penetration and perforation thresholds of hybrid composites. Besides, the effect of temperature on some impact characteristics such as endurance load, contact time and permanent deflection were also studied. The results showed that the amount of force for nearly all of the samples increased by increasing of the room temperature. The ability of energy absorption of the samples was also the most at the room temperature, therefore the energy thereshold of samples increases by increasing of the room temperature. Temperature variation also affects on the impact characteristics of composites patches and in some cases results in a 20 percent reduce in impact strength of the samples. It was also shown that the most value of impact parameters reaches at -20 ℃ and 60 ℃.
Mehran Rajabi Zargarabadi, Moosa Zaki,
Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)

The nitrogen oxide emission is known as a potentially hazardous pollutant in reacting flows. To improve this process, it is of fundamental importance to take into consideration environment protection through reduction of fuel consumption in addition to increasing combustion efficiency. The control of NO emission from the combustion process is an important design criterion in modern gas turbine technology. In the present work a two-dimensional combustion simulation is developed for a model gas turbine combustion chamber. The k−ε turbulence model and the eddy dissipation concept model are applied for flow predictions and reaction rate simulation respectively. The flow field pressure linked equations are solved using the SIMPLE algorithm. In the present work, the thermal and prompt NO formations are estimated and calculated for three different methane, propane and pentane fuels. Also the effects of equivalence ratio and primary aeration on nitrogen oxide emission are considered. Results of numerical simulation show that the nitrogen oxide emission significantly affected by the equivalence ratio for all three type of fuels. Also by applying primary aeration the averaged nitrogen oxide production can be significantly reduced.
Ali Jamali, Iman Gholaminezhad,
Volume 14, Issue 11 (2-2015)

In this paper, a new multi-objective differential evolution with a diversity preserving mechanism called the ε-elimination algorithms is used for the Pareto optimum design of gripper mechanisms. The ε-elimination diversity is used to improve the population diversity among the obtained Pareto front. In the ε-elimination diversity approach based on a threshold value all the clones or ε-similar individuals are recognized and simply removed from the current population. It should be noted that such e-similarity must exist both in the space of objectives and in the space of the associated design variables. The proposed algorithm has been used for two different configuration of robot’s gripper. The dimensions of mechanisms are considered as design variables and optimally selected by proposed algorithm to improve the efficiency of griper mechanism. Two conflicting objectives which are the difference between maximum and minimum gripping forces and the transmission ratio of actuated and experienced gripper forces, are considered for Pareto optimization. The best configuration of gripper mechanism is suggested by comparing of trade-off design points. The comparisons of the obtained Pareto front using the method of this paper with those obtained in other references shows a significant improvement.
Mahdi Bamdad, Homayoon Zarshenas,
Volume 14, Issue 11 (2-2015)

In this paper, a cable actuated robot is introduced as a new rehabilitation approach. The quality improvement of human and machine interface has led to create a new device in this area. The interface between the robots with the physical characteristics of body can improve the interaction forces and the patient safety. Considering the joint compliance during the motion range can make the patient feel better and thus, bring success for the rehabilitation program. The key element "cable" makes the possibility of force transmission in this mechanism. Cable actuator is used in this project in order to achieve to maximum adaptation with elbow operation Moreover in the design of rehabilitation device, some advantages are regarded like the low-cost and light weight, smooth joint motion with adjustable stiffness, motor size reduction. The dynamic parameters related to the elbow behavior are described with amplitude and frequency investigating. The performance of the elbow rehabilitation device is examined. Stiffness variation of robot joint is effectively compatible with the elbow joint stiffness according to rehabilitation protocols. As the presented mechanism able to simulate elbow rehabilitation, it can be used more widely in the field of medical robotics.
Sasan Rahmanian, Mohamad-Reza Ghazavi,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (3-2015)

In general, in dynamic analysis of mechanical systems, joints are assumed to be ideal. However, due to errors in fabrication and assembly of components, existence of joints clearances is an inevitable issue that caused frequent collisions between the journal and bearing and stable periodic behavior of system becomes chaotic. Degradation the dynamic performance of the system, reduction in fatigue life of components and produce undesirable vibrations are all of the factors resulted from impact- contact forces due to joint clearance. First, different contact force models for two surfaces has been introduced and dynamical models of revolute joint with clearance for two modes, namely, dry contact model and lubricated joint model is then presented. In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a slider- crank mechanism with a revolute joint clearance between the slider and connecting rod, using the Lankarani-Nikravesh contact force model is studied and compared to the ideal case. Considering the effect of friction between journal and bearing, governing equations of motion of the system for two phase, contact and non-contact modes are extracted and it is shown that system exhibits chaotic behavior under specified size of clearance. A fluid lubricant is used in clearance between journal and bearing for stabilizing an unstable periodic orbit embedded in the chaotic attractor.
Behnam Davoodi, Behzad Eskandari,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (3-2015)

Superalloys are extensively used in various industries like aerospace, chemical and petrochemical industries due to their properties such as high strength at elevated temperature and good corrosion resistance. On the other hand, owing to these properties, superalloys are classified as difficult to cut materials. In the present work, the effect of cutting parameters on tool life in turning of N-155 iron-nickel-base superalloy is investigated. Cutting speed and feed rate each at five level were selected as cutting variables. Relationship between cutting parameters and output variable i.e. tool life was modeled by using response surface methodology (RSM). The results showed that there was a good agreement between the experimental results and the predicted values using the developed mathematical model. Additionally, analysis of variance was implemented to evaluate the adequacy of the regression model and respective variables. ANOVA results indicated that the cutting speed had more effect on tool life than feed rate. Moreover, wear mechanisms and failure modes of the cutting edges were analyzed by using the images of scanning electron microscope (SEM) at different cutting speeds and feed rates. It was observed that abrasion and adhesion were the most dominant wear mechanisms in this study. Finally, desirability function was used so as to predict optimum cutting parameters for achieving maximum tool life.

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