Showing 23 results for Mg
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has always been interest of readers, and many
authors have tried to imitate it. Like other Iranian orators, the Kurd
poets have recreated different stories of Shahnameh with innovations
and sometimes translations. No doubt, the introduction and thinking of
the epic verses after Shahnameh can expose some of the important
issues of this valuable work and be effective on the morale of unity
and patriotism among Iranian ethnic groups; therefore, in this study,
we first introduced the verse of "Kordish Shahmghal and Rostam" and
then compared it with the narration of " Shahnameh's Rostam and
Shaghad", Salby's historical narratives, Toomar Naghali Shahnameh,
Haft Lashkar, and Ferdowsinameh.
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2018)
Ravaei is a common folk lyrics and song of marriage among inhabitants of Damghan. They are in the form of Ruba’i with lyric content. The current research seeks to investigate, introduce and structural - content analysis of these lyric forms in order to sound and register them as the examples of folk poems. Because they include the thoughts and customs of a region, they can help us identify and examine the social and cultural developments of Damghan. To this end, the collection of poems - Damghan folklore book, written by Mohammad Ali Taheria, was used. In general, the current analysis has divided the stories into two parts: content and structure. In the content analysis section, the poems are analyzed in two parts of the contents of the relationship and the first words of the analysis. In the structural part, the analysis of the stories is considered from three angles: language, figures of speech, musics and metre
Volume 7, Issue 29 (3-2011)
Mohammad Foladi, PH.D.
Mansoor Ebrahimi, PH.D.
The current article tries to study the natural elements mentioned in the poems of two important poets of Khorasani style i.e. Unsuri Balkhi and Manuchehri Damghani. For that matter, first, those elements in the poems of Unseri were defined based on ten ingresses and with an emphasis on plants and animals and then with the help of SPSS software these were extracted, analyzed and compared with the elements in the poems of Manuchehri. Results show that almost all literature of Manuchehri and Unsuri contain at least one natural element which is indicator of a particular emphasis of these two poets on nature and environment. Flowers, plants, birds and animals have been reflected widely in their poems. Among birds, although nightingale often reflected in the poems of these two poets but birds are more common in the works of Manuchehri. Among domesticated animals, horse, elephant and camel and among undomesticated animals, tigers have applied most that have been analyzed by the current paper.
Volume 7, Issue 30 (12-2019)
The poems and rituals of the oral Ashura in various geographical areas illustrate the dominant manner of literary creation and the general streams of thought and religion. An examination of these poems illustrates the historical course of the Ashura oral literature among the people of one area. Accordingly, in the present study, we attempt to introduce the ritual poems of "Tea", "Ashouri", and "Friends of Worship" in the folk ritual literature of Damghan using an anthropological approach. The issue of Ashura rituals puts them in the broader areas of oral religious literature that have a direct relationship with popular religious rituals. The analysis was carried out on structural and content sections, introducing and focusing on the symbolic functions in the content section. In the structural part, the dominant theme of these poems is the emphasis on rhythm, rhyme, row, and inner music. The method of the study is qualitative and the means of data collection is in-depth interviews with experts on related poems.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (10-2017)
Production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli has been very common in recent decades. Many studies and experiments have been done in order to optimize the production and expression of recombinant proteins in E.coli. One strategy is using high cell density to increase recombinant protein production such as β-NGF in the cell. Therefore, in this study for the first time bacterial cell culture in high cell density was done using glycerol and yeast extract as carbon and nitrogen sources and MgCl2 as a growth effective factor. Also the effects of overnight culture conditions on bacterial growth were evaluated. Meanwhile culture conditions were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) and the optimum conditions were as follows: 18/23 g/lit glycerol, 14.44 g/lit yeast extract and 10mM MgCl2. Also the obtained results indicated that the 14 hours incubation at 37 °C and 180 rpm were optimum conditions for the overnight culture. Our results showed that the rate of cell growth and recombinant β-NGF production in optimized condition is significantly higher than in basic medium.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2020)
This article attempts to answer the following questions in a descriptive-analytical way: What is the reason for Baumgarten`s use of poetry to demonstrate the independence of aesthetics? What are Kantchr('39')s views on the place of poetry in aesthetics? and what are the differences between them on this issue? The purpose of this article is to clarify the superior art of one of the followers of the rationalist school by looking at Kantchr('39')s view. The results show that due to the beliefs of many aestheticians the words and the sounds are one of the most important aspects of the human soul`s motivating. In the Age of Enlightenment, Baumgarten continued by examining the influence of words and its effect on the emotions, passions by referring to the Christian belief, especially in one of the pietist`s campaigns the Protestantism. Kant separates poetry from rhetoric as a whole, he thought about his attitude, especially about the beauty associated with fine arts such as poetry, the relation between form and content of words, the rich content of words, and the grandeur of content and dignity similar to Baumgarten. The prominent difference is in the free play that Kant considers the poetry between sensibility and understanding and in the natural beauty with regard to form and the independent beauty in the fine arts. Free play has not come to Baumgarten`s ideas. Nor is there any trace of Baumgarten`s perfection in the beauty of the pure form or the free beauty in the Kantian approach to poetry.
Volume 9, Issue 37 (3-2021)
One of the main reasons of building Qadamgāhs (literally meaning the place of foot or the place of stepping) was the dreams a believer had of a saint. There are a large number of such buildings in Iran. In some cases, the dreams are inscribed on tablets in order to preserve the dream for future generations. This paper introduces five lustre ceramic tablets, which contain records of such dreams. The texts of two of them have been preserved completely, and significantly show astonishing similarities. The first is dated back to 1312 AD and belongs to Qadamgāh of Mehrīqābād. Its text mentions that Fakhr al-Din Hasan Tabari saw Imam Ali in a dream ordering him to build a shrine. According to the text of the second tile in Qadamgāh-i Khezr in the village of Yazdelan in 1607, someone saw Khezr in a dream who orders to reconstruct a ruined domed building. This article examines the differences and similarities between these two tablets from the Ilkhanid and Safavid periods, and analyzes them in detail. It can be said that these two tablets have a common content that have been written with the aim of documenting the reconstruction of a religious building borrowing the Iranian and Shi'at themes. These two examples show that the tradition of recording dreams on lustre tiles was not only prevalent at the glorious era of lustre production, but also extended to three centuries later.
“Qadamgāh” refers to some places of pilgrimage in the Islamic world where a Prophet, Imam or saint has passed or has been seen in a dream. Dreaming has been one of the main reasons for building Qadamgāhs, in that, it was built when someone saw one of the saints in a dream and based on the saint’s order or his own decision, he called that place a Qadamgāh. This phenomenon, which sometimes led to the establishment of a building, has been common among Shi'ats. In some cases, commemorative tablets made of stones or tiles were used to record the dreams. Five lustre tiles, which belong to the Qadamgāhi buildings, have been identified in the region of Kashan, that contain a record of a dream. Three of them, which bear the name of a Qadamgāh, called Darb-e Mehriqābād, were produced in the fourteenth century. Although the tradition of writing on lustre tiles has continued until the Safavid period, no example containing a dream is known except for an unpublished tile from Qadamgāh-e Khezr in Yazdelan village. This tile, which dates back to 1015 AH/1607 AD, is full of symbolic and mythical signs. Interestingly, the Mehriqābād tiles dates back to 711 AH/1312 AD, and the Yazdelan tile have significant similarities with them in terms of form and content.
Research Background
The major research on lustre tiles has been done by Oliver Watson (1975, 1985). However, no research has been done on the Qadamgāhi lustre tiles, except for two papers written by Chahryar Adle about the tiles of Mehriqābād (Adle, 1972, 1982). Nonetheless, he has made some mistakes in reading the text and also did not notice the fifty-year difference in the date of these tiles. In addition, he was unable to identify the exact building of this Qadamgāh.
There is a pair of circular lustre tiles in the Musée national de céramique de Sèvres, the text of which mentions the construction of a Qadamgāh in Kashan. The text of the tiles tells us that a person named Sayyed Fakhr al-Din Hassan Tabari finds himself in a dream in the middle of a crowd in the garden of Amir in Kashan. There, he sees Imam ‘Ali who tells him to construct a building in that place so that whoever wants to visit him can come to that position. Three centuries later, a lustre tile was installed in the Khezr Qadamgāh of Yazdelan, which narrates a dream that led to the construction of the building. According to its text, a person saw Khezr in a dream, who asked him to repair a domed building.
One of the similar and important elements in both dreams is their connection to the garden. In fact, the holy sites in question are located in the garden that was famous at that time. The timing of both dreams is interesting in its own way. The dream of Mehriqābād coincides with Eid al-Fitr and the dream of Yazdelan coincides with Nowruz. In fact, the dreamers have been influenced by the religious festivals at both times, which belong to a mythical and ritual time. Another common feature of both texts is the effort to document the dream, which mentions the exact characteristics of the place and time of the dream.
During the Ilkhanid period, as there was more religious freedom for Shi'ats, the opportunity to express and document such Shi'at dreams became more prominent. On the other hand, with the rise of the Safavids and the prevalent freedom for the Shi'ats, the emergence of Shi'at beliefs developed unprecedentedly. Although the two lustre tiles examined in this paper were made over a period of three centuries, they are certain significant similarities in their content. The main theme, the type of time and place, the sacred personality, the attention to documentation and the influence of Iranian culture in both examples are comparable. In fact, they both express an identical concern: the reconstruction of a religious building the location of which has sacred memories. Interestingly, in the inscriptions of both buildings discussed in this article, there are signs of pre-Islamic beliefs of the people of the region. However, this is far from the common traditions of Islam and is based mostly on popular beliefs.
Adle, Ch. (1972). Un disque de fondation en céramique (Kâšân, 711/1312),
Journal Asiatique,
CCLX (3‒4), 277‒297.
Adle, Ch. (1982). Un diptique de foundation en ceramique lustrée, Kašan 711/1312, In: idem, ed.,
Art et société dans le monde iranien, (pp. 199-218). Paris: Institut Français d’Iranologie.
Watson, O. (1975b). Persian lusterware, from the 14
th to the 19th centuries.
Le Monde Iranien et l'Islam: Sociétés et Cultures,
3, 63-80.
Watson, O. (1985). Persian lusterware. Faber and Faber.
Volume 11, Issue 50 (5-2023)
One of the basic fundamental factors of knowing mythological sources, and preserving and promoting them is to conduct scientific studies in the field of popular folk culture and literature. Swearing, in its various forms, is one of the rituals that has long been manifested in Iranian popular folk culture and literature in various ways. In this study, we analyzed the bite-taker ritual, as an instantiation of swearing (Var) in the Bakhtiari tribe. It was assumed that this ritual takes root from the traditions of ancient Iran. Emphasizing its importance among the Bakhtiari people, this ritual was known to recognize the right-doer from the wrong-doer. So far as the bite is concerned, right from the wrong and the correctness of the word is the importance of the bite from the perspective of the Bakhtiari people. In this study, firstly, the story of bite-taker was narrated and, secondly, their literary manifestations and mythological aspects were investigated. The data was qualitative, and the method of data collection was based on field-library sources. The method of data analysis was in the form of qualitative content. After examining various sources and analyzing the literary and mythological manifestations of motifs of the bite-taker test in the Bakhtiari people, it can be argued that this ritual is a remnant of the ritual of drinking sulfur water in ancient Iran, which, by preserving mythological elements among Bakhtiari people, is believed to be the last solution to prove the truth of the word and distinguish right from wrong. Besides, some certain elements of this test, such as the presence of fire, wearing perfume and white clothes before the test, and perfume, are considered as reminiscent of the story of Siavash in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)
Although direct shear test has some limitations in test procedure and test results, still it is one the popular and prevalent test which is used in most laboratories for evaluation of shear strength parameters of soils. Most of direct shear test apparatus in laboratories are in the specimen dimensions ranging from 6*6 to 10*10 centimeters. There are very limited number of large direct shear apparatus in soil mechanics laboratories with specimen dimensions of 30*30 or larger. In order to perform direct shear tests on coarse graded materials, it is recommended to degrade material to finer gradation accepted by test standards relative to the box dimensions. It is clear that degradation by using exclusion or parallel method increases fine contents of soil samples in small shear boxes. When shear tests are performed on fine graded soil samples, the strength parameters become different from those of original coarse graded samples. Therefore it is necessary to investigate relation between these different parameters. The aim of this research is to compare the test results between shear strength parameters derived from both small and large direct shear tests. Three soil samples with 5,15 and 25 percent fine contents with three 80,90 and 100 percent relative densities were tested in large and small direct shear apparatus with box dimensions of 30*30*15 and 6*6*2.5 centimeters. Shear parameters were derived and compared carefully. The results indicated that degradation has great effect on the parameters. Also it was found out that degration by parallel method compared with exclusion method gives smaller parameters. It seams that the discrepancy is the result of fine content differences.
Comparing the fine contents in two samples prepared using both methods indicates that the fine content in samples produced by parallel method have greater amount.
Comparing resulting internal friction angles of original coarse graded material tested in large apparatus with the friction angles calculated from small degraded samples give larger values in the same relative densies. The increments are 2.5 degrees for degradation using exclusion method and 4.5 to 6 degrees using parallel method. Also the test result showed that the amount of increments increase in samples with higher amount of fine contents
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)
Central nervous system (CNS) uses an abundant set of joints and muscles to ensure both flexible and stable movements while interacting the environment. How the CNS faces the complexity of control problem and solves the question of physiological and mechanical abundances is not still clear. Modular control is one of the most prevalent hypotheses in answer to these questions. According to this point of view, CNS combines a few building blocks, here this will be muscle activities, named as muscle synergies, to present a vast repertoires of movements. In this study the algorithm of sample-based nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (NM3F) is used to extract spatial and temporal muscle synergy modules from muscle EMG data for three different types of point to point reaching (simple straight, reversal and via-point) movement in the frontal and sagittal planes. After extracting different features of the muscle synergies, physiological interpretation of these decomposed parts has been discussed. The first temporal module coded the direction and type of movement, while the spatial modules describe some via postures. Also the extracted modules are not similar for subjects. The recruitment of the spatial and temporal modules are correlated due to the movement direction.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2013)
The moment-curvature envelope describes the changes in the force capacity with deformation during a nonlinear analysis. Therefore, the moment-curvature envelopes for columns, beams and shear walls form an essential part of the analysis. The program IDARC now provides an option for users to input their own cross-section properties directly, and the moment-curvature is computed internally. Since IDARC is most practical and well-known software in damage analysis and the value of Park damage index depends strongly on the ultimate curvature, truth of IDARC's results in section analysis is so highlighted. In IDARC, the moment-curvature analysis is carried out on the cross-section by dividing the concrete area into a number of strips or fibers. The section is subjected to increments of curvature and the strain distribution is obtained from compatibility and equilibrium considerations. In this study, the results of IDARC and OpenSees softwares in determination of moment-curvature curve and ultimate curvature of beams are evaluated. For assessment of the software's responses, there have been used of the experimental results for 9 reinforced concrete beams with different section properties. The moment-curvature analyses of these beams have been done by use of IDARC, OpenSees and finally the code that has been written in this study. Comparison of the results shows significant differences between the IDARC's results and other results. In order to control the accuracy of the analytical results two items have been checked, firstly, the strain of the last compressive concrete fiber in ultimate curvature and secondly, satisfying the equilibrium equations of section during the moment-curvature curve path. This study presents some cases that the axial equilibrium doesn't satisfy in the moment-curvature obtained by IDARC. Also, IDARC doesn't make attention to the ultimate strain of concrete when calculates the ultimate curvature. This result means that the damage index has been calculated by IDARC is not reliable when software accomplishes section analysis. Afterward, the used algorithm in IDARC for moment-curvature analysis has been revised and by proposing the modified algorithm a code has been written that can apply Chang&Mander and Kent&Park stress-strain concrete models. The effect of confinement on the concrete behavior has been applied based on Mander, Priestley and Park model and also based on Kent&Park model for each beam according to its transverse reinforcement. The results of the proposed algorithm conform exactly to OpenSees results. Although this results doesn't match exactly with experimental results, but the general form of moment-curvature curves are similar to somewhat that has been obtained in experiments. The main reason of this difference relates to the value assigned to the ultimate compressive strain of concrete. Since the Park model for estimate of ultimate compressive strain of concrete has been applied, and the efficiency of that is not to the point of this study, the mentioned difference is acceptable.
Morteza Sarvari, Mehdi Divandari,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
Applications of aluminium and magnesium castings have been increased, as a result of increasing demand for the light weight components in various sectors of industries, in recent years. In this work an Al/Mg bimetal was prepared by casting Al melt into a cylindrical Mg bush, with 35 mm height and 76 and 84 inner and outer inner diameter, rotating at 1200 and 1600 revolutions per minute (rpm), 0.9, 1.6 and 2.7 melt-to-solid volume ratio and 30, 120, 150 and 200 oC preheating temperature, respectively. Vertical centrifugal casting process was selected for producing samples. In this process melt is under effect of centrifugal, coriolis and gravity forces during filling. Difference between shrinkage of Al and Mg led to the formation of mechanical bond in the interface. The results of scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that concentration gradient changes from Mg to Al side in such a way that three sub layers including Al3Mg2 and Al12Mg17 intermetallics plus eutectic microstructure (Al12Mg17 and δ), were formed, based on aluminium and magnesium phase diagram, in the interface
Volume 15, Issue 77 (9-2018)
Because of their positive effect, probiotic bacteria widely used in the manufacture of food, particularly in the production of dairy products. but having high cholesterol and lactose intolerance problem is an important restrictions on the use of dairy products. Recently, the consumption of non-dairy probiotic foods specifically non-dairy probiotic juices were developed. The aim of this study was to examine the growth trend of Lactobacillus acidophilus in the two varieties of Pomegranate juice Shahreza and Natanz. After inoculation of bacteria to each samples, they were stored at 4 ° C and changes in pH, titratable acidity, the sediment, as well as live cell counts were measured under controlled conditions at distinct times during fermentation. The results showed that there was lower survival of bacteria in Natanz pomegranate juice due to the lower pH. The microbial populations during the first week was decreased from 7.43 to 4.5 logarithmic cycles, While microbial populations of Shahreza pomegranate juice was decreased from 7.49 to 5.33 logarithmic cycle at the same time. In the second week of research, there was no bacteria detected in both treatments. Both treatments showed a significant decrease in pH, sediment and bacteria population at the end of maintenance, but the changes in acidity were not significant (p˂0.01). There was no desirable effect on sensory properties of pomegranate juice after adding probiotics Bacteria
Ahmad Reza Rahmati, Hossein Khorasanizadeh, Mohammad Reza Arbyar Mohammadi,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)
In this paper, magnetogasdynamics with outlet Knudsen of 0.2 is studied in a pressure-driven microchannel. By using a developed code, the effects of changing magnetic field parameters including power and length with implementation of slip velocity at the walls has been simulated numerically. The geometry is a two dimensional planar channel having a constant width through all. The flow is assumed to be laminar and steady in time. In order to analyze the variation of velocity, pressure, Lorentz force and induction magnetic field, the governing equations for flow and magnetic fields have been solved simultaneously using the lattice Boltzmann. No assumption of being constant for parameters like Knudsen and volumetric forces are made. Another feature of this research is to improve the quantity of results which is a major problem in this method and many studies have been done in this area. This study represents the results tending to that of analytical relations by using a second order accuracy for calculation of slip velocity and correction of pressure deviation curve in compare with the past studies if a proper relaxation time is determined. The simulation results show a change in Fx profile to M if the length of external magnetic field length reduces to 40% of the whole. Removing applied magnetic field from both ends of the channel will increase pressure gradient at the intermediate part and displaces the section at which the maximum pressure deviation occurs. Slip velocity and centerline velocity behave different for the reduced magnetic field length.
Elyas Kermani, Ehsan Roohi,
Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)
Accurate modeling of the sub-grid scales (SGS) is crucial in determining the accuracy of the large eddy simulations (LES) in turbulent flow analysis. In recent years, new branches of the sub-grid scales models called gradient-based models were developed in computing the sub-grid scales stresses and heat fluxes and used in large eddy simulations. In this work, the modulated gradient model (MGM) equations were implemented in the OpenFOAM package, and pimpleFoam solver was modified to improve the solution accuracy. The modulated gradient model is based on the Taylor-series expansion of the sub-grid scales stress and employs the local equilibrium hypothesis to evaluate the sub-grid scales kinetic energy. To assess the accuracy of the modulated gradient model as well as the improved pimpleFoam solver, turbulent channel flow at a frictional Reynolds number of 395 was simulated via the OpenFOAM package and results were compared with the direct numerical simulation (DNS) data as well as the numerical solution of the Smagorinsky, Dynamic Smagorinsky, Deardorff models. The results show that modulated gradient model evaluates first and second order turbulence parameters with a high-level of accuracy.
Reza Abdi Behnagh, Hadi Abdollahi,
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)
The poor formability of Mg results in crack and failure in workpiece material during rolling process and limits its applications in different industries. Numerical modeling of the process can guarantee that the required product properties are met with a minimum production cost. The numerical modeling of the rolling processes requires the coupling of several models including different physical phenomena such as the deformation of the workpiece with its thermo-metallurgical evolution and the thermal evolution of the rolls with its mechanical deformation. On the other hand, in finite element modeling of the rolling process, the meshes of the workpiece are often highly distorted. The high distortion in meshes decreases the confidence in the predicted results. Many formulations based on the viscoelasticity behavior of workpiece material are encountered in the literature to model the rolling process, each with their pros and cons. This present work introduces the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation, in which the workpiece is divided into three regions (unrolled, in rolling deformation, rolled) to simulate material flow during the process. The comparison of the results with the literature shows that the temperature and strain fields are well predicted by the proposed model. All of the simulations have been done in the two-dimensional mode with ABAQUS/Explicit software.
Kaveh Rahmani, Gholam-Hossein Majzoobi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
In this study, quasi-static compaction is employed to produce Mg-SiC nanocomposite samples. Different volume fractions of SiC nano reinforcement and micron-size magnesium (Mg) powder as the matrix are used to fabricate nanocomposite specimens. The powder mixture for each percent of SiC are mechanically milled. The mixed powder is then placed into a mold and is consolidated at different temperatures using Instron machine. MoS2 is utilized as a lubricant to decrease the friction between the fabricated specimen and the mold. It is found that with the increase of temperature the sintering requirements is met and higher quality samples are fabricated. The density, hardness, compressive strength in high and low strain rate of the compacted specimens are compared for different volume faction of SiC at 25, 250 and 450 oC. It was found that by increasing the content of nano reinforcement, the relative density of the compacted samples decreases, whereas, the micro-hardness and the strength of the samples enhance. Furthermore, higher densification temperatures lead to density increase and hardness reduction. Additionally, it is shown that the compressive strength at high strain rate compared to low strain rate is significantly improved by increasing the SiC nano reinforcement so that dynamic strength for the same level of SiC was 55% higher than the quasi-static strength.
M. Jalili, B. Soltani, A. Nayebi,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2-2020)
In the present research, a multiscale method based on crystal plasticity finite element method and computational homogenization is proposed to simulate monotonic and cyclic plastic deformation of a highly textured rolled magnesium alloy AZ31. All active deformation mechanisms including slip, twinning as well as detwinning have been simulated in the model through user material subroutine in ABAQUS (UMAT). All representative volume elements have been constructed, synthetically. Polycrystal laminate has been reproductive by representative volume element (RVE) and periodic boundary conditions have been applied on the RVE faces. For cyclic validations, uniaxial compression-tension along extrusion direction has been applied for 2 loading cycles and the problem at the macroscopic scale has been solved by the ABAQUS finite element solver. The results are in good accordance with the experimental curves and the proposed model can accurately predict all cyclic behavior characteristics like asymmetry in a stress-strain curve due to alternating twinning-detwinning, tensile and compressive peak stresses, twinning and detwinning.
M. Ahmadi, H.r. Rezaei Ashtiani ,
Volume 20, Issue 9 (9-2020)
The isothermal forging process has the ability to produce complex industrial parts from alloys that do not have high formability, such as aluminum alloys. Eliminating the temperature difference between the part and the die in this method eliminates the problem of cooling the part due to heat transfer to the die. In this study, the hot isothermal forging of AA6061 aluminum alloy in different conditions of process including lubricant type, dimensions and size of primary ingot, temperature and rate of deformation, to produce a complex industrial part numerically and experimentally was investigated. Deform 3D software was used to simulate this process. Comparison of experimental and numerical results showed a good agreement of results. The best dimension of the primary ingot for the studied piece is cylindrical with an initial diameter of 35mm and an initial height of 32mm. Increasing the temperature, reducing the deformation rate and using the appropriate lubricant reduced the amount of required forging force. Reducing the deformation rate from 25-2.5mm/s reduced the required forging force to 1.8 times. Increasing the forging temperature from 380 to 530℃ reduced the amount of forging force about 3.5 times and reducing the hardness of the part about 20%. The results showed that due to the complexity of the forging part, different areas of the part were affected by different strain values, which changes the percentage of secondary phases such as Mg2Si phase in these areas.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2020)
The self-sufficiency policy for wheat production in Iran has increased external costs for the country besides causing the destruction of water and land resources. Nevertheless, due to various political, economic, and socio-economic reasons, self-sufficiency in wheat production in Iran is a binding policy. According to statistics, an average of about 67 percent of wheat production across the different regions of Iran is irrigated wheat. Thus, in this study, the effect of a guaranteed price policy on the distribution of irrigated wheat land-use in Iran during the period 2001–2016 was evaluated with an emphasis on the role of the regional differences using the pooled mean group approach. The results indicated that, in the long run, the increase in the irrigated wheat land use in the country would be sensitive toward the increase in the guaranteed price of wheat and the yield per hectare. However, with the rise in the price of barley, in the long run, the irrigated wheat land use would decrease further. In addition, in the short run, the increase in the irrigated wheat land use in most of the western provinces is sensitive to the increase in the yield per hectare, and in most of the central provinces, it is sensitive to the changes in the barley prices. Finally, in order to have adequate land for irrigated wheat in the country, both in the short and long run, it is proposed that the farmers' expectations regarding the guaranteed price policy and improvement in the yield per hectare of this product be satisfied.