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Showing 10 results for Micropump

Mostafa Bahremandi, Seyed Ali Mirbozorgi,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2013)

Internal-force-driven flows in which the force acting on channel cross sections have a perfect uniform distribution create a fully developed velocity field even the axial distribution of these forces is non-uniform. In this situation, firstly the driving force with non-uniform axial distribution can be removed temporarily and then one can use an equivalent axial uniform body forcealternatively throughout the channel. In this case, although the distribution and the driving force change but the resulting velocity profiles remain unchanged. The main advantage of thisreplacement is thatthe solution of the equations in the 3-D geometries canbe converted to a 2-D solution using Poisson equationin the channel cross section. After determining the velocity distribution in the cross section, one caninverselycalculate the actual pressure distribution easily. This will be done by resuming the real axial force. One of the applications of this simplification is that the simulation of MHD channel flows can be carried out easily.Good agreement between the results of the new solution method and the results ofthe perfect solutions shows that the present method with enough accuracy can be used for prediction of velocity and pressure fields in microfluidic networks.Consequently the heavy costs of 3-D analysis are reduced considerably.
Kazem Mohammadzadeh, Ebrahim M. Kolahdouz, Ebrahim Shirani, ,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2013)

In this study, the effect of number of stages on Tesla microvalve performance has been studied. To do this, different layouts including one to four-stage microvalves are investigated numerically. The main criterion is used for evaluation of valves performance is diodicity. Two-dimensional and steady state computations of the fluid flow have been utilized that reveal a strong dependence of diodicity on Reynolds number and the pressure drop. The results showed that for the same flow condition, the diodicity average of the two-stage microvalve is approximately 1.32 times of that of one-stage. Additional stages increase the complexity and they do not change the diodicity considerably. It is concluded that two-stage layout of Tesla type valve is the best option between the studied layouts. A two-stage layout of this valve in valveless micropump besides being compact, has the adaptability of the various functions. Also, the two-stage valve performance in three different sizes is compared with nozzle - diffuser type valve. Comparisons which are performed based on calculation of diodicity for applicable range of Reynolds numbers show that the diodicity is function of Reynolds number and is independent of the valve size. Also, the superiority of the Tesla type valve for higher Reynolds number and its weakness at lower Reynolds number are shown.
Seyed Ali Mirbozorgi, Morteza Dallakehnezhad,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)

In this paper the effect of electromagnetic field lengths to change simultaneously is simulated on the temperature distribution and flow velocity of a MHD micropump considering the lateral electromagnetic diffusive regions. The geometry of flow is a two-dimensional channel between two parallel plates and the flow is assumed to be incompressible, steady and laminar. In addition, thermophysical properties such as the dynamic viscosity and electric conductivity of fluid are considered to be the function of temperature. The governing equations of both flow and electromagnetic fields have been solved using the finite volume numerical method a comprehensive analytical solution including velocity, pressure and temperature filed distributions has been derived for an special case. The numerical results show that by changing the length of electromagnetic fields and considering the fluid (water) properties as a function of temperature, for flow in a 1000 mm2 cross-section channel, magnetic field intensity 0.025 Tesla and electric field strength 20 volt/mm, the flow rate reaches 250 mLit/s and the mean cup temperature from 25 0C at entrance reaches to 40 0C at the exit of channel. However for constant properties, the flow rate and the mean cup temperature reach 70 mLit/s and more than 60 0C respectively.
Shahram Derakhshan, Keyvan Yazdani,
Volume 14, Issue 13 (3-2015)

In this work, A 3-dimensional model is developed to investigate fluid flow in a magneto-hydrodynamic micropump. The equations are numerically solved using the finite volume method and the SIMPLE algorithm. This study analyzes the performance of the magnetohydrodynamic micropump. For this purpose, a magnetohydrodynamic micropump built in 2000, is simulated. The micropump has a channel with 20mm length, width of 800 , height of 380 and an electrode with 4mm length. The applied magnetic flux density was 13mT and the electric current was different for various solution (10-140 mA). The results show that the intensity of the magnetic field, the electric current and the geometry has an effect on the magnetohyrodynamic micropump performance. By increasing the amount of magnetic flux and electric current the average velocity increases. decreasing the channel length would increase the mean flow velocity. by increasing the channel depth, the mean flow velocity initially increases and then decreases, while at a depth of approximately 700-800 the maximum averaged velocity will be resulted. The velocity increases by Increasing the channel width to 1500 , however the velocity remained unchanged for larger values.
Hojat Khozeymeh Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)

In this paper, a numerical study has been performed to investigate the effect of geometrical parameters of a viscous micro-pump on the flow rate and entropy generation. The present research has been carried out for three geometrical parameters of micro-pump including eccentricity (), sizes (S) of rotors and also their distance from each other (L) in the range of 0.1 to 0.9, 1.5 to 3.5 and 0.85 to 4.5, respectively. The results show that with increasing , the micro-pump flow rate also increases. On size variation effects, it is observed that decreasing the downstream rotor diameter, while keeping constant the upstream rotor diameter, the flow rate decreases exponentially. By increasing L, a steep increase in flow rate is initially observed, which becomes almost constant, when rotors are sufficiently far apart. With regard to entropy analysis, the effect of above geometrical parameters has been investigated on the entropy generation. The parameter RS indicating the ratio of the gradient of the entropy production rate to the related flow rate is introduced as a tool for entropy analysis. Also in this paper, for obtaining the maximum flow rate at the minimum frictional dissipation, optimal geometrical parameters are extracted. In this regard, the values of L=2, ε=0.5, S_1=1.5 and S_2=2.5 are selected as the optimum geometrical parameters of viscous micro-pump.
Hojjat Khozeymeh-Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)

In present paper, a numerical study is performed for analysis of effects of geometrical and operational parameters of viscous micropump with the approach to Entropy Generation Minimization by Lattice Boltzmann Method. In study of effect of change in the geometric parameter L and operational parameters ∆P*, it was found that in all ∆P*s, two range of L=1.2 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.8 at EGM viewpoint and two range of L=1.1 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.9 at the minimum power of rotors viewpoint are introduced as optimum ranges. Due to the full overlap of optimum ranges at the EGM viewpoint with the minimum power of rotors viewpoint, the same range mentioned in the EGM viewpoint is selected as the optimal range. Results of the effect of change in the geometric parameter L and operational parameters Re showed that in all Res, two range of L=1.1 - 1.5 and L=4.5 - 4.9 at the EGM viewpoint and two range of L=1.2 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.8 at the minimum power of rotors viewpoint are introduced as optimum ranges. Therefore, the common range of these viewpoint namely L=1.2 - 1.5 and L=4.5 - 4.8 can be selected as the most optimal range. Regarding the effect of change in the geometric parameter ε and operational parameters Re and ∆P* is determined in all Res and ∆P*s, the range of ε = 0.1 – 0.5 is selected as optimum range in the EGM viewpoint and the minimum power of rotors viewpoint.
Hojjat Khozeymeh Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

In the present paper, a numerical study is performed for analysis of 3D effects of geometrical parameters namely microchannel depth, eccentricity and sizes of rotors and operational parameter namely pressure difference on flow flux and efficiency by LBM. In investigation of simultaneously variation effect of geometrical parameters namely rotors eccentricity and microchannel depth is observed in all depths, increasing the eccentricity, both flow flux and efficiency increased. Also, in a constant eccentricity both flow flux and efficiency increased. In the next investigation that simultaneously effect of geometrical parameters namely rotors sizes and microchannel depth is discussed determined that in all depths, decreasing the rotors sizes, flow flux decreased. But for efficiency, it became less in the lower depths and increasing depth the efficiency increased. In final, the effects of operational parameter of pressure difference and geometrical parameter of microchannel depth on flow flux and efficiency has been studied. As the results show, increasing the pressure difference, flow flux linearly decreased so that it became zero at the certain pressure. Moreover, efficiency variations vs. pressure difference parabolically is observed.
Abbas Ehsani, Amir Nejat,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

In the present work, a novel electromagnetic actuation flexible-valve micropump using the fluctuating elastic wall is proposed, based on one-way lymph transfer mechanism. A time dependent magnetic field is used for actuating the magnetorheological elastomer (contractible) wall. Two flexible valves are located in two terminals of microchannel in order to filter bidirectional flow and generate one-way fluid flow. Water properties are used for simulation and the maximum Reynolds number is not exceeded from 30, Womersly number is lower than 1 in all cases. Knudsen number is much less than unity, therefore no-slip condition is valid at walls. A fully coupled magneto-fluid-solid interaction approach using time dependent study of two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow is performed. All solid parts follow Hook’s law and simulation is carried out using finite element approach by COMSOL Multiphysics software. A parametric study is conducted and the effect of key geometrical, structural and magnetical parameters have been examined on the net pumped volume. Present micropump is able to generate unidirectional flow and propel net volume of fluid left to right, and the net pumped volume of fluid is affected by design parameters. The proposed design can serve in a wide range of microfluidic applications for example, flow rate and total mass transfer are completely controllable. At the end of the study, an optimum geometrical design based on initial model is proposed. The final design is capable to transmit nearly two times of net volume compare to initial model and more than three times of the previous design.
Hojat Khozeymeh Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)

In the present paper a numerical simulation based on the LBM is performed to analyze a viscous micropump with a single elliptic rotor. The effects of three important geometric parameters including aspect ratio of rotor, micropump height and rotor eccentricity are investigated on the average flow rate and entropy generation. The obtained results from the simulations are analyzed by response surface method (RSM). The results indicate that the average flow rate increases by increasing the aspect ratio and rotor eccentricity and decreases by increasing the micropump height. Moreover, the sensitivity of the average flow rate to changes of aspect ratio and eccentricity is more than the change of microchannel height. The results also show that by increasing all three geometric parameters, the average entropy generation increases and is sensitive to changes of three geometric parameters. Finally, the optimal geometric parameters are determined by RSM that for maximizing the flow rate, the optimum values of 1, 1.5 and 0.9 are for aspect ratio, height and eccentricity respectively and for minimizing the entropy generation, the optimum values of 0.2, 1.5 and 0.1 are achieved.
Hassan Nemati Garetapeh, Majid Rajabi,
Volume 24, Issue 6 (5-2024)

Objective: Advances in microelectromechanical (MEMS) technologies over the past few decades have contributed to the rapid development of a wide range of microfluidic devices with different functionalities. Fluids are driven through microfluidic systems, therefore, in the current research, it is intended to parametrically investigate the effects of the main parameters, namely length, width and angle of attack of valves, piezoelectric length and applied voltage. Method: The approach of the present research is applied and analytical-experimental with numerical simulations where the tensile force is calculated using COMSOL Multiphysics software and the equations are calculated using the fully coupled algorithm in COMSOL Multiphysics. Findings: The results of the present research show that the main parameters significantly affect the performance of the designed micro pump. So that the applied voltage is 400 volts, the angle of attack is 45 degrees and the width of the valves is 6 micrometers, respectively for the piezoelectric length of 4, 2 and 5 mm, the flow rate is 6. 0.6, 9.6 and 16.6 microliters per minute are obtained. For valve widths of 6 and 8 micrometers, optimal attack angles of 60 and 65 degrees, the corresponding flow rates are 11.11 and 5.9 microliters per minute, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present research and the investigation of the behavior of the micropump and its output flow rate changes in different working conditions, as the length of the valves increases, the flow rate provided increases. Finally, there is a favorable condition for the width and angle of attack of the valves. This optimal width does not depend on the flow speed.

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