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Showing 1 results for Planar Seams
Z. Naseriasl , R. Fesharakifard, H. Ghafarirad ,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (4-2019)
Nowadays, the need of welding industry's to improve weld quality has led to the consideration of robotic welding. The use of articulated industrial robots for welding has many challenges. Because some robots do not have the capability of online error compensating of the seam track. Therefore, in order to remove the welding seam tracking error, the use of an auxiliary mechanism is proposed in this article. This mechanism is a table with 1-degree of freedom (dof), which produces a continuous motion in workpiece under the welding torch. The rotational motion of the motor is transformed into a translational motion of the workpiece by a ball-screw system, where this linear motion compensates the tracking error. Since in the welding process, relative motion accuracy of the workpiece and the welding torch is crucial, proper control of the interface table ensures the weld quality. In this paper, two different methods for controlling the table with 1-dof are studied. In the first method, due to the complexity of friction model of the ball-screw mechanism and the presence of nonlinear terms, this part of the model is considered as an external disturbance, and, then, a PID controller for the linear part is designed. In the second method, known as feedback linearization, a control law is designed for that the tracking error tends to zero by passing time. Throught a comparison between the simulation results, the second control method demonstrates better precision relating the first controller. While the error of PID controller equals to 3 mm and the second controller’s error does not go beyond 0.5 mm. At last, the experimental cell used for the robotic welding is introduced to evaluate the mentioned results.