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Showing 23 results for Plasticity

Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2020)

In this study, the morphological variation of Oxynoemacheilus bergianus was studied in the different rivers of the Namak Lake and Caspian Sea basins using traditional morphometric method. For this purpose, a total of 76 specimens were collected from eight river systems and after fixation into 4% buffered formalin, transfered to the laboratory, a total of 31 morphological characteristics were measured using digital calipers. After standardization, the morphometric data were analyzed using multivariate analysis including principal component analysis (PCA), canonical variate analysis with p-value obtained from MANOVA (MANOVA/CVA) and cluster analysis (CA). The results showed significant differences in 24 traits between the studied populations (P<0.05), which anal fin depth and the ventral-anal fin distances were main discriminative ones. CVA analysis was able to separate the studied populations. Also, CA placed the Gharesu and Sefid populations in a clade and separate from other populations. The observed differences may be related to phenotype plasticity in response to environmental conditions.

, , Saeed Ziaei-Rad,
Volume 13, Issue 9 (12-2013)

Metals have a crystalline structure and the plastic flow in these materials occurred in the special crystalline planes and special crystalline directs that occurs in the planes. This mechanism is related to metals plastic deformation in the microscopic level. In this mechanism, non homogenous microstructure and the effect of crystalline direction play a major rule in the material behavior. Crystal plasticity constitutive equations are used for investigation of the crystalline direction effect and material texture. Voronoi method is used for simulating the non homogenous microstructure in plastic deformation. In this study, the elastic modulus parameters obtained by molecular dynamic simulations. Finally, the plastic deformation of Fe metal is simulated with finite element method that good agreement was observed with the experimental data.

Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Understanding the behavior of concrete at high strain rates loading is a critical issue for theory and applied purposes. The concrete is non-linear, rate-sensitive and pressure-dependent material that will add more difficulties in its modeling at high loading conditions such as impact penetration situations. In the present study, numerical simulation of penetration in a concrete target using an advanced plasticity concrete model is presented using explicit finite element (FE) analysis. A full 3D FE model of impact on unreinforced concrete specimens is carried out. The analysis includes initiation and progressive damage of the composite during impact and penetration Also comparison between some empirical solutions is carried out and their accuracy and precision are checked used experimental solution. Concrete nonlinear behavior was modeled using RHT model which is an advanced plasticity model for concrete at high strain rate loading condition. Two test examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed method. They involve the impact of an ogive-nose projectile on concrete cylinders with variable dimensions. The FEM computational results obtained using RHT plasticity model are very close to the test data, implying that the proposed method will be promising in studies of impact analyses of concrete structures subjected to impact loading. In using RHT model with the default model parameter values, the experimental results cannot be reproduced satisfactorily. Deduced results having good agreement withexperimental ones using suitable calibration of plasticity model parameters value. The RHT plasticity concrete model was developed as an enhancement to the JH concrete model by the introduction of several new features. In this new model, the strain hardening and the third invariant dependence were considered. An independent fracture strength surface was incorporated to allow for a more appropriate modeling of the material softening response. In addition, the concrete hydrostatic tensile strength was made rate dependent. Using a modified parameter setting, the RHT model implemented in AUTODYN hydrocode exhibits a generally excellent behavior. In this paper also, a comprehensive evaluation study of several widely used empirical penetration depth relation is presented. The model formulations are scrutinized and numerical tests are carried out to examine their actual performances subjected to various loading conditions. Comments on the limitations and the appropriate use of these models are given. In addition to penetration depth, damage extension, concrete sapling, scabbing and output velocity of missile and other time dependent structural quantities can captures well. This is in contract with imperial relations that have only penetration depth calculation capability for special conditions. On the other hand investigating of empirical relation shown in addition to their finite application ranges, they haven't good results in majority of cases. Among them, US army corps of engineers'' experimental based relation have better results compared other empirical relations for calculation of penetration depth.
Mehdi Salmani Tehrani, Mohammad Reza Hemati,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (8-2014)

In this paper, elastic-plastic deformation of a rotating hollow FGM cylinder is analytically studied based on small strain theory and for plane-strain state. Variation of elasticity modulus, density and yield stress are assumed to obey power-law functions of radial coordinate. Material was assumed to obey Tresca yield criterion and its associated flow rule. To evaluate and validate the presented analysis, numerical results were compared with previously published results for homogeneous and also FGM cylinder with constant density and yield stress, as two special cases. Then the effect of density and yield stress variation, which was not considered in the previous researches, was investigated on the elastic-plastic deformation of the FGM rotating cylinder. The results show that when the variation of density and yield stress is ignored, considerable differences may arise not only in the magnitude of computed radial displacement and stress and strain components, but also in predicting the pattern of yield initiation and also plastic zone development.
Gholamhossein Majzoobi, English Khademi, Samaneh Pourolajal,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (3-2015)

The Chaboche kinematic hardening model is generally used for modeling the plastic behaviour of material under quasi-static cyclic and monotonic loadings. This model is independent of strain rate and its constants are normally determined through quasi-static tests. Therefore, it cannot predict material behavior under high strain rate condition. On the other hand, the dynamic behaviour of materials even in some cyclic loadings is usually strain rate sensitive. In this investigation, the constants of Chaboche model are identified at various strain rates through quasi-static and dynamic tests and using these constants the effect of strain rate is incorporated in the Chaboche model. Moreover, the stress-strain diagrams at different strain rates are predicted using artificial neural network (ANN) and the results are compared with the experimental data. The results from the strain rate dependent Chaboche model shows reasonable agreement with the experimental data and the prediction from ANN. It is also shown in this work that the constants of Chaboche plasticity model are strain rate dependent and if the neural network is trained properly, it can be used for interpolating between the experimental data
Hakimeh Alizade, Reza Ansari,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)

When the cantilever beam thickness is scaled down to micron, the dimension of material and the intrinsic length scale affect the mechanical behavior of the beam. The purpose of this paper is analyzing the bending of cantilever micro-beam and presenting an exact relation for the beam deflection using Chen-Wang gradient plasticity theory. To this end, the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is utilized to model a micro-beam and three cases including elastic, rigid-plastic and elasto-plastic beams are considered. Clear relations for elastic and plastic strains are given. For all mentioned cases, the beam deflection is determined for different intrinsic lengths and the obtained results are compared with each other and the data obtained from experimental tests and some explanations are presented. The results obtained from classical theory are also shown in the results section to prove that classical theories don’t have the capability to predict behavior of micron-size structures precisely. Numerical results clarify the dependence of responses to the range of dimensions and intrinsic lengths. The comparison between present results and those observed from experimental tests authenticate the reliability of utilized gradient theory.
Bahram Bandeshah, Abdorrahman Jaami Alahmadi,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)

Grains in polycrystalline texture have anisotropic deformation nature. This cause material to show completely different behavior at meso and micro scale than they do at macro scale. To be specific, deformation at these scales is heterogeneous and cannot be modeled using constitutive equation in continuum plasticity. In this paper, in order to investigate deformation behavior of 316L stainless steel at micro scale a crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) modeling system has been developed. The crystal plasticity equations were implemented in the ABAQUS/Implicit FE code through a user-defined material subroutine, UMAT. Verification was done through comparing the CPFE result against those obtained through implementing crystal plasticity formulation in MATLAB software. Comparison show good agreement between the analytical and CFFE result. Afterward, three dimensional simulation of tensile test on Stainless Steel type 316L is carried out using CPFE method and continuum macro mechanic FE. Deformation characteristic and localization behavior of single grain specimen at tensile test has been captured and predicted using CPFE method; on the other hand, macro mechanic finite element is unable of predicting localization and evolution of lattice at micro and meso scale. At the last part, a set of CPFE analysis are conducted on representative volume elements with 10 Grain and 5 set of different grain orientations. Results show a scattering in plastic part of stress-strain response of material with switching from one set of grain orientation to another set. It has been found that the material behavior at these scales is highly direction dependent.
Kurosh Hasanpour, Ali Shafiei,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

Increasing usage of metals in engineering structures has made the metal forming process become superior in the solid mechanic researches. Meanwhile, the physical theories are of high significance due to the individual features. The crystal plasticity theory is one of these theories. This theory predicts the texture evolution and deformation of these materials by modeling the plastic deformation mechanisms of crystal material’s micro-structure (such as metals). Connecting with micro-structure enables this theory to predict the anisotropy of single crystals, and also the prediction of some phenomena in polycrystals which are aggregate of single crystals, is possible. Presenting a suitable work hardening model which contains the anisotropy behaviors of single-crystals is very important. In this paper, at first, the principles of crystal plasticity are explained, and then by evaluating several experimental results and the most commonly used work hardening models, a new work hardening model will be presented. This model adapts better with experimental results, compared to the previous models. The scope of this research is specifically for crystal materials with FCC structure, nevertheless, some part of this research is applicable to the other structures.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2015)

The lateral spreading of mildly sloping ground and the liquefaction induced by earthquakes can cause major destruction to foundations and buildings, mainly as a result of excess pore water pressure generation and softening of the subsoil. During many large earthquakes, soil liquefaction results in ground failures in the form of sand boils, differential settlements, flow slides, lateral spreading and loss of bearing capacity beneath buildings. Such ground failures have inflicted much damage to the built environment and caused significant loss of life. The risk of liquefaction and associated ground deformation can be reduced by various ground improvement methods, including densification, solidification (e.g., cementation), vibro-compaction, drainage, explosive compaction, deep soil mixing, deep dynamic compaction, permeation grouting, jet grouting, piles group and gravel drains or SCs. Nowadays, using pile foundation is one of the popular solution for soils vulnerable to liquefaction. the pile with enough length more than liquefiable soil depth can reduce the large deformation and unacceptble settlements. Liquefaction and lateral deformation of the soil has caused extensive damage to pile foundations during past earthquakes. Several example of significant damages in pile foundation have been reported in the literature from the 1964 Niigata,1983Nihonkai-Chubu,1989 Manjil and 1995 kobe earthquakes. These damage have been observed mainly in coastal areas or sloping ground. evaluation of liquefaction in order to develop the northern and southern ports and implement coastal and offshore structures in Iran is of particular importance due to locating in a high seismic hazard zone and Liquefactable soil in coastal areas. Although, in recent years many studies have been conducted to understand the various aspects of this phenomenon, yet a lot of uncertainties have remained about the lateral deformations of the soil and its effects on deep foundations. In this study, behavior of pile groups (2 × 1, 1 × 3, 2 × 2 and 3 × 3) were evaluated using fully coupled three-dimensional dynamic analysis. Therefore, the influence of effective parameters such as number of piles, ground slope angle on soil and pile behavior has been studied using the finite element software Opensees SP v2.4. results indicate that most of the factors affecting the behavior of the pile, soil are not considered in the current design codes (such as JRA 2002) and these issues indicate the need to revise the current design and analysis methods.Lateral Pressures compared to that of JRA regulations show that these regulations cannot exactly predict pressures on pile and pile groups. Altogether comparing the results of numerical model of this research to various laboratory observations indicate that the use of numerical method can be reliable to predict the behavior of the soil and pile qualitatively and quantitatively using appropriate constitutive model and parameters for soil and pile. Keywords: Liquefaction soil, pile group, fully coupled numerical analysis, multi-surface-plasticity constitutive model.
Habib Ramezannezhad Azarboni, Mansour Darvizeh, Abolfazl Darvizeh, Reza Ansari,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2015)

Nowadays, availability, durability, reliability, weight and strength, as the most important factors in optimum engineering design, are responsible for the widespread application of plates in the industry. Buckling in the elastic or elastoplastic regim is one of the phenomena that can be occurred in the axial compressive loading. Using Galerkin method on the basis of trigonometric shape functions, the elastoplastic dynamic buckling of a thin rectangular plate with different boundary conditions subjected to compression exponetiail pulse functions is investigated in this paper. Based on two theories of plasticity: deformation theory of plasticity (DT) with Hencky constitutive relations and incremental theory of plasticity (IT) with Prandtl-Reuss constitutive relations the equilibrium, stability and dynamic elastoplastic buckling equations are derived. Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain model is used to describe the elastoplastic material property of plate. The effects of symmetrical and asymmetrical boundary conditions, geometrical parameters of plate, force pulse amplitude, and type of plasticity theory on the velocity and deflection histories of plate are investigated. According to the dynamic response of plate the results obtained from DT are lower than those predicted through IT. The resistance against deformation for plate with clamped boundary condition is more than plate with simply supported boundary condition. Consequently, the adjacent points to clamped boundary condition have a lower velocity field than adjacent points to simply supported boundary condition.
Behnam Davoodi, Ashkan Mahmoud Aghdami,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (8-2015)

In this article constitutive equations on dynamic behavior of off- axis polymer matrix composites in different strain rates were investigated. Using the Hill Anisotropy and assumptions governing in fiber composites, a model was developed to express the dynamic behavior of polymer matrix composites. Using the flow rules and effective stress and assumptions in fiber composites like non plastic behavior of composites in fiber direction, the Hill parameters were omitted and reduced to one namely a_66 parameter. This model was called2D one- Parameter Plastic Model (also it can be developed for 3D composite layers). This model was developed for off axis composites as well. For each composite with different fiber directions, effective stress- effective strain was introduced. With choosing the right value for parameter a_66 by try and error, all the stress- strain curves were collapsed in to one single curve. Using this model and the experimental static and quasi- static results gathered from different authors (in range of〖 0.01s〗^(-1)), a viscoplastic model was obtained which can predict the polymer composite respond both in static and high strain rate tests (between 400 s^(-1) and 700s^(-1)). Constant parameters in high strain rates in this model were calculated through extrapolating the data in the static test rang. The accuracy of this model was investigated and approved by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar test. The results showed that the visco plastic model can predict the dynamic respond of composite fibers in high strain rates very well.
Farajollah Zareh Jouneghani, Gholam Hossein Majzoobi, Ehsan Khademi,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)

Residual stresses of those which remain in the material even after removing the entire external load. Residual stresses may be compressive or tensile depending on the type of the external loads. Compressive residual stresses improve the mechanical properties particularly the fatigue life of material. Compressive residual stresses can be induced by different techniques. Due to its easiness and low cost, deep rolling is one of the widely used techniques in industry to create compressive residual tresses. Deep rolling process is numerically simulated in this work and the effects of some important rolling parameters such as ball diameter, feed rate, penetration depth, and number of passes on the distribution of residual stress are investigated. Chaboche cyclic plasticity model is used in the simulations. The constants of the Chaboche model are calculated from the strain control cyclic tests on Al 7075. The results are validated using the experimental and numerical results reported in the literature. The results indicate that the depth and magnitude of the compressive residual stress increase with the ball diameter increase, depth of penetration and number of passes. Also, the value of residual stress and its uniformity decrease by increasing the feed rate. In addition, Chaboche cyclic plasticity model can simulate material behavior in a low cycle loading such as deep rolling and using finite element method instead of experimental methods for measuring residual stresses reduces cost and time of solution and reveals more depth of residual stress distribution.
Nader Haji Aghajanpour, Mehrzad Sharifian,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

In the nonlinear elastoplastic finite element analysis, the stresses must be updated at each Gauss point of the elements in each iteration of each load increment by a stress-updating process. The stress-updating process is performed by integrating of the constitutive equations in plasticity. It should be noted that the accuracy of the integrating the constitutive equations highly affects the accuracy of the final results of the structural analysis. In this study, the von-Mises plasticity model along with the isotropic and kinematic hardening mechanisms is considered in the small strain realm. The constitutive equations are converted to a nonlinear equation system in an augmented stress space. The aforementioned nonlinear equation system is solved by an semi implicit technique. The precision of the solution is depended to the radius of the yield surface which is used in the process of the solution. Therefore, the relations are derived so that one can pick up the yield surface radius from each arbitrary part of plasticity step. Finally, to determine the best time of loading step for calculating the radius of the yield surface, the a broad range of numerical tests is performed.
Elyas Abdollahi, Tajbakhsh Navid Chakherlou,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

Accumulation of plastic strain during cyclic loading is one of the main reasons for fatigue failure. In order to predict the fatigue life of plates, it is necessary to calculate the accumulated plastic strain and the affecting parameters carefully. In this study, a combination of nonlinear isotropic and nonlinear kinematic hardening model (modified Choboche) was implemented in the commercial finite element code of ABAQUS, by using a FORTRAN subroutine to calculate the accumulation of strain in samples made from thin plates of aluminum. In this regard experimental, strain controlled and stress controlled cyclic tests were carried out, and the required coefficients for simulating the hardening behavior of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 were obtained and the accumulation of plastic strain was simulated at different uniaxial loading condition. The comparison of the experimental and the predicted results shows that, the determination of optimal coefficients for combined nonlinear isotropic and nonlinear kinematic hardening model (modified Choboche), has an adequate ability to predict the experimental results. The obtained results also show that, increasing stress amplitude and mean stress increase the strain accumulation. The results from 4 types of cyclic loading indicate that the stress ratio has a direct influence on the strain rate when the maximum applied cyclic load is kept the same, and an increase in stress ratio increases the accumulation of plastic strain. Moreover, the rate of strain accumulation at the first cycles is high while it is reduced by increasing the number of cycles.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (11-2017)

Composite construction in steel and concrete offers significant advantages for use as the primary lateral resistance systems in building structures subjected to seismic loading. While composite construction has been common for over half a century through the use of composite beam and joist floor systems, over the past decade a substantial amount of research has been conducted worldwide on a wide range of composite lateral resistance systems. These systems include unbraced moment frames consisting of steel girders with concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) or steel reinforced concrete (i.e., encased steel sections, or SRC) beam-columns; braced frames having concrete-filled steel tube columns; and a variety of composite and hybrid wall systems.
Structural walls are widely used in building structures as the major structural members to provide substantial lateral strength, stiffness, and the inelastic deformation capacity needed to withstand earthquake ground motions. In recent years, steel reinforced concrete (SRC) walls have gained popularity for use in high-rise buildings in regions of high seismicity. SRC walls have additional structural steel embedded in the boundary elements of the reinforced concrete (RC) walls. Walls with additional shapes referred as composite steel-concrete shear walls, contain one or more encased steel shapes, usually located at the ends of the wall.
Composite shear walls with steel boundary element are known as the structural members able to withstand high in-plane lateral forces at low displacement levels. Reinforced concrete shear walls with steel boundary element being performed in Iran are joined to the foundation, in boundary element section, usually through bolts and base plates. Most reliable codes of the world have nothing to say about the behavior of this type of shear walls, and no experimental studies or analyses have been conducted on the behavior of this type of shear walls. In the past decade, great effort has been devoted to the study of seismic behavior of SRC walls, for Design provisions for SRC walls have also been included in some leading design codes and specifications, for example, AISC 341-10 , Eurocode 8, and JGJ 3-2010
Exposed baseplates together with anchor bolts are the customary method of connection of steel structures to the concrete footings . In this paper, the influence of cross section of base plate’s joint bolts to the foundation and the wall’s longitudinal bars embedding within the area of boundary element in the foundation, on the behavior of this type of shear walls have been investigated. The finite element software is first calibrated and the accuracy of its results is validated through modeling the experimental samples. In this research, the concrete’s nonlinear finite element analysis method and concrete damage plasticity model have been used for the concrete’s behavior modeling. The results show that increasing in the level of bolt’s cross section and also the embedding of longitudinal bars of boundary element in the foundation cause an improvement of the capacity of these walls. However, these walls’ resistance against the normal axial loads is considered to be less than reinforced concrete shear wall.

Keywords: Reinforced concrete shear wall, Steel boundary element, Concrete damage plasticity model, Finite element model.

Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2017)

Study of the seismic response of a site, requires the accurate estimation of the Shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (D) of under ground layers in that area. According to the unsaturated condition of an extensive part of the earth surface, it is necessary to perform unsaturated tests to determine dynamic or cyclic parameters of these regions. On the other hand, because of inherent complications of unsaturated testing equipment, this field of experience has had less attention. But in recent years by development of advanced experimental equipment some studies have been developed based on the dynamic parameters of unsaturated soils.
A large amount of the researches related to cyclic and dynamic parameters of unsaturated soils are the studies about determination of these parameters in very small strain levels (initial shear modulus and initial damping ratio) and the effects of some factors such as suction, mean net stress, suction history, anisotropy and pre-consolidation on them, using bender element technique and resonant column torsional shear apparatus. But there is less attention in experimental studies in the strain ranges of medium to large and determination of the parameters G (shear modulus) and D (damping ratio), and also the normalized shear modulus reduction and damping ratio curves for unsaturated soils.
In this research, it is tried to determine the shear modulus and damping ratio parameters in medium to large strain levels using suction controlled cyclic triaxial apparatus and study the effect of changes in matric suction and mean net stress on these parameters in a kind of unsaturated clay with plasticity index of 24 under high loading rates. In this regard, some tests are performed on different paths including two suction levels (zero and 300 KPa), in mean net stress level of 200 KPa and three deviatoric cyclic stress ranges (18, 42 and 81 KPa) up to 60 loading cycles. Also a comparison is done between the results obtained from the current research and the results of another research which was performed in the same paths on a fine grained soil with plasticity index of 12 using the same equipment.
The results of this research show that increase in suction level results in raising shear modulus and decreasing in damping ratio values. In addition in the same strain level, by increasing the number of loading cycles, the shear modulus values are increased and the damping ratio values are decreased.
Considering the results of current research (unsaturated cyclic tests on unsaturated normally consolidated fat clay with plasticity index of 24) with the results of another experimental research in the field of unsaturated cyclic tests on unsaturated normally consolidated lean clay with plasticity index of 12, in the same sample preparation process and the same stress paths, is indicated that the changes of the shear modulus values of the high plasticity samples are in the lower level related to the values of the samples with plasticity index of 12. In the other word, the increase in plasticity index decreases the stiffness of the samples considerably. But the change in damping ratio values is shown relatively the same trend in both groups of the samples.
Siamak Soleymani Shishvan,
Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)

High temperature creep in nickel-based superalloys is investigated by discrete dislocation plasticity (DDP). A two-dimensional unite cell model representing micro-structure of superalloy and comprising γ^' particles in γ matrix phase is considered under uniaxial constant stress loading. While plastic deformation of γ phase occurs by a combination of dislocation glide and dislocation climb coupled to the diffusion of vacancies, elastic γ^' particles undergo deformation due to the stress-driven interfacial diffusion at the γ/γ^' interfaces in addition to bulk elastic deformation. It is noted that diffusion of vacancies is explicitly considered where local concentration of vacancies determines climb of dislocations. This model predicts the onset of tertiary creep in superalloys as extensively observed in experiments for commercially important nickel-based superalloys at moderate stress and temperature levels. Possible associated mechanisms are accordingly discussed. Moreover, effects of parameters such as volume fraction of γ^' particles are studied and discussed. Superalloys with three values for volume fraction of γ^' particles are investigated and obtained results indicate that the volume fraction of γ^' particles plays an important role in the creep behaviour of superalloys. Results of this study can be used in a continuum constitutive rule to investigate structural components under operational conditions.
M. Jalili, B. Soltani, A. Nayebi,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2-2020)

In the present research, a multiscale method based on crystal plasticity finite element method and computational homogenization is proposed to simulate monotonic and cyclic plastic deformation of a highly textured rolled magnesium alloy AZ31. All active deformation mechanisms including slip, twinning as well as detwinning have been simulated in the model through user material subroutine in ABAQUS (UMAT). All representative volume elements have been constructed, synthetically. Polycrystal laminate has been reproductive by representative volume element (RVE) and periodic boundary conditions have been applied on the RVE faces. For cyclic validations, uniaxial compression-tension along extrusion direction has been applied for 2 loading cycles and the problem at the macroscopic scale has been solved by the ABAQUS finite element solver. The results are in good accordance with the experimental curves and the proposed model can accurately predict all cyclic behavior characteristics like asymmetry in a stress-strain curve due to alternating twinning-detwinning, tensile and compressive peak stresses, twinning and detwinning.

A. Khoddami, B. Mohammadi,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2020)

In the present study, solid particle erosion of Ti-6Al-4V alloy under multiple particles impact was investigated using finite element modeling. The erosive behavior of this ductile alloy has been simulated as a micro-scale impact model based on Johnson-Cook plasticity and failure equations. Erosive behavior is usually described by the volumetric erosion rate, which is introduced as the eroded volume ratio of alloy surfaces to the mass of the eroding particles. In this paper, the results of the finite element model were validated by comparing with results of typical erosion models. Then, effective factors on erosive behavior of alloy, such as impacting particles velocity, particles size, particles impact angle, temperature effects, and particles shape will be investigated. Results show that there is an exponential relation between particle velocity and erosion rate. Also, as particle size increases, the erosion rate increases at first and after a specific particle size, erosion rate presents a constant trend. The maximum erosion rate has been recorded at an impact angle of 40 degrees and a temperature of 473 Kelvin (average temperature of the middle stages of the compressor). It is shown that when spherical particles shape changes to the angular shape, the erosion rate increases more than four times.

Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2022)

In geotechnical and geo-environmental projects such as thermal stabilization, thermal remediation of contaminated soils and nuclear waste disposal, clays are always exposed to heat and heavy metal contamination. The study of the effect of heavy metal contaminants and thermal treatment on the geo-environmental engineering properties of clayey soils has long been considered by many researchers. Calcium carbonate as a major component of clay soils and as a non-plastic material reduces the plasticity properties of the soil. Calcium carbonate affects the process of heavy metal adsorption by clay particles. Accordingly, the presence or absence of calcium carbonate in the soil can have a secondary effect on the plasticity properties of clay. Generally, clayey soils retain the heavy metal contaminants by four phases. These phases include retention by cation exchange, precipitation by hydroxide carbonates (oxide and hydroxide), organic fraction and residual retention. A review of the literature studies has shown that little attention has been paid to the effect of retention phases of heavy metal contaminant on the plasticity properties of bentonite in thermal improvement from a micro-structural point of view. For this reason, this study is aimed to investigate the influence of retention phases of heavy metal contaminant on the behaviour of bentonite in thermal process. A natural bentonite soil is used in this study. The soil has been decarbonated by the use of hydrochloric acid.  To achieve the above mentioned objective, carbonated and decarbonated bentonite was prepared in a non-contaminated state and laboratory contaminated with heavy metal zinc (Zn) at concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 70 and 120 cmol/kg-soil. Contaminated and non-contaminated samples are first ground and then subjected to a temperature of 20, 110, 300, 400 and 500 °C for two hours. Then, by the use of Atterberg limit, XRD, pH and SSE experiments, micro-structural and macro-structural analysis of changes in carbonated and decarbonated bentonite plasticity properties has been investigated. According to the achieved results, in low concentrations of zinc heavy metals, calcium carbonate phase of heavy metal retention is the dominant phase in soil contaminant interaction process which prevents the change of bentonite structure. Therefore, the reason for the reduction of the Liquid limit is the reduction of the electrical charge of the clay particles, which is the result of lowering the pH. By an increase in contaminant content, all of the soil retention phases contribute to soil contaminant interaction process. Therefore, the role of calcium carbonate reduces in soil plasticity behaviour changes. As the temperature rises, Zinc metal as an accelerating agent has further reduced the Liquid limit in carbonated bentonite and decarbonated bentonite. In decarbonated bentonite, due to the absence of calcium carbonate, the clay particles adsorb more zinc. As a result, the effect of lowering the Liquid limit during increasing temperature by the heavy metal zinc in decarbonated bentonite is greater than in carbonated bentonite. Bentonite with its predominant sodium and zinc exchange cations loses its plasticity properties at temperatures of 400 and 500 °C, respectively, and the plastic limit for them is not measurable.

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