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Showing 2 results for Pollutants Emission

Fateme Tavakoli Dastjerd, Mohammad Mustafa Ghafuoryan, Saeed Farahat,
Volume 15, Issue 9 (11-2015)

In present paper, the effect of combined cooling, heating and power generation systems(CCHP) in the reduction of pollutants emission have been investigated and a hotel with 80 rooms in Zahedan have been selected as case study , also gas engine (With part-load operation) as prime mover for design CCHP system. In this work is assumed that sell electricity to grid is possible. At the first phase, optimization for access to maximum reduce Pollutants emission have been done, at the other phase, a multi-criteria function has been introduced and the optimization process, with Percentage of Relative Annual Benefit (PRAB) has been investigated and the results of these two phases, have been compared together. Results show, CCHP systems have a high effect in reduce environmental pollutants emission CO, CO2 and NOx, as the percent reduce pollutants emission is positive in an extensive range of nominal power of gas engine. Also results show for access to maximum reduce pollutants emissions , CO2, CO and NOx, annual benefit as multi-ceritria objective function a gas engine with nominal power 2050kW is needed; in this case in addition to the most annual benefit also have a good effect for reducing Pollutants emission. In the end, the effect of the number of prime mover as designing parameter assessed with increase from one into two and three numbers. Results show increasing prime mover, cause decrease Relative Annual Benefit and pollutants emission.
Morteza Habibi, Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi,
Volume 18, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Now a days gas turbines are widely used in the transportation and energy industry. According to Combustion of fossil fuels in these engine, environmental concerns have increased due to production of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. Various methods have been offered to reduce the emission of pollutants. One of these methods is adding steam or water to the combustion chamber to reduce the flame temperature. Different methods can be applied to add steam to the combustion chamber, in this study, the steam is added to the diffuser and premixed with air into the combustion chamber. Steam addition influences the combustion process inside the combustion chamber, which should be considered during the combustion chamber design process. Therefore, a model for the conceptual design of the chamber geometry and the effect of adding steam on it will be presented. For this purpose, the data from an actual combustion chamber will be used to compare results of geometry design by using this model and to study the influence of steam on the chamber geometry. To investigate the combustion chamber performance, the chemical reactor network method for combustion modeling will be used. First, with this procedure an annular conventional combustion chamber will be modeled without steam addition and the results of this method will be compared with the actual data of this combustor. Then the effect of adding steam on the performance will be investigated. The study will show adding steam is an effective way to reduce the flame temperature and emission of pollutants.

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