Showing 2 results for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
Hassan Hassanzadeh, Hadi Jafari,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)
Using the renewable energy resources has attracted the attention of researchers and automobile companies, because of limited fossil fuel resources, low efficiency of internal combustion engines and their environmental pollutions. By using the fuel cell systems instead of internal combustion engines can be partially overcome these problems. In this regard, the present article examines a PEM fuel cell system for using in an urban vehicle. In the first part of this article, by using the real component of system, the fuel cell system components including stack, membrane humidity of air and hydrogen, air compressor, water pump and pump cooler stack has been modeled in MATLAB Simulink environment. The mentioned model can evaluate the power consumption of system and its peripheral component and also required water, hydrogen and air for system. At the base case and the current density of 0.7A / cm2, 14% of power productions of stack are consumed by auxiliaries units. At this current density, the overall and net system efficiencies are 48.15% and 34.3%. In the second part of this article, the system from the point of view of the first law of thermodynamics has been optimized with objective functions of maximum output power and maximum efficiency. The results indicate that first model search method is best method for optimization, second at the Optimization with the aim of maximum power, pure power and system efficiency are increased 11.9% and 4% respectively and the power consumption by auxiliary unit is reduced 42%.
Seyed Mehdi Mahnama, Mehdi Mahnama,
Volume 16, Issue 11 (1-2017)
In this paper, the effect of adding a hydrophobic micro porous layer (MPL) at the cathode side of a PEM fuel cell on the cell performance is investigated. For this purpose, a three dimensional two-phase non-isothermal simulation of cathode side layers of a PEM fuel cell which includes gas channel, gas diffusion layer (GDL), hydrophobic micro porous layer (MPL) and catalyst layer (CL) has been performed. The governing equations of fluid flow in the fuel cell are solved with a multiphase mixture model via developing a code and distribution of velocity, pressure, temperature, species concentration and liquid water saturation at the various layers of the cathode side of fuel cell are obtained. Furthermore, the effect of physical and wetting properties of MPL including thickness, porosity, contact angle and permeability on saturation level and performance of the fuel cell are studied. The results show that by adding an extra micro porous layer between GDL and catalyst layer because of differencing in the wetting properties of the layers, a discontinuity appears in the liquid saturation and species concentration at the contact surface of them. In addition, according to the obtained results, increasing the MPL porosity cause to decreasing liquid water saturation and improving the cell performance. While increasing the MPL thickness decreases the cell performance. In order to validate the results, the performance curves calculated by single and two-phase simulating were compared with experimental results and a good agreement was found between them.