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Showing 1 results for Rans-Les Models
Amir Mohammad Jadidi, Ghassem Heidarinejad,
Volume 13, Issue 14 (3-2014)
Turbulent wind flow over buildings occurs due to the complexity like sharp corners, ground effect and different vortexes is one of the best choices to evaluate turbulence methods. DES and DDES are hybrid RANS-LES models for simulating turbulent flow which for their characteristic treat near wall as RANS and farther the wall act as LES model. Consequently computational time will decrease compared to traditional LES models. In this article to evaluate DES and DDES models, turbulent incompressible flow in Re = 22000 over 3D building is simulated using parallel processing facilities. For verification purpose other investigators experiment results are used. Also the mentioned models are compared with classic RANS and LES models, like k-ε and LES-Smagorinsky to depict their performance. Our results illustrate DES model with fine grid has good precision for simulating turbulent incompressible wind flow over building and decline of 26 percentage of computational time compared to LES-Smagorinsky model.