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Showing 1 results for Rotating Variable Thickness Disk

B. Shahriari, A. Karimian, M.r. Nazari,
Volume 19, Issue 9 (9-2019)

The present study is an attempt to analyze the yield threshold in a rotating variable-thickness disk made of functionally graded material (FGM) based on the Tresca yield criterion. The analysis was performed based on the small deformation theory and for the plane stress state. The modulus of elasticity, density and yield stress were assumed to be a power function of the radial coordinate. The Poisson’s ratio due to slight variations in engineering materials is assumed constant, and the equilibrium equation governing the rotating disk was solved analytically. In addition to the type of material, the disk cross section profile can affect the distribution of stress fields. The thickness of the disk cross-section varies in the radial direction by a power function. In the present analysis, various states are considered for onset yield and commencement of plastic flow. For evaluation and validation, the results of the study are compared to similar results related to specific states (homogeneous and functionally graded constant-thickness disk) investigated in previous references. The results show that considering variable thickness for disk section has a significant effect on the stress level and the prediction of onset yield point.

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