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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aimed to evaluate pragmatic skill of adult right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients using the Persian version of the Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication (M.E.C.). The statistical populations of the study were 10 adults, right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Two sets of tests were used in the present study. The first ones were screening tests included Lateral Preference Inventory (Corn test), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Persian Diagnostic Aphasia Battery (EQ1). The Performance of patients in protocol subtests were evaluated and compared with each other individually, intragroup and intergroup. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical methods and no meaningful relations were found between them. These findings indicated that damage to the right and left hemispheres of the brain leads to pragmatic impairments. However, damages to the right hemisphere increases the severity of pragmatic impairments more than damages to the left hemisphere.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aims to investigate the distribution of meaning in the narrative space of Abu Torab Khosravi's novel "Rood Ravi" drawing on the views of Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), a prominent semiotician and founder of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics. Lotman posits that active sign systems within specific social and geographical contexts derive their significative power from their interaction with a large body of signs present in the collective memory of the people of that context. In his book “Universe of the Mind” (Lotman, 1990), he refers to this conglomeration of signs as the "semiosphere," which he characterizes by features such as boundary, heterogeneity, and centrality. According to Lotman, significative density within the semiosphere is not uniform, and the density of meaning increases as one moves from peripheral regions to the center with cultural meta-structures charging more elements with meanings in the central regions. The study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate how temporal-spatial elements and character actions acquire meaning in the narrative space as the story progresses towards the center of Dar al-Miftah. The findings suggest that cultural meta-structures load more elements with signification in the central regions, resulting in a higher concentration of meanings in these areas.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive functions on verbal fluency. For this purpose, some cognitive functions and verbal fluency in adult patients with right hemisphere damage were evaluated. The methodological nature of this study is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of the study consists of 18 adult patients with right hemisphere damage and 18 healthy adults. Selective attention test, memory test, clock drawing test (visual neglect) and verbal fluency test were used to evaluate cognitive functions and linguistic skill of the subjects. Research data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that there is a significant difference between performance of adult patients with right hemisphere damage and healthy adults in the cognitive tests (P< 0.05). Likewise, in the verbal fluency test, there is a significant difference between performance of adult patients with right hemisphere damage and healthy adults (P< 0.05). In addition, the research findings showed that there is a correlation between cognitive functions and verbal fluency. Also, the results showed that damage to the right hemisphere of brain can lead to disorders in cognitive functions of patients with right hemisphere damage. Furthermore, it seems that impairment in cognitive functions can cause problems in language skills.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)

Accurate analysis of bitumen behavior as a viscoelastic material and its natural phenomena such as aging are important issues in pavement engineering. Therefore, controlling the low and high temperature properties of bitumens is essential to prevent low temperature cracking and common high temperature distress in order to provide proper service throughout the pavement life. In this study, the aging phenomenon and its effects on the mechanical properties of bitumens were simulated using the Superpave method, namely the RTFOT method for short-term aging and the PAV method for long-term aging. In order to investigate the effect of repeated PAV cycles on the properties of bitumens, three types of bitumen with different penetration degrees of 40-50 (PG70-16), 60-70 (PG64-22) and 85-100 (PG58-28) were selected and three samples of each were subjected to one to three PAV aging times. The beam shear rheometer (BBR) test was performed at three temperatures from 0 to -12°C and the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) at seven temperatures from 46 to 82°C. Based on the results obtained, the high temperature performance of the bitumens increased by a maximum of three grades and their low temperature performance increased by a maximum of two grades. In other words, the grading of the triple bitumens, after three times of PAV, became 82-4, 82-10, and 70-16, respectively. Also, the relationship between the high temperature performance properties of the aged bitumens and their chemical changes at different times of aging was investigated and their changes were examined to show the correlation between these properties. The results showed that the high temperature viscoelastic properties and the chemical aging index of the different bitumens had a strong linear relationship with a coefficient of determination (R2) of more than 0.9.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)

Moisture damage in asphalt mixtures poses significant challenges to infrastructure durability, necessitating accurate modeling for effective mitigation strategies due to the complex nature of moisture susceptibility. Current tests, such as those utilizing general indicators like the indirect tensile strength ratio, examine moisture susceptibility in asphalt mixtures. However, these tests incur substantial costs and require considerable time. Therefore, this study aims to develop moisture susceptibility prediction models using Multi-Gene Genetic Programming (MGGP). The research utilized four types of aggregates (two limestone and two granite types) and eight different Performance Grade (PG) bitumen types. The modified Lottman test method (AASHTO T283) was employed for moisture susceptibility assessment, with samples subjected to specific conditioning protocols including vacuum saturation (13-67 kPa absolute pressure), freeze-thaw cycles (-18°C for 16 hours), and hot water conditioning (60°C for 24 hours). Indirect tensile strength tests were conducted under controlled loading conditions (2 Hz frequency, 0.1s loading time, 0.4s rest period) at 25°C. The dataset comprised 34 samples and 11 variables to predict two key indicators: Inflection Stripping Point (ISP) and Stripping Slope (SS). The MGGP model demonstrated remarkable performance in predicting both ISP and SS, achieving R2 values of 0.981 and 0.974 for the test data, respectively. Several crucial parameters were analyzed, including the apparent film thickness (AFT) calculated using aggregate specific surface area, permeability measured through falling head test method (ASTM PS 129-01), and surface free energy components. The surface energy analysis incorporated both cohesive free energy (CFE) and adhesive free energy (AFE), with special attention to the acid-base theory components: Lifshitz-van der Waals (LW), Lewis acid (Γ+), and Lewis base (Γ-) components. For ISP prediction, the MGGP model identified key variables including the ratio of base to acid surface free energy (SFE), asphalt-water adhesion (ΓAsphalt-Water), cohesive free energy (CFE), adhesive free energy (AFE), permeability of asphalt mixture (PAM), asphalt film thickness (AFT), and degree of saturation (DS). The model for SS prediction emphasized the importance of ΓAsphalt-Water, aggregate-water adhesion (ΓAggregate-Water), wettability, specific surface area (SSA), PAM, and DS. The study employed various performance metrics to evaluate the MGGP models. For ISP predictions, the model achieved RMSE, MSE, and MAE values of 5.228, 27.337, and 3.843, respectively. For SS predictions, these values were 0.294, 0.086, and 0.231, respectively, indicating high accuracy and low error rates. These results surpass those of previous studies employing traditional Genetic Programming (GP) methods, highlighting the potential of MGGP as a powerful tool in modeling asphalt moisture susceptibility. The practical implications of this research are significant for improving asphalt mixture durability, reducing maintenance costs, and enhancing road safety. Future research could focus on validating the models across a broader range of asphalt mixtures and environmental conditions.

Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Urmia Lake and its surroundng wetlands have been severely affected by recent droughts (1998–2003) and a considerable decrease in inflow has affected lake ecosystem components. Integrated ecosystem-based management is a useful managing tool for the wise use and biodiversity conservation of wetlands. In the process of developing an integrated ecosystem-based management model for Urmia Lake, the identification of key stakeholders is of primary importance. In this research, stakeholder analysis is used as an effective tool for establishing collaborative management in the Urmia Lake catchment in terms of the following parameters and objectives: almost all stakeholders receive multiple benefits from Urmia Lake, either directly or indirectly; almost all stakeholders also cause impacts on the lake ecosystem, many of which result from activities that take place in areas located within in the Urmia catchment but far from the lake. In general, the stakeholders who receive the most benefits seem to cause the lowest impact (for example, Environmental groups), while those who receive fewer benefits may have larger impacts (for example, water resource managers). Recognizing that all stakeholders affect the lake in one way or another is an important concept that promotes the ethic that future management of the Lake should regarded as a shared responsibility between all stakeholders.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)

Evaluation of Liver Enzymes’ Level in Blood Serum of Crystal Addicts Introduction: Crystal or dimetamphetamine is one of the harmful substances which are imported to Iran in the last few years. Crystal is made of pure heroin. Its harmful effects are more than heroin. Addiction to crystal can produce psychological and organ damage. In order to find out which part of body could be affected, examination of enzymes is useful. Liver is one of the organs which can be infected by drug abuse. Liver function test can be used to show these harmful effects. The aim of the present study is to exanimate of the effects of crystal abuse on liver enzymes such as Aspartat transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Alkaline phosphatase in crystal abusers. Materials & Methods: The current study is a case-control and cross-sectional study on 105 crystal addicted as case group who had referred to addiction treatment center for the first time and 100 healthy people as control group. The activity of enzymes was measured by callorimetery-spectrophotometry method. Results were analyzed by T-test exam and SPSS-16 software. Results: results show that using crystal increases the level of AST, ALT and ALP and there is a significant relationship between crystal abuse and the level of ALP (p=0.027). In addition, there is a significant relationship between duration of crystal use and the level of ALP (p<0.05). Conclusion: comparing with AST and ALT levels, ALP level is more affected by crystal abuse.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2023)

In this study, a planetary ball mill was used for mechanical activation of phosphate concentrate by dry milling in argon atmosphere. To investigate the structural changes of fluorapatite, amorphization degree, crystallite size, micro-strain, particles size, specific surface area changes and new phase formation were investigated. The crystallite size and micro-strain were estimated using Williamson-Hall method. To investigate the influence of effective parameters on mechanical activation, the ball to powder ratio of 20:1 and 40:1 with two types of balls of 9.4 and 20 mm and speeds of 200 and 500 rpm was used. The results showed that agglomeration of particles occur at higher intensities of mechanical activation, but no phase change occurs during high intensity ball milling. The most variations in crystallite size, micro-strain, surface area, amorphization degree and XRD line broadening were for samples that were activated by smaller balls for longer time. The results of the Williamson-Hall plots showed that the maximum effect of mechanical activation on phosphate concentrate was in the first 20 minutes with small balls and the crystallite size, micro-strain and amorphization degree was changed from 225 nm, 0.09% and 0% for initial sample to 64.29 nm, 0.9% and 80.081% for mechanically activated sample, respectively. Also the results showed that changes in cell parameter at c direction had larger effect on unit cell volume. The maximum unit cell volume variations were corresponding to mechanically activated sample with 9.4 mm balls that changed from 525.4 (A3) for initial sample to 528 (A3) for activated one after 90 min.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Like other people with disabilities are entitled to the comfort of roads, streets, offices and banks in this regard with the problem and hinder traffic and do not. Failure to comply with appropriate legislation and remove architectural barriers at the level of problems for people with disabilities, veterans, people with disabilities, the elderly and .... Buildup. The purpose of this study was to create flexible urban streets and in accordance with the wishes and needs of the disabled. Cochran method is used. And randomly assigned 384 people with disabilities and 164 officials were evaluated. To collect data, a questionnaire was used. And data analysis, was done with SPSS software. The findings showed that in Region 2 and 10 of Tehran has been partially consistent with the standards. And if the implementation rules and regulations tailored to the needs of the disabled community, the movement of other people will improve.  In the current situation for lower share of the disabled population of the total population in the census; Lack of sufficient financial resources of municipalities, And a lack of understanding of the necessity of implementing rules and regulations tailored to the needs of the disabled community by the relevant authorities is the most important reasons the lack of compliance passages tailored to the needs of persons with disabilities.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Challenging the entire western philosophical tradition, which in his opinion has caused useless theoretical dualisms throughout the history of philosophy, Rorty wants to attempt to deconstruct and eliminate these dualisms in the context of "redemptive literary culture". By creating a dividing line between the private and public spheres, Rorty wants to specify the contribution and involvement of philosophers in presenting theoretical and philosophical views and to say that the political sphere does not need to acquire foundations from the individual criteria of the private sphere. It is as if Rorty wants to prevent the philosopher's ambitions and interference with theorizing by reducing philosophy to literature. In fact, he believes in the distinction between private and public spheres or politics, the philosopher's tool is imagination and his intellectual sphere is literary culture and his place is the private sphere. Assuming the acceptance of pragmatic criteria, doesn't this division of a person in two completely different areas make him a dual personality? Can this intellectual stance be reasonable and acceptable?

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Effect of controlled atmospheres (CAs) at various concentrations of CO2, N2 and O2 on the lethal times of Tribolium castaneum and Trogoderma granarium was investigated at 20 and 30 ºC. Experiments were performed using a recirculatory multi-flask apparatus. The results revealed that, the shortest times (0.1, 0.3 and 0.9 day for adults, larvae and pupae, respectively) required to obtain 50% mortality of T. castaneum stages were at 100% CO2 followed by 75% CO2, 50% CO2, 99% N2 + 1% O2 and 25% CO2, at higher tested temperature (30 °C). Adults were more sensitive to the different treated CAs than larvae, while pupae were the most tolerant stages. Diapausing larvae of T. granarium were the most tolerant to all treated CAs at tested temperatures. The effectiveness of CAs to decrease its LT50 values were 100% CO2 followed by 99% N2 + 1% O2 and 98% N2 + 2% O2 at 30°C. It may be concluded that diapausing larvae are more difficult to control with CAs than normal larvae. A treatment with N2 relying on the absence of O2 will take a longer treatment time to control the diapausing larvae and in late winter, exposure times needed for control may be even longer. If CAs were to be applied under such circumstances, a high content of CO2 would be the best option to achieve control in a comparatively short time.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Public sphere and social ethics are always among the basic topics of sociology discussions. The main hypothesis of this study is that «action in the public sphere» is an effective factor on increasing the experience of shame as social ethics. For examining the relationship between these two, Hannah Arendt's «Public sphere theory» and Morris Rosenberg's «Reflective evaluation» principles were used. The model considered in this study includes freedom belief, plurality, private self-disclosure and public self-disclosure, which are participated as effective variables (in two forms: directed and indirected) on the experience of shame. Statistical population of this study includes the students of Tehran University at undergraduate, graduate and PhD degrees. 400 of them were selected by quota sampling for responding using proportional size method. The required data were collected using survey and questionnaire methods. The results of statistical analysis showed that students' public self-disclosure, freedom belief, plurality, gender and education degree have significant impacts on the experience of shame as social ethics. Only the significant effect of private self-disclosure was not confirmed statistically.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2015)

During spring and summer of 2012, a disease characterized by panicle blight was observed on some pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees grown in Kerman province. Eighteen isolates of a Botryosphaeriaceae were obtained from affected panicles. Based on morphological and molecular characteristics, isolates were identified as Botrysphaeria dothidea. To our knowledge, this is the first report of B. dothidea associated with pistachio panicles in Iran.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

Abstract: ATP sulfurylase (ATPS) is widely distributed in all living organisms. Several different physiological roles have been proposed for ATPS in different species, including sulfate assimilation, sulfate reduction and pyrophosphate recycling. Also, ATP sulfurylase has many different industrial and laboratory applications. The aim of this study was to clone and express the gene that producing the recombinant ATPS protein from an Iranian strain of Geobacillus. After Isolation and identification of Geobacillus kaustophilus strain, DNA genomic was extracted. ATPS gene was amplified from genomic DNA by using a couple of specific primers for interested gene. PCR product of ATPS gene was observed as an 1188bp band on agarose gel. Then the PCR product was purified and cloned into the cloning vector. The ATPS band was sequenced after cloning and result of homology search in the NCBI database confirmed that the cloned gene was ATPS. The ATPS gene was subcloned in expression pET28a plasmid. Expression of recombinant ATPS protein in E. Coli BL21 (DE3) was analyzed using SDS-PAGE gel. Analysis of expressed ATPS protein on SDS-PAGE gel revealed a band at 47.5 KD. Using ATP luminescence method for measuring enzymatic activity of the protein showed that the recombinant protein is active. This is the first study on cloning, expression and enzymatic activity of the ATPS gene from the Geobacillus kaustophilus bacteria.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2020)

Research subject: In this research we studied the anti-corrosion properties of epoxy coating containing anti-corrosion pigment zinc phosphate with hydrophobic nano silica with different percentage also for determine the optimal conditions for preparation of nanocomposite Taguchi experimental design method was used.
Research approach: Anti-corrosion properties of epoxy coating under the influence of very important factors such as the percentage of nano silica, anticorrosive pigment and pigment to resin ratio according to model L9 taguchi method was studied and analyzed. Anti-corrosion properties of epoxy coatings were studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy test (EIS) in 3/5% NaCl aqueous solution and salt fog test (salt spray). To investigate the distribution of nano silica particles in epoxy resin were analyzed by transmion electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that using from zinc phosphate and nano-silica was able to improve the corrosion resistances.
Main results:Results shows that addition of zinc phosphate and nano silica to epoxy resin caused a decrease in number of blisters and corrosion products after exposure to corrosion test based on the results in Nyquist and Bode plots, also the similarity in results was observed for the epoxy coating loaded according to the optimum conditions with 8% zinc phosphate, 3% nano silica and pigment to resin ratio of one according to salt spary. The significance levels of the experimental parameters, which indicate how the factors affect the compressive addition of zinc phosphate and nano silica to epoxy resin, were determined by using variance (Anova) method.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2020)

In the present study, the agglomeration and fragmentation of asphaltene particles have been simulated in laminar using the simultaneous coupling of Discrete Element method and Computational Fluid Dynamics. A new coalescence model according to the nature of asphaltene has been proposed. Asphaltene flocs have been considered as irregular shape rigid object. Particle collisions and collision efficiency as well as the fragmentation of asphaltene flocs have been studied in details. Furthermore, the asphaltene particles growth and change in particle size distribution along with average fractal dimension changes have been investigated. During the flocculation of the asphaltene particles, the asphaltene particles grow slowly in the initial times. It can be explained by the agglomeration of primary particles and the formation of asphaltene flocs. In the middle time period, due to the collision of the flocs and the formation of large flocs, the growth of the asphaltene particles increase. At the late times, the fragmentations limit the floc growth, and eventually asphaltene particle size approximately reaches a constant value in the steady state. The lognormal distribution provides the best fit for the asphaltene PSDs which, according to previous studies, is also consistent with the nature of asphaltene. The results of proposed collision and fragmentation kernels based on simulation results are agreed well with previous studies.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Carbon sequestration in soil, leaf and litter of three tree species, viz. Eucalyptuscamaldulensis, Prosopisjuliflora and Ziziphus spina-christi, plantation was investigated in the Dehloran city, Iran. Results showed that the amount of sequestered C in leaf, litter and soil was significantly different among these species. The highest amount of sequestrated C was in leaf and the lowest amount in the soil. The results of this study would be useful for selection of appropriate species to develop green space and forest parks. Forest plantation of these areas would capture significant amounts of atmospheric C, and would be expected to contribute to soil quality and conservation.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2021)

In this research, the possibility of asphaltene separation from the vacuum tower residue using the low cost industrial solvents such as 402, 404, 406, and 410 was investigated. In order to separate asphaltene the IP143/01 and ASTM D 3279-07 separation methods were utilized. In order to find the optimal state of asphaltene precipitation, Design of experiments software with three factors of residence time, the solvent-to-feed ratio and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 406 and 410 were used. The results showed that the effectiveness of each parameter in precipitating the asphaltene attributed to the ratio of solvent to feed, the ratio of solvent 406 to total solvent, and the residence time, respectively and there was a significant interaction between the basic parameters. The best asphaltene precipitation of 5.06% of 7.5% happens at the residence time of 36.97 hours, the ratio of solvent to feed of 35.95 ml/gr and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 27.20%. Asphaltene precipitation percentage for the optimal mixture of industrial solvents was 22.5% lower than the precipitated asphaltene from normal heptane solvent. However, according to the solvents price, industrial solvents (410 and 406) were approximately 50% cheaper than normal heptane, and hence on overall, there was a cost savings of more than 20%

Volume 4, Issue 12 (4-2007)

       Vegetable oils contain a little amount of phospholipids or phosphatides and in soybean oil compared with other oils usually more phosphatides exists. In the oil refining process , phosphatides exert adverse effects on the quantity and quality of the oil and their presence in the oil distributed in supermarkets could also create undesirable effects during consumption. If, however, phosphatides are extracted properly from the oil, they could have valuable applications such as emulsification in many food systems.Five varieties of soybean cultivated in Iran ( Sahar, Williams, Gorgan, Simes and Hill) were selected for this investigation. Hexane could be used to extract oil and phosphatides but the output of the extracted phosphatides is low. This is due to the polar nature of phosphatides which does not allow these compounds to be completely dissolved in a non-polar solvent like hexane. In fact, the proper solvent for this purpose is a mixture of chloroform and methanol, but such a solvent is expensive and its recovery is costly as well. Thus, a kind of hexane, containing some polar compounds and manufactured in Iran was used for the extraction of oil. With this solvent and relatively severe conditions for the extraction, the amount of the extracted phosphatides increased to 1.72% . Considering that the phosphatides, constituents could affect the process of their separation from the oil and also their functional characteristics, the amounts of individual phophatides form each varieties were determined. The results indicated statistical significant difference among different varieties (P< 0.05). Although, for fatty acid composition, relatively considerable difference was observed among oils from different varieties, this difference was less on the fatty acid composition of their phosphatides.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2003)

Phosphorus (P) fertilizer recommendations for calcareous-sandy soils low in organic matter need further investigation. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of P and manure on corn (Zea mays L.) growth and chemical compositions and P recommendations for calcareous sandy soils with low organic matter under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of a factorial arrangement of P levels (0, 25, 50, and 100 mg kg-1 soil as KH2PO4), manure rates (0, 10, 20 and 30 g dried sheep manure per kg soil) and three soils (Soil 1, sandy loam, initial P 10.8 mg kg-1 ; Soil 2, sandy loam, initial P 7.6 mg kg-1 ; and Soil 3, loamy sand, initial P 5.5 mg kg-1 ) in a completely randomized design with four replications. Results showed that P application in Soil 1 decreased corn dry matter. However, application of 25 or 50 mg P kg -1 soil increased corn yield significantly in Soils 2 and 3, respectively. Maximum corn yield was obtained when 30 g kg -1 manure was added to sandy loam soils and 20 g kg-1 to loamy sand soil. Application of P and ma-nure significantly increased plant P concentration and uptake in all three soils. Zinc con-centration in plants treated with Phosphorus was higher than in the control in soils 1 and 2. Such a trend was not observed in soil 3, but manure application increased it. Iron con-centration in plants treated with P increased in soils 1 and 2 but was decreased in soil 3; however, manure application increased it in all soils. Plant Mn concentration and uptake responses to P and manure application was not consistent. Applied P, in general, in-creased plant Mn Concentration in soils 1 and 2, but had no effect on plants in Soil 3. Manure effect on plant Mn concentration was not consistent. It seems that addition of manure to sandy soils can improve soil productivity and increase corn yield. Due to the low P buffering capacity of sandy soils, application of high rates of P can increase P con-centration to an undesirable level in soil solution. This may depress plant growth and also availability of some micronutrients like Fe and Zn to corn plants. Therefore, P fertilizer recommendations for sandy soils should be based on the soil test P level. Manure applica-tion is recommended for sandy soils, due to its positive effects on nutrient uptake and plant growth. Prior to any phosphorus fertilizer recommendations for sandy soils the re-sults of this experiment should be verified under field conditions and measuring P concen-tration in soil solution at different stages of plant growth is highly recommended.

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