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Showing 57 results for Satellite

Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-2023)

Urban growth boundaries are considered one of the key tools for controlling and managing the physical development of metropolitan areas. Uncontrolled and unplanned expansion in these regions has become a major challenge for urban and regional planners and managers, as this process leads to the destruction of agricultural lands and natural resources. The aim of this research is to simulate and assess future changes in growth boundaries in the Isfahan metropolitan area with the goal of preserving environmental resources and controlling physical expansion. In this regard, by adopting a positivist approach that follows an analytical and measurement-driven process, satellite imagery was utilized to assess changes in the physical expansion of the Isfahan metropolitan area. Artificial neural networks and machine learning algorithms were employed to predict the extent of future physical growth, and the projected growth boundaries were delineated. The research findings indicate that the Isfahan metropolitan area has experienced significant uncontrolled expansion, particularly in terms of physical development, over recent decades, and the reduction of agricultural and natural lands has become one of its major challenges. Based on the conducted simulations, the proposed growth boundaries can serve as an effective tool for managing and planning urban-regional development and preventing further degradation of natural resources and lands.


Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Conflagration of forests and rangelands is one of the most frequent events in Iran. It is regarded as one of the most important parts of land degradation that occurred due to range destruction and desertification. This study was conducted in Boroujerd, Lorestan Province in west of Iran in 2013 to determine the fire risk model. The data prepared for the study area involved the vegetation types, land use, elevation, slope, aspect, standard topographic map and mean annual climatic data (evaporation, rainfall and temperature). Landsat ETM+ data were used for the image analysis. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) model was applied to weigh and generate the fire risk map. Results showed that the highest weight of factors has been given to the land use because land use contribute to the maximum extent due to inflammability factor. The second highest weight was related to rainfall since it caused the biomass growth (fuel factor). Land use and rain played important roles in the modeling of fire risk zonation. The third one was attributed to the evaporation because of fuel drying and highly inflammability. The other variables comparatively had less impact on fire risk. Based on the statistics achieved for different weight classes, the map was reclassified into five classes as very low, low, moderate, high and very high in order to generate fire risk area map. Also, final map showed that most of the fires which occurred in the last year (5 fire control points about 4812.323 ha) might be put in the firing class of very high risk. Finally, about 42353.36 ha of the total area fell in the class of very high fire risk. The results indicated that 90% of burned areas were located in high risk class.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)

The genetic structure, diversity and population kinship of four strains of ornamental barb, Puntius tetrazona, viz. tiger, green, albino and rose barb, was studied through microsatellite markers.  Genomic DNA was extracted from dorsal fin tissue of 160 individuals (40 per strain) using kit and its protocol from Denazist Co.  PCR amplification was performed using four pairs of microsatellite primers (Sm17, Sm25, Ma106 and Ma109). PCR products were electrophoresed on 8% acrylamide gel and stained with silver nitrate. The results showed that all loci were polymorphic. A total of 21 alleles for four markers in four strains was found. The mean number of alleles per locus at the population level was 5.25, and the number of alleles per polymorphic locus varied between 3 and 6. Average number of the observed alleles in tiger, green, albino and rose barb strains were 3.25, 3.25, 4 and 3.25, respectively. The observed and expected heterozygosity averages were 0.24 and 0.49, respectively. Most cases significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p≤0.01). The analyses of molecular variance showed high genetic diversity (97%) within populations. The Fst value was 0.03 which indicates the low genetic differentiation between populations. UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei genetic distance showed two different populations inhabiting the regions. Therefore, the microsatellite markers used in this study were found suitable for the different strains, and the degree of diversity was very low between strains, indicating a high degree of kinship.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2014)

In this paper, we analyze the grammatical category of satellite, which was introduced at first by Talmy in his semantic – typological researches. Satellite is a closed – class category that includes any constituent other than a nominal complement that is in a sister relation to the verb root. Talmy categorizes world's languages into two main typological categories: languages, which show framing concepts such as path, aspect, etc. on the verb, are verb – framing languages, and languages, which show framing concepts on the satellites, are satellite – framing languages. In this study, satellite, its formal representations and the semantic concepts expressed by it, are analyzed. It was found that the main form of satellite in Persian has been the verbal prefixes in the past periods, and now it is the verb - assistant element in Persian compound verbs. It can be said that a kind of lexicalization has taken place in this category. That is, the concepts, which were previously expressed by bound morphemes (prefixes), are now expressed by free morphemes (verb assistant in compound verbs). It was also indicated that Persian language in some cases is compatible with satellite – framing and, in some other cases, with verb – framing languages. So it is suggested that this classification works better if defined as a continuum with satellite – framing languages at one end, and verb – framing languages at the other end, and that languages can be anywhere on this continuum or even be moving toward one of the ends of the continuum.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2015)

Based on Talmy’s (2000) lexicalization patterns, languages are considered either verb-framed or satellite-framed in terms of the language unit (either verb roots or satellites) that encodes Path of motion.  According to Talmy’s hypothesis Indo-European languages except for Post Hellenic and Romans fall into satellite-framed class, since speakers of these languages conflate Manner of motion in the verb roots, while Path appears in satellites. This paper investigates the pervasive pattern Persian pre-school speaker children use to express motion components, namely Manner and Path in elicited narratives based on ten short animated clips simultaneously demonstrating Manner and path of motion. The Children’s narratives have further been compared to those of adults in order to highlight differences and similarities in mapping two semantic components onto language units. In the end, it has been discussed whether or not Persian, as an Indo-European language fits into Talmy’s binary typology. The analysis in this study illustrates that when narrating motion pictures, children follow the same pattern as adults do to encode Manner and Path; both groups employ path verbs with or without path satellites for vertical displacements, and prepositional phrases for horizontal trajectories where boundary crossing occurs. Manner of motion is either conflated in verb roots or not mentioned. Therefore as far as Path of motion is concerned, Persian language within the scope of the present study fits into verb-framed class of languages

Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2005)

While most recent investigation in satellite- based remotely sensed data has concen-trated upon the biophysical characteristics of overstory vegetation for large area, little at-tention has been given to the reflectance contribution of their associated understory, ver-sus overstory plantation reflectance to the recorded pixel value. In this research, shrubs and herbs were considered as consistent backgrounds which have an inverse effect, in contrast to plantation overstory, to the recorded pixel value in terms of their surface-exposure to satellite sensors. Given the fact that planted tree crown closure is correlated with their height and diameter at breast height (DBH) in the early stages of the planta-tion, it is expected that a relationship exists between tree canopy closure, height, DBH and their associated reflectance values. The proposed concept was tested in a case study for a Jack Pine (pinus banksina) plantation using Landsat Thematic Mapper (T. M.). The crown width height, and DBH of planted trees were measured in an area of 30m X 30m, for every 2-year age interval from 1 to 21 years. Other understory natural regeneration within a 2m radius was recorded. Crown closure, mean height, and DBH of each plot (with shrub and herb understory of more than 60%) were plotted against their associated Digital Numbers (DN(s)) for 6 T. M. bands (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7). The visible region of the spectrum (bands 1, 2 and 3) showed a narrow range of reflectance and was not suitable for this purpose. Band 4 revealed a greater range of DN(s) than bands 1, 2 and 3. A strong inverse linear relationship between DN(s) and their associated canopy closure, height, and DBH were found in band 5 as r2 = 0.863, 0.941, 0.873 respectively. Band 7 showed a stronger relationship with canopy closure (r2 = 0. 81) than did the other T. M. bands (ex-cept band 5). Overall, the results of this study have shown the importance of T. M. band 5 for estimating DBH and the height of plantations based on the contrast between reflec-tance of the overstory and understory.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (1-2009)

In this paper, the effective parameters in access time of a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite, in a ground user, are studied and outcome of each one is estimated on it. Then the total access time of a single LEO satellite has been maximized. For this purpose, the inclination angle of orbit, to the equator, has been optimized in various satellite altitudes and ground station’s latitudes. The obtained results, once considered along with the power supply issue, give a comprehensive vision for LEO satellite orbit design. Then the satellite access to the sun, as the energy source, has also been evaluated. Simulations have been done by the satellite tool kit (STK) software.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (7-2007)

The construction of molecular maps and identification of genomic regions controlling quantitative traits have great significance for plant breeders. In this study, a genetic analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting the heading date of rice was performed using an F2 population of a cross between two Iranian landrace cultivars, Domsephid and Gerdeh, comprising 192 plants. An approximately normal distribution was observed for the heading date in the F2 population. A genetic linkage map with 88 informative microsa-tellite markers (SSR) was constructed, which covered 1367.9 cM of the rice genome with an average distance of 18 cM between markers. Single marker analysis (SMA) and inter-val mapping (IM) procedures were used to detect the QTLs controlling heading date and QTLs identified were further confirmed using composite interval mapping (CIM). Six significant QTLs (LOD≥3.0) were identified for the heading date, of which three major QTLs mapped on chromosomes 6 (hd6), 7 (hd7) and 8 (hd8) had particularly high LOD scores and explained 23.5%, 19.8% and 20.5% of the total phenotypic variance, respec-tively. Three other minor QTLs detected for the heading date, located on chromosomes 1 (hd1), 3 (hd3) and 11 (hd11), accounted for 6.6%, 11.7% and 6.6% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The additive effect of a single QTL ranged from 1.67 to 3.91 days. In the QTL hd6, alleles from Domsephid were responsible for reducing the heading date, while in the other five QTLs, alleles from Gerdeh caused a decrease in the heading date. The QTLs hd1, hd3 and hd8 showed over dominance effects for increasing the heading date, whereas the other three QTLs had partial to incomplete dominance effects for in-creasing (hd7 and hd11) and reducing (hd6) the heading date.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Aims: The important achievement of genetic analysis of Quantitative trait locus (QTLs) is to facilitate the investigation of the inheritance of simple Mendelian traits. The aim of this study was mapping genes controlling morphological traits in F3 Families caused by Becher×Kavir cross in barley.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental research, in order to map QTLs, 103 F3 families caused by Becher×Kavir cross were cultivated in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications during 2014-2015. Number of germinated seeds, during the grain filling period, plant height, peduncle length, seed weight, and harvest index were evaluated. Linkage map was prepared, using SSR, iPBS, IRAP, and ISSR marker. QTLs were identified by QGENE 4.0 software and QTL analysis was performed by composite interval mapping.
Findings: The identified QTLs justified with load score of 2.007, 8.6% of variance of phenotype germinated seed number, score of 22.2, 9.5% variance of phenotype grain filling period, score of 2.74, 1.16% of variance of plant height, score of 2.19, 9.3% of the variance of the peduncle length, the score of 2.04, 8.7% of variance of the seed weight, and with the scores of 2.38, 2.38, and 2.16 justified 10.1, 10.1, and 9.2% of the variance of the harvest index, respectively.
Conclusion: There are one QTL on chromosome 6 and ISSR38-4 closely marker for number of germinated seeds, one QTL on chromosome 7 in iPBS2076-6-iPBS2085-1 distance of marker for during the grain filling period, one QTL on chromosome 2 in iPBS2083-3-HVBKASI distance of marker for plant height, one QTL on chromosome 6 and ISSR38-4 closely marker for peduncle length, one QTL on chromosome 3 in iPBS2075-5-ISSR38-7 distance of marker for seed weight, and 3 QTLs for harvest index, respectively.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2006)

Operation manner in most of the conventional classification algorithms in remote sensing is based on pixels spectral information.Classification of these data ignore information obtained from adjacent pixels. In additional to with increasing of spatial resolution in satellites , increase harmful information( noise) and spectral similarity between classes , consequently increase internal variance of classes and finally decrease classification accuracy. To remove or decrease this problems , the proper incorporation and use of spectral and contextual information can efficiently help distinguish land-uses which are similar spectrally. In this study, effectiveness of incorporating structural information with classification procedures have been investigated. The technique is based on the use of edge-density information generated from the classified data. “ Maximum Likelihood ”(ML) , “ Minimum Distance to Means ”(MD) and “ Mahalanobis ” classification procedures have been used to classify data together with the edge-density information as an additional band. The performance of using edge-density data has been evaluated using the data of SPOT-XS and aerial photographs of the Anzali Wetlands ( Anzali Talab ) located in Gilan province north of Iran. This region is very heterogeneous. Results show that use of the structural information leads to increases in accuracy of some classes particularly those with low spectral separabilities. Mahalanobis classifier using spatial and spectral information in rural-urban ( 74.60) and river and channel ( 66.87) classes show 14.06 and 6.57 percent increases respectively in accuracies as compared to the spectral classification of satellite data. Application of this approach also in aerial photographs for patches of trees , river , agricultural and residential classes show 11.78 , 36.61 , 28.09 and 53.29 percent increases in accuracies respectively. Result show that considering the complex environmental conditions of the study site, the proper incorporation and use of spectral and spatial information can result in more efficient discrimination of some spectrally similar classes. The information of edge-density seems to be more promising in high resolution imagery and heterogeneous classes such as urban features.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (4-2021)

The aim of this study was to identify different population broodstocks of Litopenaeus vannamei and effect of inbreeding and cross-inbreeding on genetic characteristics and inbreeding coefficient of offspring in the next generation. According to origin of broodstocks kept in hatcheries of Bushehr province in the first generation, different populations were identified through microsatellite method from Hybrid, High health and Molokai stocks then, in the next generations genetic characteristics of offspring from their inbreeding and cross-inbreeding were examined. The results showed that the amount of genetic diversity in Molokai and High Health stocks (0.46±0.09 and 0.50±0.07) was more than hybrid stock (0.38±0.06). The inbreeding coefficients of Molokai, High Health and hybrid stocks were 0.14, 0.31 and 0.41, respectively. Due to the low genetic distance between the hybrid and Molokai stocks, after mixing them together Molokai and High Health populations were introduced as the first generation broodstock. In the second generation, despite the high genetic diversity in the offspring of Molokai×High Health (0.47±0.12) and High Health×Molokai (0.39±0.08) than the offspring of Molokai×Molokai (0.19±0.04) and High Health× High Health (0.11±0.03), these values were reduced compared to the first generation. The lowest and highest inbreeding coefficients were related to the offspring of Molokai×High Health (0.268 ±0.18) and Molokai× Molokai (0.853±0.145), respectively. According to the results, it can be said that the lack of knowledge about the genetic characteristics of broodstocks and mating between individual relationships (full and half sib) can reduce genetic characteristics and genetic depression due to increased inbreeding coefficients in next generations.
Mohammad Amini, Hassan Salarieh, Aria Alasty,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (7-2013)

In this paper a method for online identification of satellite moment of inertia tensor parameters based on recursive least squares method, is presented. It is assumed that the satellite actuators are three orthogonal reaction wheels. Dynamic equations of the satellite are extracted in a special manner. The only available sensor is a three axes rate gyro which measures the angular velocity of satellite in the body coordinate system. Due to existence of noise in this sensor, the regressor matrix used in least squares method, changes stochastically. So in this case, the classic least squares method is not useful, and it cannot converge. For solving this problem, a modified least squares method with robust scheme is presented and its stability is proved using Lyapunov stability theory. The presented method can be used online in presence of measurement noise and other sensor imperfections. Simulation results have shown that this method can identify inertia parameters of the satellite with less than 3 percent error comparing to real parameters before and after changes.
, , Mahdi Fakoor,
Volume 13, Issue 7 (10-2013)

In this paper, a new method based on Pareto Simplex Search (PSS) has been employed to find the communications satellite optimal transfer trajectory from geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) as the destination operational zone. We solve this problem through using a mathematically efficient algorithm and in all transferring phases, considering transfer orbits to intermediate orbits; it is supposed that the orbital maneuver control unit has continuous performance characteristics. The system governing equations representing the two body system of a spacecraft and primary gravitational source and thrust force applying to spacecraft, are defined in a nonlinear form. In this systematic approach we incorporate system dynamics as the problem constraints, and both minimum-time and fuel consumption using constant acceleration simultaneously as the problem strategy to find the optimal transfer trajectory between two orbits. Set of optimal trajectories are plotted in Pareto Front and transfer trajectory can be selected from these points.
, Hassan Salarieh, , ,
Volume 13, Issue 7 (10-2013)

Motion control of a planar nonholonomic system with four DoF is addressed in this paper. Three actuators are responsible for shape control of this system. Furthermore, assuming no external forces and zero angular momentum, imposes a nonholonomic constraint to the problem. First it is shown that although the simplified equations of motion for this system, could be converted to Heisenberg and chained-form systems, the conventional control methods for these systems, may not be applied to the considered problem. Then, using sliding modes and online path planning, two different closed-loop control laws are designed for bringing the system to and stabilizing around any desired equilibrium state started from any initial condition. Simulation results, show the efficiency of the proposed methods.

Volume 13, Issue 7 (12-2011)

Grapes are among the world most planted horticultural crops. Since the last century, attempts have been made to improve the quality of grapes in the world. Meanwhile, the necessity of having knowledge about the history of progenies families led to the link between genealogy and breeding. Considering some previous mislabeling, in order to find out the accuracy of the controlled crosses as well as determining the possible parents and genealogy of the hybrid progenies, 23 grapevine genotypes were studied by using 14 SSRs loci. These progenies included 12 promising lines selected from 22 crosses as well as their parents that included four seedless and seven seeded cultivars from Iranian Grape Breeding Program, The highest similarity between a female parent and its progenies, which was obtained from dice similarity coefficient and cluster analysis, was about 0.65, belonging to 'Alibaba' and its three progenies (S54, S55, S40). Results rejected any cross-selfing in female parents and also discriminated progenies from parents. Due to possible common genetic backgrounds in the parents, assigning progenies to their parents by cluster analysis or allele counting was impossible. Therefore, parentage analyses were done within likelihood based assignment approach using CERVUS 3.0 software. By this approach, true parents could be identified from candidate parents based on calculated positive and negative LOD scores. Also, by using this approach, genotyping errors, which were previously derived from low number of SSR loci or similarity in the parents' backgrounds, decreased in the final results. In addition, full sib and half sib relationships between S55 and S54 with S40 were obvious. Furthermore, wherever prevention of inbreeding depression is required, the results could be used to select convenient parents for backcrossing.
Mahdi Fakoor, , ,
Volume 13, Issue 9 (12-2013)

Layout design of a complex system such as a satellite or an airplane is a difficult problem to solve. This problem is known as an NP-complete problem in terms of computational complexity. The main difficulties encountered in the layout design problem are formulation of the problem in mathematics and the solution strategy and practical approaches in engineering. This paper reviews the research work of the authors to automatic layout design process in satellite in last 10 years and the methods of layout design of satellite divides to three main categories that consist of practical method, human-computer interaction and three dimensional layout design and then studies methods of the current state of the art of 3D layout design
Seyed Mahdi Abtahi, , ,
Volume 13, Issue 9 (12-2013)

Chaotic dynamics of spin-orbit motion of a triaxial gyrostat satellite under the gravity gradient perturbations is considered. The Hamiltonian approach is used for modeling of the coupled spin-orbit equations of motion. The complex Hamiltonian of the system is reduced via the extended Deprit canonical transformation. This reduction yields to the derivation of the perturbation form of the Hamiltonian which can be used in the Ricci curvature criterion based on the Riemannian manifold geometry for the analysis of chaos. The results obtained from Ricci method as well as the values from the Lyapunov exponent demonstrate the presence of a strange attractor and chaos phenomenon in the perturbed system. The simulation results based on the numerical methods such as Poincare' section, trajectories of phase portrait, and time series responses confirm the heteroclinic bifurcation and chaos in the system.
Amir Reza Kosari, Samane Kaviri, Behzad Moshiri, Mehdi Fakoor,
Volume 13, Issue 13 (3-2014)

This paper presents a new method to design optimal thrusters’ configuration for geostationary satellite in order to reduce the fuel consumption and increase the control accuracy. The thrusters configuration generally contains information about thrusters fixed on the satellite body structure, including their location, orientation. One important factor playing a key role in thrusters’ configuration design is satellite force-torque analysis. The proposed configuration, however, should lead to fulfill specified attitude maneuver when the set of force and torque produced by satellite thruster system is adequate. For this purpose, two optimization methods using genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) has been applied to determine the optimal thrusters configuration on the communication satellite body. The cost function employed to minimize both the fuel consumption and error generated by thrusters installation and uncertainties. Moreover, this work allows applying some different constraints in the proposed formulation including minimization of the thruster plume impingement effect on the satellite outer structure and on the solar arrays and the second one is the satellite dimension and geometry. Simulation results show that DE outperforms GA in terms of accuracy and CPU time. Effectiveness of differential evolution algorithm is illustrated in the paper when compared with GA results.
Amir Reza Kosari, Mehdi Peyrovani, Mehdy Fakoor, H Nejat,
Volume 13, Issue 14 (3-2014)

In this paper, LQG/LTR controller is designed for attitude control of the geostationary satellite at nominal mode. Usage actuator in this paper is the reaction wheel and control torque is determined by the LQR regulator. Usage sensors in this article are sun and earth sensors and EKF are used for estimation of noisy states. LQR controller signal has good performance, if all system's states are considered in system output feedback. But this method is ideal and does not include model noise and sensors noise. Therefore, LQG and LQG/LTR controllers are designed based on the estimated states, and are compared with LQR controller. Controllers gain coefficients are obtained based on linearization about working point. It caused to robustness and similarity of LQG and LQG/LTR response. The results show that control overshoot of LQR is greater than the others.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Mechanical damage due to harvesting, handling, and other processes is an important factor that affects the seeds quality. Seed damage results in lower grain value and more storability problem and reduces seed germination and seedling vigor and subsequent yield of crops. Tests were conducted to determine the percentage of physical damage (PPD) and percentage of loss in germination (PLG) of wheat seeds due to impact. The effect of wheat seed cultivar and impact velocity was determined. Wheat seed cultivars selected for testing included: Kohdasht, Maron, Simereh, Sardari and Zagros. Four impact velocities: 10, 20, 30 and 40 m s-1 were used. Results showed that effects of impact velocity and seed cultivar on seed damages were significant. PPD to seeds was higher than PLG in higher impact velocities. It found that the total damage of seeds increased from 4.17% (0.48 PPD and 3.68 PLG) to 73.32 % (47.59 PPD and 25.73 PLG) as impact velocity increased from 10 to 40 m s-1 for all wheat cultivars studied. Impact results indicated that Sardari wheat cultivar was more susceptible to PPD (27.39 %), while Maron seeds were more susceptible to PLG (14.70%). Among the cultivars studied, Sardari wheat seeds showed the highest level of total damage i.e.sum of PPD and PLG.

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