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Showing 2 results for Square Mesh

Saeb Faraji, Mohammad Afshar,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

In this paper a node enrichment-moving error estimate and adaptive refinement procedure in Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshless (MDLSM) method is suggested to improve the solution of elasticity problems. The suggested method uses of two node enrichment and node moving refinement procedures simultaneity. The voronoi diagram is used to locate the position of new added nodes in enrichment step. The errors of new added nodes, after each enrichment procedure, are calculated via interpolation rather than the error of simulation nodes to reduce the computational effort. So, the additional simulation effort saves and the steps of suggested method and conventional enrichment procedure are same. Completing the enrichment step, a node moving procedure is used to improve the solutions and solving the nodes excessive vicinity problem that is happened in conventional node enrichment procedure, especially with irregular node distribution. The node enrichment-moving method is continued to obtain the desirable accuracy. The proposed method is used to solve several examples and the results are presented and compared with those of conventional node enrichment procedure and analytical exact solutions. The results show superior efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method compared to conventional node enrichment method.
Sina Nikbakht, Mohammad Mahdi Heyhat,
Volume 24, Issue 12 (11-2024)

Nowadays, fresh water scarcity is one of the major concerns of the global community. To tackle the freshwater scarcity situation, several solutions have been suggested, including the extraction of water from fog-laden flow. Fog harvesting is known as a sustainable and effective approach to supplying freshwater. Various types of fog collecting elements (FCEs) have been implemented in studies to collect water from fog-laden flow. Woven meshes with square-shaped holes are among the most frequently employed FCEs in studies. One of the major drawbacks of these types of FCEs is their low water collection efficiency, particularly at low wind velocities. In this study, two alternative mesh hole geometries, triangular and hexagonal, were proposed to enhance the collection efficiency and compared with an equivalent square mesh in terms of the shading coefficient (SC). The evaluations were conducted experimentally using an experimental setup capable of mimicking atmospheric fog-laden flow at two different air velocities. The results indicate that the water harvesting rate is highly affected by mesh hole geometry. Using triangular and hexagonal meshes, compared to square mesh, can improve the water collection rate by up to 12.6% and 29%, respectively

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