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Showing 2 results for Stick-Slip
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Volume 11, Issue 4 (9-2011)
Contact interfaces are known as the main source of energy dissipation in the structural joints. Therefore it is important in structural dynamic analysis to use predictive joint models which are capable to simulate the structural response and energy dissipation with an acceptable accuracy. In this paper an analytical model is proposed for energy dissipation evaluation due to micro slip mechanism in a beam structure with frictional-free boundary condition. The bending response governing equations are derived under harmonic external excitation and are solved in order to detect transition from stick to slip at the contact interface. The resultant hysteresis loops are obtained and parametric study is done for a numerical case study.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2012)
In this paper, the finite element code (ABAQUS) is used to present numerical modeling of strike-slip North Tabriz fault. To investigate the frictional behavior of fault the slip weakening law is assigned to the fault. This law is based on stick- slip instability mechanism. Fault modeling has been done in three-dimensional using ABAQUS software. The model involves a vertical strike-slip planar fault that resides in elastic crust. In this model only the upper solid part of With this analysis, verification of the constitutive relation of friction has been done. The second analysis crust is simulated and topography effects have been ignored. The fault is simulated as 2D vertical contact elements. The results have been verified with geological data such as rate of displacement on fault and verifications demonstrate satisfied convergence. For friction of fault, the results with two coefficient factors are compared with GPS data and coefficient factor of 0.1 showed better convergences.