Showing 89 results for Support
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The optimal implementation of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in Iranian EFL higher education faces some challenges despite its incremental growth. It is, therefore, necessary to investigate the current challenges affecting university professors' and students' adoption of CALL in Iranian EFL contexts. For this purpose, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three purposeful sampling groups of participants, both before and after the temporary shutdown of the educational sector due to COVID-19 spread. Therefore, 33 interviewees—university EFL professors, students, and Information Technology Support Engineers (IT-SE)— took part in an interview which took approximately 90 minutes for each, conducted in person or over WhatsApp and Skype platforms. All the interviews were audio recorded and transcribed for thematic analysis by the first researcher and an assistant researcher. The obtained results highlighted nine major categories of themes that indicated the obstacles and challenges of optimal CALL implementation. These challenges are related to 1) technological dimension, 2) teacher dimension 3) student dimension, 4) software and hardware dimension, 5) sanctions and filtering dimension, 6) curriculum dimension, 7) the nature of e-learning dimension, 8) socioeconomic and cultural dimension, and 9) university administrators' dimension. It was the sanctions and filtering dimension, the nature of e-learning dimension, and the socioeconomic dimension that were exclusive to this study. Each of these major themes includes a set of minor themes. The results can contribute to educational planners, curriculum and material developers, and teachers to develop education programs for optimal CALL implementation in Iranian EFL higher education by removing the challenges.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The intricate connection between teacher support, academic burnout, grit, and psychological wellbeing is a compelling area of research that has recently garnered second language (L2) education researchers' attention. This study aims to investigate such complex relationships with undergraduate English-major students in Iran. To this end, a sample of 318 undergraduate English-major students from various universities in Iran was selected through convenience sampling. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26 for descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, while LISREL software was employed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate the measurement models. The findings revealed that teacher support showed a positive and significant correlation with students' L2 grit and L2 psychological wellbeing while demonstrating a negative and significant correlation with students' L2 academic burnout. Furthermore, the simple linear regression analysis indicated that teacher support significantly predicted a 13% increase in students' grit and psychological wellbeing and a 0.03% in academic burnout. This suggests that measures to reduce the academic burnout of students in higher education should be prioritized in second language education through positive teacher support and positive psychology. The study provides valuable insights and recommendations for English language teachers, students, and policymakers and outlines future research directions.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (T-CPD) is of utmost importance for language teachers. T-CPD is the stimulation for updating teachers’ subject knowledge and their teaching skills. Therefore, the predictive power of Psychological Well-being, L2 Teacher Grit, Grit-s, and Perceived Organizational Support (POS) on T-CPD was investigated through the mediating role of Work Motivation. Those who have participated in this study were 189 L2 teachers, who were from Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. They took part in an online questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using Path Analysis. Before running path analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was run to estimate Cronbach’s Alpha. Based on the CFA, two items (one from L2 Teacher Grit and one from POS) that did not have good loadings were removed from the scales. Then, the authers used path analysis to check the causal relationship among the variables in the proposed model. The fitness indices showed good fitness. Moreover, the more domain-specific L2 Teacher Grit performed better than the Gris-s scale. These insights can inform strategies for enhancing T-CPD and improving the overall quality of education. In addition, the results put light on the design of teacher training programs and organizational policies that aim to improve teacher quality and student outcomes.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)
The significant wave height is a critical parameter in the design and analysis of marine structures, as well as in their operational use. Consequently, predicting this parameter greatly contributes to improving the design and analysis of marine structures. Various modeling approaches for wave characteristics include numerical, empirical, and artificial intelligence models. This study employs the SWAN model, which is a third-generation model for the simulation and estimation of wave characteristics. Furthermore, soft computing models, including individual and hybrid artificial intelligence models such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Emotional Artificial Neural Networks (EANN), have been utilized for wave height prediction, using data from the Amirabad buoy for validation purposes. In this research, the model inputs consist of wind speed, while the outputs are the wave heights. The analysis of the different models was carried out using statistical metrics, including bias, root mean square error, coefficient of variation, and coefficient of determination. The evaluation of the models using these statistics indicates an acceptable agreement between the significant wave heights estimated by the SWAN model and the buoy data. Additionally, each of the three artificial intelligence models mentioned demonstrates a relatively accurate capability in predicting wave height. A comparison of the results from the artificial intelligence models revealed that the Support Vector Machine model exhibited higher accuracy than the others. The Support Vector Machine model serves as an alternative method to the SWAN model or other numerical techniques, enhancing modeling outcomes when wave height data is unavailable or lacks the necessary statistical quality.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)
The theory of the responsibility to protect was approved in 2005 in the output document of the United Nations Summit (A/RES/60/1) and in 2011, it was included in the Security Council Resolution 1973 regarding military intervention in Libya. The theory of the responsibility to protect implies the commitment of the international community to end the worst forms of violence and crime in humanitarian crises and internal armed conflicts. This article by using the qualitative method and document-library sources, books, articles and reports and internet notes, dealing with NATO's military intervention in Libya in 2011, which led to airstrikes, the creation of a no-fly zone, and ultimately the change of Muammar Gaddafi's regime, criticizes its application in Libya.The findings of the article show that although the theory tries to fill the gap between the former obligations of UN member states under international humanitarian law and human rights with this reality that the human population facing the threat of genocide, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity must be supported, France, the United States and NATO have exploited the 1973 resolution for their political-military goals and have caused the stoppage of the development of the theory and the skepticism of the international community towards the goals and intentions of the world powers in the application of the theory and as a result of the design of the new approach of responsibility during support.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)
Autonomy support environments and Job involvement among University of Tehran’s employees: The mediating role of Basic psychological needs. As feedback and an important variable in enhancing an organization’s effectiveness, job involvement causes and consequences recognition is of great importance to managers, and an ultimate goal for organizational behavior management. Considering the importance of self-motivation in job involvement, it is necessary to illuminate job involvement through a motivation theory, for instance: self-determination theory. This theory states that work conditions which allow basic psychological needs fulfillment, pave the way for job involvement. Little research studying the relationship between these needs’ fulfillment and employees’ job involvement have been conducted, which calls for more research on this subject. This research is based on a correlation analysis, utilizing structure equation modeling methods. The Statistical population studied here is all of Tehran University’s employees, through which 113 people have been randomly chosen. Research findings show that autonomy support environments have a significant effect on fulfilling mental needs (0.6) , and that mental needs fulfillment, in turn, has a direct significant effect on job involvement (0.54). Moreover, indirect effects of autonomy support on job involvement’s significance (0.33), indicates the intermediary role of mental needs fulfillment in relation to these two variables.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)
In spite of emphasis on role of organizational resource and human resources in particular, on entrepreneurship in literature of management, has not been presented an integrated pattern for Iranian organizations that measures influence of hr subsystems on entrepreneurship. By concentration of key role of human resources on entrepreneurship, present research is seeking to consider influence of different practices of human resource management on promoting of entrepreneurship in oil industry of Iran. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on structural equation modeling. Data was collected by means of questionnaire that was distributed among top and middle manager of Contracting company in oil industry. Research result Indicates that human resource subsystems including human resource Acquisition, work design, development, labor relation and compensation, have influence on organizational entrepreneurship. And only training has not any impact on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, research indicates that the most impact of human resource management on entrepreneurship is indirectly and through creating supportive environment of innovation.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Aim: Substance abuse is a substantial threat and problem to public health. The goal of drug abuse treatment is to return people to a productive normal situation in the family, workplace, and community. Treatment dropout is one of the major problems, encountered by the treatment programs. The maintenance of treatment is associated with retention in treatment, and many factors are associated with retention. The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors that play important role in retention of addiction treatment. Methods: This is a qualitative research with conventional content analysis method. Purposive sampling was applied and continued until data saturation was achieved. The participants were 22 volunteers, including outpatients, physicians and psychotherapists. The method of data collection was semi-structured face to face interview (30- 40 minutes). All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Findings: By content analysis, two categories were obtained, including emotional and informational support. The main common theme of categories was social support, which was the major requirement to retain the treatment among drug abuse outpatients. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that social support is one of the essential services to stop or reduce substance abuse. Recognizing this factor could improve interaction between the family, clinical staff and patients in addiction treatment retention.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Abstract The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between developmental performance appraisal and Job performance mediated by organizational commitment and organizational support in the employees. This study performed in the Gas Company of Guilan Province in 2013. A number of 217 employees were selected as the participants using classified random sampling consistent with the sample size. Participants in this research complemented following Questionnaires: developmental performance appraisal, Organizational Commitment, Organizational support, Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. To confirm the scale factor structure and to evaluate the suggested model, confirmative factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted. Moreover, Bootstrap Test was adopted to examine its mediation and meaningfulness effects. The results revealed that the suggested model satisfies a good fitting regarding provided data. The research findings showed that only the indirect path of developmental performance appraisal, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior was meaningful, while the other three indirect paths (developmental performance appraisal, organizational support and commitment on task performance and developmental performance appraisal, organizational support and organizational citizenship
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)
According to researches, lack of commitment to change is one of the important factors making changes ineffective. Commitment to change is a force involving individuals in necessary processes of successful change. In current research, commitment to change path analysis model was designed according to the roles of organizational support, supervisor support, trust to supervisor, justice, and positive affection. This is a descriptive study and is based on correlations. The research sample contained 463 individuals of Isfahan Oil Refining & DistributionCompany that selected by stratifiedsampling and responded to research instruments. Bootstrapping analysis showed that supervisor support, procedural justice and interactional justice are mediator variables between trust, organizational support and normative commitment to change. According to results, managers and organizations are recommended to establish commitment to change by increasing trust, support, positive affection and justice.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2016)
Aim: This research has tried to study the relationship of loneliness, perceived social support, thwarted belongingness and burdensomeness with suicide among Iranian university students.
Methods: The participants of the study included a pool of 315 Iranian university students who were randomly chosen from the students studying in 2015-2016. The study design was correlational and cross-sectional. Data were collected through using four instruments: Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ), Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R), Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA), and Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (PSSQ). In order to analyze the data, Pearson's correlation and step-wise regression were conducted.
Findings: The findings revealed that while the males scored higher in both factors of thwarted belongingness and burdensomeness, the females possessed greater amount of loneliness and higher rate of perceived social support as compared to their male counterparts. Moreover, although no significant difference was found between marital status and suicide, single people showed more burdensomeness whereas married people felt higher amount of loneliness as well as higher perceived social support.
Conclusion: Finally, based on the results, we can conclude that interpersonal psychological theory of suicide is moderately helpful in predicting and explaining suicidal behaviors in students.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Aim: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parental support of their children’s participation in recreational sports classes.
Methods: This study was a functional-descriptive survey in which a self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. It consisted of variables including psychological, cultural, social, emotional, economical and informational support. The face and content validities were evaluated by 10 professors specialized in sport education. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis assessed the validity of questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha in the pilot study. The study population included all children participating in the recreational sports classes at summer 2016 out of whom a sample of 300 was selected randomly.
Findings: The results showed that all variables (Psychological, Cultural, Social, Emotional, Economical and Informational support) encouraged the participation of children in sports activities.
Conclusion: Generally, the results showed that parental support increased the children’s participation in sport activities, which, in turn, improved the physical and mental health of young generation in the society.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2025)
Proof paradoxes refer to situations in which statistical evidence indicates that a suspect is the perpetrator, yet a conviction based solely on this evidence appears counterintuitive. The prevailing approach to addressing proof paradoxes involves establishing a criterion for distinguishing naked statistical evidence from other type of evidence. Smith introduces normic support as a criterion for the aforementioned distinction. Conversely, Di Bello proposes a modified version of normic support, arguing that the absence of access to undercutting defeaters in naked statistical evidence distinguishes it from other forms of evidence. In this research, we argue, in line with Pollock's perspective, that undercutting defeaters can still be accessed in the context of naked statistical evidence. Furthermore, by focusing on an example of proof paradoxes and drawing on Pollock's arguments-illustrated quantitatively by the base rate fallacy-we demonstrate the effectiveness of undercutting defeaters. Consequently, Di Bello's argument appears to be questionable.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2015)
Taking advantage of geometry has been always a current base in Iranian traditional architecture for accommodate survey among form, stability and coordination. Recognition of components’ geometrical behavior along organic :union: making’s direction among skeleton, space and background systems causes integrated feedback formation among effective elements in collection’s stability. Based on existing geometrical limitations in their structures and coordination, Iranian girih as modular units are capable of developing in x and y axes by considering visual values and actionable efficiency. According to controlled process of Iranian girih s’ structure in mentioned axes, transferring this discipline in z axis for -3dimensional action’s maintenance of structure collection is also discussed. So, firstly current article has considered usage method of girih geometry productive parameters by Grasshopper graphical coding software, and then resulting collection of various forms from girih geometry is introduced as a population of analyzable genes by genetic algorithm method. Thereby, supports’ optimized location is developed by -3dimentional action among components for reaching an efficient form of girih’s geometry. Adapted to survey, prevalent population of introduced genes collections is selected after simultaneously analysis of form and mechanism by Karamba addition and the most optimized status of supports’ location is selected in circumstances that structure’s components has the minimum stress. Then, the optimized state and organized sample in supports’ location are considered to explore about resulting behavior in both states toward load transferring to case foundation. According to this study results, it can be concluded that by defining certain legislations, geographical mechanism of Iranian girih causes an integrated behavior’s controlling and multi-dimensional action among quality parameters such as cladding structures’ designing and quantity parameters such as proper behavior toward forces. This coordinating feedback between architecture and structure in supports’ optimized location which results from genetic algorithm method, decreases stress in structures’ components and also maximizes structure’s stability besides economic advantage in used materials. So, firstly current article has considered usage method of girih geometry productive parameters by Grasshopper graphical coding software, and then resulting collection of various forms from girih geometry is introduced as a population of analyzable genes by genetic algorithm method. Thereby, supports’ optimized location is developed by -3dimentional action among components for reaching an efficient form of girih’s geometry. Adapted to survey, prevalent population of introduced genes collections is selected after simultaneously analysis of form and mechanism by Karamba addition and the most optimized status of supports’ location is selected in circumstances that structure’s components has the minimum stress. Then, the optimized state and organized sample in supports’ location are considered to explore about resulting behavior in both states toward load transferring to case foundation. According to this study results, it can be concluded that by defining certain legislations, geographical mechanism of Iranian girih causes an integrated behavior’s controlling and multi-dimensional action among quality parameters such as cladding structures’ designing and quantity parameters such as proper behavior toward forces. Based on existing geometrical limitations in their structures and coordination, Iranian girih as modular units are capable of developing in x and y axes by considering visual values and actionable efficiency. According to controlled process of Iranian girih s’ structure in mentioned axes, transferring this discipline in z axis for -3dimensional action’s maintenance of structure collection is also discussed. So, firstly current article has considered usage method of girih geometry productive parameters by Grasshopper graphical coding software, and then resulting collection of various forms from girih geometry is introduced as a population of analyzable genes by genetic algorithm method. Thereby, supports’ optimized location is developed by -3dimentional action among components for reaching an efficient form of girih’sgeometry. Adapted to survey, prevalent population of introduced genes collections is selected after simultaneously analysis of form and mechanism by Karamba addition and the most optimized status of supports’ location is selected in circumstances that structure’s components has the minimum stress. Then, the optimized state and organized sample in supports’ location are considered to explore about resulting behavior in both states toward load transferring to case foundation. According to controlled process of Iranian girih s’ structure in mentioned axes, transferring this discipline in z axis for -3dimensional action’s maintenance of structure collection is also discussed. So, firstly current article has considered usage method of girih geometry productive parameters by Grasshopper graphical coding software, and then resulting collection of various forms from girih geometry is introduced as a population of analyzable genes by genetic algorithm method. Thereby, supports’ optimized location is developed by -3dimentional action among components for reaching an efficient form of girih’s geometry. Adapted to survey, prevalent population of introduced genes collections is selected after simultaneously analysis of form and mechanism by Karamba addition and the most optimized status of supports’ location is selected in circumstances that structure’s components has the minimum stress. Then, the optimized state and organized sample in supports’ location are considered to explore about resulting behavior in both states toward load transferring to case foundation. According to controlled process of Iranian girih s’ structure in mentioned axes, transferring this discipline in z axis for -3dimensional action’s maintenance of structure collection is also discussed. So, firstly current article has considered usage method of girih geometry productive parameters by Grasshopper graphical coding software, and then resulting collection of various forms from girih geometry is introduced as a population of analyzable genes by genetic algorithm method. Thereby, supports’ optimized location is developed by -3dimentional action among components.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Aim: People receive social support from family, peers, and other social systems. Within this wide spectrum, social networks that support people unofficially involve the group of family and peers. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between perceived social support and mental health of students in Tehran.
Methods: This descriptive and analytical study was conducted on 227 students in Tehran using two questionnaires including the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) with 28 questions, and the social support inventory with two scales of Perceived Social Support from Family (PSSFA) and Perceived Social Support from Friends (PSSFR). The collected data were analyzed via SPSS18 software using Pearson correlation test.
Findings: The results showed that mental health had significant relationship with the total score of social support (p<0.05, r=0.197). Furthermore, concerning the other subscales, anxiety and sleep disorders (p<0.02, r=0.155) and social functioning (p<0.006, r=0.190) showed significant relationship with mental health. However, there was no significant correlation between PSSFR and mental health.
Conclusion: As proved by the results of this study, when social support is stronger, an individual will have a better mental health status. Moreover, people who experience a higher level of family support have a better mental health status.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
In today's competitive world, role of employees is more important than ever, organizations are looking for employees who use all their efforts toward organizational goals. this research aimed to investigate the effect of social capital on Achieving to necessary mechanisms in order to increase perceived organizational support. This survey was based on all 220 employees of the Alborz Insurance Company in Tehran as the research population and According to Krejcie & Morgan’s Table (1970), the sample size for this study is 140. This study was conducted using stratified random and proportional method., this study was conducted using descriptive correlational and questionnaire was used for data collecting. In order to determine the questionnaire reliability, Cornbach alpha were used and its content validity determined by opinions of faculties of management as well as the confirmatory factor analysis. Analysis of data was conducted using SPSS16 and LISREL8.5. Also path analysis technique was used to test the hypothesis. The results show that social capital has a positive and significant effect on perceived organizational support; Also relational dimension is the most influential dimension among dimensions of social capital in employees of Alborz Insurance Company.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Successful development of tourists’ destinations requires community’s comprehensive support for integrating tourism stakeholders and developing satisfactory interaction between tourists and host communities. As a result of constructive and effective interaction, benefits of quality tourism for tourists and host communities can be improved and provide national development in some areas. According to the social exchange theory, in order to attract community support, it is necessary to provide more satisfactory areas for people. What could lead to this goal are positive or negative perceptions and interpretations of tourism industry development. Based on theoretical and conceptual aspects, cultural, economic, social and environmental dimensions and their impacts are important in host communities as well as creating and development of positive and negative perceptions of local communities. The impact of these variables on each other and their effects on support of tourism development, is studied in this paper. Factor analysis is used for checking validity and examine the main variable. SEM method used in order to examine existing behavior between latent variables. Data analyzed using SPSS 23 and AMOS 18. Results suggest that an important factor in resident support is the satisfaction of the tourism (by impact factor of 0.9). This factor also explain the social dimension by impact factor of 0.8. This factor has an effect through two variables of “perceived positive effects” and “satisfaction of other important factors” on tourism development support indirectly.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2021)
Aim: The aim of this study was to predict the chronic musculoskeletal pain adaptation to according inhabitation behavioral systems, activation behavioral systems and perceived social support.
Method and Materials: In this descriptive correlational study, 270 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain assessed with Illness Social-Psychosocial Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, and Wilson & Gary Brain Behavioral Systems Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 statistical software using regression statistical method.
Findings: Findings revealed the behavioral inhibition system predicts pain adaptation scores positively and the behavioral activation system predicts pain adaptation scores negatively. Perception of social support in three dimensions of family, friends, and important individuals could negatively predict 42% of the variance of pain adaptation.
Conclusion: This study showed there is a relationship between behavioral brain systems and perceived social support with pain adaptation. Therefore, it can be concluded that perceived social support and behavioral brain systems predict pain adaptation
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2022)
Research Subject: In recent years, industrial-scale production of propylene based on oxidative dehydrogenation of propane has been of particular importance due to the lack of thermodynamic limitations. In this regard, the use of natural zeolites with high abundance and low price has placed a special position. In this research, perlite natural zeolites were treated with ionic liquid solution and acid, then supported vanadium catalysis were synthesized. Performance of catalysis were investigated in oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene process with a mixed feed of propane and air in a fixed bed quartz reactor under condition of atmospheric pressure and temperature of 500˚C with a flow rate of 40000 h-1 (GHSV).
Research Approach: In this study, natural perlite support as a source of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silica (SiO2) was ion exchanged by one molar solution of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3 1 M). Continuously, to investigate the effect of delamination, different acid molar concentrations of nitric acid (HNO3) equal to 0.75, 1.5, and 2.25 were used and then compared with the just modified ion exchange sample without acid leaching (V/PERLIT-I). Dry vanadium impregnation, as an active metal, was carried out to synthesize 8% wt. catalysts. X-ray diffraction analyzes (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and ammonia Temperature-programmed desorption program (NH3-TPD) were used to characterization and evaluate the properties of the catalyst.
Main Result: The results showed that the concentration of acid used affects the conversion and selectivity of the catalysis. In comparison, a significant difference was observed between the performance of V/PERLIT-I sample compared to V/PERLIT-IA samples. The maximum selectivity value for V/PERLIT-IA(2.25) was 74%. According to the results, the treated perlite support with suitable selectivity can be considered in the studies of use as an industrial support.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2018)
Aims: Adolescence is a golden chance for preventing the harms caused by unhealthy behaviors and it is the time for choosing a permanent healthy lifestyle. The aim of study was to evaluate the impact of educational program on parental nutritional social support among parents' female adolescents.
Materials & Methods: The present field trial was conducted from January to May, 2016. Sixty-three female adolescents (33 persons in intervention group and 30 persons in control group) with the age range of 12 to 15 years at schools of Isfahan, Iran, were selected by multistage random sampling method as the samples of the study. Samples were randomly allocated to two groups. Adolescents’ perceived and received social support from their parents was measured, using a researcher-made questionnaire, of which the validity and reliability were approved. The intervention included 3 educational sessions (each session took 2 hours) within a one-week interval for adolescents’ parents. One month after performing the educational intervention for parents, adolescents’ received and perceived social support for having a healthy diet was measured. The data were analyzed, using SPSS 19 and independent t test, paired t test, Chi square, and Mann-Whitney test.
Findings: There was no significant difference between two groups regarding the demographic characteristics of the two groups. Also, no significant difference was observed between the two groups after the intervention regarding the mean level of their perceived and received nutritional social support.
Conclusion: Educational intervention on parents does not increase perceived and received social support in early adolescents for receiving healthy nutrients.