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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Considering the main role of listening comprehension in second language learning, it seems that providing listening strategies to language learners is necessary. New technologies are used to facilitate learning and podcast is one of the new tools used in language teaching today. The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to investigate whether metacognitive training with the help of podcasts can be used as an effective tool in enhancing listening comprehension. The research problem is caused by the lack of sufficient knowledge of language learners about metacognitive strategies, and in this regard, the role of the teacher in teaching these strategies is very important. This study can help French language teachers to include metacognitive strategies in improving listening skills and conventional methods. Revise yourself. For this purpose, 30 language learners were divided into two experimental and control groups based on the pre-test results. The experimental group received the podcasts through Vandergrift's metacognitive training, while the control group was taught the podcasts without any additional instructions or strategies. The results with the help of note taking, self-assessment questionnaire, direct observation and using spss software (t-test) showed that the metacognitive strategy has a positive effect on students' listening comprehension.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Since learning theories have been often ignored in translation education, the present study aimed to explore the impact of implementing principles of connectivism learning theory in translation training using an AI-powered translation tool, Matecat. Participants were thirty third-year students who enrolled in a course on the translation of Islamic texts from English. Before the commencement of the course, a pretest was given to the students to assess their translation skills. Then, on the basis of the results, two groups of experimental and control were formed. The homogeneity of the two groups was further checked by using independent samples t-test in SPSS. Unlike the control group, the experimental group was trained on the basis of the principles of connectivism and the tailored model designed for the present study. At the end of the program a posttest was administered, and the scores were subjected to statistical analysis using independent samples t-test. The results showed although both groups had started at more or less the same level, the quality of translations produced by the experimental group improved significantly more than that of the control group. Furthermore, the experimental group outperformed the control group in cohesion and coherence, structure, style and cultural aspects. In fact, the findings indicated that employing AI-powered translation tools per se will not lead to a significant improvement in learners' translation quality unless the training is integrated with pedagogical application of a digital age learning theory, such as connectivism.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)

Contextualism refers to an approach to urban planning, which considers the city in its totality. It also emphasizes on the role of social, cultural, geographical and historical influences on individual development, because of the increasing interest in understanding environment in post-modernist architecture. It is also the degree to which new architecture is sensitive to its site and location. It farther varies from building to building and place to place. Moreover, architecture in context is neither a brief attention nor a radical innovation; rather it is a strong and expressive visual relationship to the surroundings. Individual building is always seen first as a part of the whole. Creating places and spaces that enrich the lives of the people who use them is the foundation of architect’s work. Every building can and should engage in a dialogue with the history, beliefs and needs of a particular place and time. In fact, current architecture in metropolitans of Iran including Tehran has an attitude based on ignoring the environment and the context of projects, including climate, history, geography, culture, etc. This attitude leads contemporary architecture to a sort of chaos and disorder. It also brings about contemporary architecture to lose its distinctiveness, besides increasing tendency and willingness of young generation of architects to imitate foreign works and projects without any attempt to adjust them to the context and environment of local projects. It means that this attitude can face contemporary architecture with a serious danger and threat, which enjoys no identity and character. The aim of this paper is to elaborate how correct and effective designing approaches in contextual architectural design can be obtained in architectural studios in order to provide designing with a dialogue to their context and environment, to have more successful designing, and also to illustrate a clear vision for contemporary architecture. Design studios in Iran, where architectural design lessons are being taught, are the main and fundamental part of architectural education. Considering that most of undergraduate students in Iranian architectural departments are ignoring the context without paying attention to its influences in their designing, we are going to figure out how context can be reflected and used in architectural designs in this paper. For this purpose, architectural designs in 4 different studios including Educational space, Cinema, Hospital, and Residential Space in Sooreh University in two semesters during a year (2009-2010); were evaluated among 20 groups, which were divided into two controlled and uncontrolled units. The evaluation was based on 9 examinations, which the authors had already extracted from the architectural designing principles. It is worth mentioning that the only difference between those two units (controlled and uncontrolled) was the constructed site model that the controlled units could adjust and adapt their designing to. Final evaluation, which was the average score of each designing group in each examination, showed that controlled unit’s designing gathered higher score; consequently, their approach in designing was more successful and effective. It means that contextualized approaches in studios can improve architectural designing and result with architecture in context. In addition, professors at architectural departments should pay more attention to the context and environment and their role in designing process. They further should integrate their teaching with contextualism. To this end, they may utilize many innovative solutions including a model of the project site.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Aims: Fatalistic employees take serious risks because they have limited knowledge of risks and accidents, leading them to under estimate the possibility of their occurrence. This research examined the effectiveness of safety training on changing employees’ fatalism with attention to the mediating role of attitude toward safety issues. Methods: 204 employees was selected according to the stratified random sampling method in Isfahan Steel Company, divided randomly into control group (n=103) and experimental group (n=101) and the questionnaires of safety attitude and fatalism were applied as data collection instruments. The data was collected before intervention, and educational intervention was then executed in four 90-minute sessions over four days. One month after intervention, post-test was performed and the collected data was analyzed using descriptive indexes, t- and F-tests. Findings: Results show that there was a significant statistical difference in average numbers of attitude toward safety issues and fatalism before and after training intervention (p<0.01). Also, mediation analysis indicated attitude toward safety issues mediated the effect of safety trainings on fatalism (p>0.05). Therefore, safety training only by promoting workers’ safety attitudes can change the fatalistic beliefs among employees. Conclusion: By understanding relationship between fatalism and safety attitude, it should be possible to improve the training of employees, such that are less likely to attribute accidents to chance or fate.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Today most experts agree that in a highly competitive world, product lines or technology are not considered as competitive advantages for organizations,  whereas, HR and manager’s ability to manage people in an organization brings about superiority for an organization among competitors. Therefore, the development of this valuable resource is considered to be vital for organization’s success. Staff training and Development constitutes a strategic and important issue for an organization and through it organizations’ human capital is transformed into permanent capital. While the importance and necessity of designing and implementing training in organizations has become popular and well accepted, what has become extremely important is the effective evaluation of training programs.  In the present study we used the return on investment model to assess training courses at Saipa Company’s Maintenance unit. Results showed that the rate of return on investment for these courses was 35.6%. In addition, reduction in employee transfers, increased employee job satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, reduction in employee absenteeism, increased employee progress, reduction in employee turnover, increased employee engagement and decreased rate of occupational accidents has brought about intangible benefits for the organization. rn  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Today, most experts agree that in the highly competitive world, product line or technology are not even more considered as competitive advantage for organizations but on the other hand, HR and manager’s ability to manage people in an organization brings about superiority for an organization among others. Therefore, the development of this valuable resource is considered to be vital for the organization. Staff training and Development constitutes a strategic and important issue for an organization that through this, organizations human capital is transformed into permanent capital. While the importance and necessity of designing and implementing training in organizations has become popularity and everyone agrees on it, what has become extremely important in this matter is effectively Evaluation of training programs. Accordingly, at the present study we used the return on investment model to assess training courses at Saipa Company’s Maintenance unit. Results showed that the rate of return on investment for these courses was 35.6%. In addition, employees transmission reduction, increased employee job satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, employee absenteeism reduction, employee progress, employee turnover reduction, increased employee engagement and decreased rate of occupational accidents has also sought for the organization as intangible benefits.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: Today, chronic low back pain is one of the growing worldwide problems, which caused in the reduction of individuals’ physical, mental, and social functions. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of training programs on functional disability in female patients with low back pain after 6month follow-up of the training intervention strategies.
Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was carried out in rheumatology research center of Tehran University of Medical Science. A total of 27 female patients suffering from low back pain participated in this study. All the participants were divided into groups of 6 to 8 members and provided with a 4-hour training session of physiotherapy and psychology, followed by telephone counseling after one and two months. In order to collect required data and evaluate females’ functional disability, two questionnaires were employed: Roland-Morris Disability Assessment Questionnaire (RDQ) and Quebec Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (QDS). The questionnaires were completed at the beginning of the study-as the pretest, and 6-month follow up as the posttest. Data were analyzed through paired samples t-test using SPSS software version 16. A significant level of P< .05 was considered to compare the information.
Results: The results of the current study show that during the 6 months intervention program, the physical disability was significantly improved in terms of two aforementioned scales.
Conclusion: It seems that training intervention program along with the follow-up and phone counseling have significant effects on improving physical function of patients with chronic low back pain.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Aim: Effective communication has a key role in nursing profession. Furthermore, controlling emotions as a part of communication skills has an important role in initiating and maintaining healthy social communications. The meaning of emotional intelligence is also effected considerably by the importance of this aspect of social communications. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence training on the communication skills of final-year nursing students of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan) in 2014. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done with semester 7 and 8 undergraduate (nursing) 77 students. Data were collected by Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Test and Queen-Dom Communication Skills Test. Initially, the questionnaires were completed by the students; then the emotional intelligence workshop was held in 6 sessions’ each took 45 minutes. After a month, again both questionnaires were completed by the students. Analysis of results was performed by descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, middle and standard deviation) and analytic statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation coefficient) in the SPSS software (version 19). Findings: Difference of communication skills’ scores before and after the intervention had a significant level (p=0.001), and the scores increased after the intervention significantly. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence training has a positive impact on communication skills of nursing students. So holding emotional intelligence workshops in one of the university alternatively annually for nursing students is recommended.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: This study aimed to assess the influence of video games on voice learning in students of speech therapy.
Methods & Materials: This study was a clinical trial study in which 102 fifth semester students of speech therapy group of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences took part and were divided into two groups. The first group included 27students who were admitted in the university from 2008and2009 trained in traditional training and the second group (N = 75) who were admitted in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 spent their traditional training plus using the software of Avaz-e-Ma. at the end of each semester. Students' satisfaction of the learning of each group was obtained through using the qualitative scale and the final exam of each group. The relationship between the learning type and the student scores was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and the difference between of both groups were analyzed by independent T-test.
Results: The mean age of the first and the second group were 20.11 ± 3.02 and 20.25 ± 2.12 years old respectively. The mean score of the students who learned by software were 18 ± 0.2 and the students by traditional way was 12 ± 0.2 that was significant difference (P < 0.001). The majority of the students (90%) believed that the use of software has been useful.
Conclusion: The use of educational games in the classroom leads to an increase in the students' grades and the satisfaction of the students with the quality of instruction. Accordingly, using technology in educational system is recommended.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background:Knee osteoarthritis is a common disease that causes pain and impairment of normal performance. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the three combined training methods on pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Methods and Materials:This study is a semi-experimental research, and it makes use of pretest and posttest methods in which 30 male patients were selected and randomly assigned into three groups, namely the experimental group 1, the experimental group 2 and the experimental group 3. The groups underwent an 8-week period of training. Pain severity and functions were measured via Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and function through Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaires before and after exercise. Data were analyzed using variance analysis (ANOVA) (P < 0.05).
Results: The ANOVA demonstrated a significant difference between groups about pain (F(2, 27) = 35.12, (P < 0.01) and function (F(2, 27) = 32.7, (P < 0.01)). Post hoc analysis revealed significant differences between experimental groups 1 and 2 (P < 0.05) and experimental groups 1 and 3 (P < 0.01) regarding pain and function, but there was no significant difference between experimental group 2 and 3 for pain and function (P > 0.05).
Conclusion:Following the intervention, three groups showed a reduction in pain and improvement in function. The rate of recovery in the first experimental group was higher than other groups, and that a new approach in the treatment of patients suffering from severe pains was introduced in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2-2018)

Aims: In developing countries such as our country, most of the activities such as carpentry is performed manually and make workers exposure to inappropriate postures, which will increase the prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). One way to reduce these disorders is educational ergonomics interventions. The present study aimed at determining the effect of education on reducing ergonomic risk in traditional carpet weavers working in workshops in Golestan province, Iran.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 100 employees in 54 traditional workshops in Golestan province of Iran in 2016. The studied population consisted of horsewomen carpet weavers who had at least one-year work experience and were selected based on simple random sampling method. The QEC method was used to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and Nordic standard questionnaire was used to determine the frequency of symptoms of these disorders. The data were analyzed by SPSS 19, using paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon.
Findings: In the pre-interventional stage, the greatest risk was related to the neck (71.0%) at high-risk level. This intervention was significantly reduced from interventional, and only 5.0% of subjects were at this level (p<0.001). The waist circumference was 97.0% of the subjects before the training at the level of intermediate exposure. After intervention, this amount decreased and most of the subjects (64%) were exposed to low levels of exposure.
Conclusion: Education can reduce ergonomic risk in traditional carpet weavers working in workshops.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Aims: This study aimed at examining the effect of caricature on the score of family counseling in the internship training unit and the degree of satisfaction of the trainers of the internship unit from the performance of speech therapy students in Ahvaz.
Materials & Methods: The population of the study consisted of 74 students of the 5th semester of speech therapy of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences admitted to the university during 2013 to 2016 divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 39 students (2013 and 2014) and had passed patient counseling with the conventional method, the second group included 35 students (2015 and 2016) and had spent patient counseling of the speech disorder course with the help of caricatures. At the end each semester, trainers in both groups scored their satisfaction with the students’ performance, using a 4-degree qualitative scale, the internship scores of both groups were recorded.
Findings: The mean and standard deviation for the internship of students, who passed patient counseling using caricatures was 18.92±0.70, and for the students, who studied the voice topic with the traditional method was 14.84±1.05. Independent t-test showed the significance of this difference between the two groups (p<0.001). 90% of the trainers acknowledged that teaching with caricatures is more effective than the conventional teaching for offering counseling service to patients.
Conclusion: The use of caricatures in classroom has led to an increase in the ability of students to consult a patient with voice disorder. It also leads to increased satisfaction of internship trainers.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2013)

In all languages, grammar instruction is one of the most important concerns of language teaching connoisseurs. In Arabian language, due to its specific structural and instructional properties, grammar and its teaching procedure have been investigated by teachers and connoisseurs for decades. Similarly in Iran, Arabic grammar instruction has been one of the most important components of teaching this language forever; so many of famous connoisseurs and book authors in Arabic grammar are Iranian. However, nowadays, one of the most challenging fields in teaching Arabic in Iran is grammar instruction. Despite of instructing 20 units in B.A. Arabic language and literature, it seems that students are facing with paramount deficiencies in applying Arabic grammar since it is for long years that grammar is instructed with old methods and many professors are not using modern and proper. strategies. The present study attempts to study instructional methods and the rate of implementing proper strategies by a survey and questionnaires. The research findings showed that traditional deductive method is more frequently used in grammar instruction, and new strategies, namely technology and contributive application and strategy, are implemented less than traditional methods in providing feedback information.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Training evaluations reveal degrees of value creation for stakeholders. The evaluation results can help to improve the quality of teaching and prevent wasting of educational efforts. In this study, using the Kirkpatrick model (1994), effectiveness on management development curriculums of behavioral level has been studied in descriptive and quasi- experimental method. It should be noted that this study is considered as a longitudinal one. Two weeks before starting the curriculum, a pre-test survey was employed to measure behavioral changes resulting from learning experiment. The post-test involves measuring changes in learners' behavior in two time periods: 1) Two weeks after completion of the curriculum, 2) one or two months after finishing the curriculum. Evaluation results indicate that the changes in job behavior resulted from the training curriculum has different effects as follow: although it can be seen within two weeks, but it is not stable. After one month it has decreased, but it is not stable, and finally after one month has decreased. In other words, learning of learners in these curriculums is not conducive to change their job. This Indicate the cause of failure of eleven deterrent effect of reducing or neutralizing the effectiveness trains of management development. The results of this study indicate that the training system of Iran development management is in need of fundamental revision. This review primarily involves the selecting an appropriate theoretical model and then design a training needs assessment based on job level, organizational level, and cross it

Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)

The purpose of the study is to identify factors  that does not originate directly from the training program and how to implement it, but included in the two following categories of “organization environment” and “meta-organizational factors” affecting the training application in the organization. The findings of the study were obtained using qualitative research and case study method. The research analysis unit was Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2014. To collect data, 34 people were considered for the population, including 13 managers, 12 faculty members and 9 employees. The research instrument was open interview and semi-structured interview. Results showed that factors affecting the training application in university following factors related to organization environment include eight factors: climate of application of Education, Supervisor and Peer Support, outcome of application, Providing a appropriate substrate, Encourage to work,Organization Culture, Occupation Guarantee and Organization Demandsand meta-organizational factors are 3 factor: Expectations of society, Social status and the rapid development of science and technology. Considering these factors could help organizations to achieve the goal of “Application of Training”, that is the perennial concerns of managers and main factor to assess the effectiveness of education.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Aim: The lifetime prevalence of Low Back Pain (LBP) in children and adolescents increases significantly between 12 and 18 years old. It is argued that spinal healthy behavior could prevent from this problem.  This study aimed to assess the effective of an training program on spinal care behaviors of female students.
Method and Materials: The present study is a clinical trial study that was performed on 104 fifth grade female students in district 22 of Tehran. Participants entered into the study after learning about the objectives and procedures of the study and were divided into two groups of intervention and control (52 students in each group). Just intervention group were trained regarding skills of backpack carrying. Data were collected at 4 time points of before, immediately, three and six months after training in both groups and analyzed using SPSS software version 24 .
Findings: This study showed that there was significant difference in terms of backpack carrying skill in intervention group compared to other group (p < 0.00). Furthermore, a positive change in back-related behavior was found for the intervention group from pre-test to post test and all follow-up assessments (p<0.001, ηp2=0.25). By contrast, participants of the control group did not experience significant improvement in this regards.
Conclusion: The present study revealed that carrying skill can be improved by skill training of students regarding how to carry backpack correctly. However, it is strongly recommended these kind of researches should be done in future to be able to design more effective studies. 

Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2019)

Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of mindfulness training on depression, anxiety, and stress in high school students in Ahvaz in the academic year of 2017-2018.
Materials & Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study with pre-test post-test design with control group. The statistical population included all of high school female students in the academic year of 2017-2018. The sample size consisted of 40 students, who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling and randomly divided into experimental (n=20) and control (n=20) groups. For the experimental group, 8 sessions (each session 90 minutes) of the mindfulness program were performed, but no experimental test was performed for the control group and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) was used for collecting data. To test the hypotheses, covariance analysis and multivariate analysis of variance was performed, using SPSS 21 software. In addition, Levin test was used to test the equivalency of variances. After completion of educational programs, post-test was performed on both groups.
Findings: The results of data analysis indicated that the effect of mindfulness training on decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress has been shown and there was a significant relationship between mindfulness education and anxiety reduction, depression, and stress (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is worthwhile for educators to teach students how to train their mind-learning skills to be able to manage their self-control coping processes and reduce the amount of anxiety disorder in psychological conditions.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2023)

Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of coping skills group training and mindfulness-based group training on pain perception in patients with kidney failure with follow up.
Method and Materials: The method of the study was semi-experimental in nature with a pretest-posttest design. The statistical population of this research included all kidney failure patients who visited Kosar Hospital in 2021-2022 (from October to November). Based on this, 45 renal failure patients were divided into two experimental groups and one control group using the matching method, and all three groups were administered the McGill Pain Questionnaire (1997) in the pretest, posttest and follow-up. Data were analyzed with SPSS-26.
Findings: The findings showed; there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of coping skills group training and mindfulness-based group training on pain perception in patients with kidney failure. But both intervention groups were significantly different from the control group (P<0.01). Both treatments had a lasting effect in follow-up stage.
Conclusion: According the findings of this syudy, it can be said that group training of coping skills and group training based on mindfulness can affect pain perception, in patients with renal failure, and this effect continues over time.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2008)

In general, the scarce resources are efficiently allocated to achieve the economic and social goals of an economy. This means the factors of production including labour force and capital stock must be allocated using rational and scientific approaches. This means investors need to be able to evaluate the cost-benefit of investment in order to make informed and efficient decisions. In this article, we analyze the cost-benefit of technical and professional trainings in Iran. Three courses which comprise skilled labor force, first-class and second-class labor forces are considered in this study and then the cost-benefit methodology is employed. This methodology can be used in future cost-benefit studies of technical and professional trainings. The result obtained from the analysis shows that the educational rate of return in all three courses is higher than the rate of return in the participation papers market in Iran. This result obtained after adjusting the effects of individual ability on their income and correcting the adjustment effects of employment.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Besides personal skills, individuals require some additional skills which are crucial to help them maintain a successful life in a community. One of them is the ability to communicate and develop social relationships. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of auditory training in social functions of elementary school bilingual Persian-Kurdish students in the town of Sar-pol-zahab. To implement the research in which a descriptive and analytical method is used, first the types of listening are defined and then the challenges and obstacles in the way of them happening are discussed. In addition, auditory training methods in teaching listening skills are explained for teachers. The data includes the assessment of the auditory skills improvement of Kurdish-speaker students whose auditory skills are being trained by teachers. The data is accumulated via questioners and processed by statistical methods. The results of this research are presented in the statistical analysis section.

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