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Showing 1 results for Active Carbon

Shahab Eldin Hamrahi, Koorosh Goudarzi, Mahmood Yaghoubi, Mehrorang Ghaedi,
Volume 17, Issue 11 (1-2018)

The goal of this research is to design and build a solar adsorption chiller operated by activated carbon / methanol. Continuous refrigeration systems are able to produce cooling continuously. This paper examines the effect of activated carbon particles on the performance of a continuous adsorption chiller device. The source of this chiller is through sunlight and supplied by a parabolic collector that does not need to track sunlight. The system operates with two adsorbent beds that, when one is adsorbed, the other is desorbed. The experiments were carried out in Yasuj during three different days in the month of Bahman for three hot water input to the chiller 38℃, 34℃ and 30℃. The average ambient temperature during the experiment is 18℃. Experimental results shows that for the total energy input, 13MJm-2, the average performance factor of the chiller is when the inlet temperature of the hot water of the chiller is 38℃, 34℃ and 30℃, respectively, of 0.123, 0.103 and 0.10. For Previous temperatures the average specific cooling power of the device was obtained at 88Wkg-1, 65Wkg-1 and 50Wkg-1 respectively.

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