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Showing 65 results for Emission

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Today, carbon dioxide emission is one of the concerns of all countries in the world, so in this paper, we examine the effect of export quality, energy efficiency, and economic complexity on CO2 emissions per capita during the period of 1990 to 2014 in emerging economies. For this purpose, first, energy efficiency is calculated using mathematical programming methods (DEA). Then, the effect of export quality, energy efficiency, and economic complexity on per capita carbon dioxide emissions in the panel of emerging economies is investigated using panel quantile regression. The energy efficiency results show that the average energy efficiency of the studied countries had been increasing from 1990 to 2014. The lowest efficiency score among the studied countries is related to China. The results of quantile regression indicate that the export quality and consumption per capita of fossil fuels have a positive and significant effect on CO2 emissions per capita in all quantiles. The results also show that the coefficient increases by moving in the level of quantiles, so that, the highest effect coefficient of export quality on CO2 emission is related to the quantile 90th and about 0.874. Energy efficiency has a negative and significant effect in all quantiles except 90th, and the highest coefficient of influence (0.133) is related to quantile 10th. The increase in economic complexity increases the co2 emissions in all quantiles except 10th, and the highest coefficient (about 0.487) is related to quantile 90th. 

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Today, financial development is one of the main drivers of economic growth and development. Since developing countries are focused on the rapid expansion of economic growth, they have taken steps toward the development of financial markets. However, the consequences of financial development on environmental quality are not clear. In addition, since the emission of carbon dioxide caused by production is significantly different from the emission of carbon dioxide caused by consumption in some countries (such as China). Therefore, this article examines the impact of financial development on the consumption-based CO emissions for a panel of 17 developing countries during the period of 1990-2019 with a Panel- Quantile approach. Empirical findings show that the effect of financial development on consumption-based CO emissions is positive and significant in all quantiles. In addition, this study considers gross domestic product, rental rates of natural resources, trade openness, and globalization as control variables. The results of this study provide new evidence for policymakers to maintain environmental quality by focusing on the link between financial development and consumption-based CO emissions.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (7-2020)

Aims: The present study aims to monitor and assess CO2 emission from the soil of different land uses and land covers including rangelands, farmlands, mines, gravel lands, and bare lands (lands characterized with no vegetation) in monthly and annual temporal scales.
Materials & Methods: Monthly carbon emission was monitored according to the alkali-trap method in a closed static chamber from mid-March 2015 to mid-February 2016. Data on emissions and land use were analyzed in a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with four replications. To determine the relationship between temperature and humidity factors with changes in carbon emission in each land use, Pearson correlation coefficient was used.
Findings: The highest (about 3.44g C/m2/d) and the lowest (0.13g C/m2/d) emission rate was found in mines (in July 2016) and in gravel lands (in January 2016), respectively. The results also showed a seasonal pattern (high in summer and low in winter) of CO2 emission. It was found that while carbon emission positively correlated with soil moisture, it showed a negative correlation with soil temperature in mines.
Conclusion: The results depicted that land management should include proper land use selection and improper land use changes should be avoided.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2010)

In this study, generation of the transient evoked ooacoustic emissions in human ear has been simulated using a new electroacoustic model. The method of state variables was adopted to calculate the auditory model, and numerical integration methods have been used to solve differential equations in Matlab. Simulation results have been compared with the real data. In this study, latency curves, frequency spectrum of the simulated TEOAE and calculation errors were used to validate of the model. The results of this research show that simulated outputs are similar to clinical data.
, Ramin Khamedi, Amir Sharifi, Hassan Ebrahimnejad,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2011)

In this paper a new approach about relation of Acoustic Emission(AE) method and mechanical properties of ferrite-martensite dual phase steels(DPS) has presented. The AE signals from a tensile test using a range of DPS with different volume fractions of martensite (VM)s, in the range of 12–65% VM, were obtained and their AE signals were investigated. In order to better study DPS internal behaviour, a function named “sentry function” was used. The amount of this function depends on the strain energy and acoustic emission energy. the Results show that AE monitoring and sentry function are efficient tools for detection of micromechanisms, consisting of Ferrite-Martensite interface decohesion and/or martensite phase fracture, identifying the correlation of failure mechanisms to microstructure in DPS.
Bahman Najafi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (9-2011)

In this research work, a comprehensive combustion analysis has been conducted to evaluate the performance of a low speed diesel engine (M8/1 Lister) using biodiesel fuel. Waste vegetable cooking oil as an alternative fuel. Biodiesel obtained from waste vegetable cooking oil (WCO) as an alternative fuel. The properties of biodiesel produced from WCO was measured based on ASTM standards. In order to compare brake power, torques , brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and concentration of the UHC and CO emissions of the engine, it has been tested under same load of Dynamometer(5 levels) and biodiesel fuel blends (levels)) at constant engine speed(750 rpm). The results were found to be very comparable. An artificial neural network (ANN) was developed based on the collected data of this work. Multi layer perceptron network (MLP) was used for nonlinear mapping between the input and the output parameters. Different activation functions and several rules were used to assess the percentage error between the desired and the predicted values. The results showed that the training algorithm of Back Propagation was sufficient in predicting the engine torque, brake power, specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas components for different engine loads and different fuel blends ratios.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2012)

This paper aims at identifying the factors that have influenced changes in the level of industrial CO2 in Iran. Environmental Problems, especially “climate change” due to significant increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases, have been on the agenda since 1980s. Among the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important. By means of an algebraic decomposition method the observed changes are analyzed into five different factors: output level, energy intensity, fuel mix, structural change and residual. The results show that output and energy intensity had the most effect on increasing CO2 emissions. And CO2 emissions are possible to decrease without decreasing output if structure and efficiency energy and Fuel mix get improved.
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Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2013)

In the combined cooling, heating and power system, electricity is produced by prime mover. Recovered heat from the prime mover supplies heating and cooling demands. In this research, primary energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction are employed to evaluate the performances of cchp system compared with conventional system for residential buildings in Tehran. The combined cooling, heatig and power system follows Maximum electrical or thermal demand and Maximum rectangle electrical or thermal demand management. The results indicate that cchp system for residential five, eleven-storey buildings, in maximum rectangle electrical demand, maximum rectangle thermal and maximum electrical demand modes is the best strategy, if cooling demand is produced by absorption chiller and electric chiller. In the best strategy, primary energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction are 13% and 12%, respectively. If cooling demand is produced only by absorption chiller, primary energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction are decreased. In this case, maximum electrical and thermal demands are the worst strategies. In the worst case, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in cchp are increased 39% and 56% compared to the conventional system, respectively. Payback period in these strategies are calculated 5.5 and 7 years for 11 and 5 tories.
Navid Zarif Karimi, Hossin Heidary, Mahdi Ahmadi Najafabadi, A Rahimi, Mehdi Farajpur,
Volume 13, Issue 15 (3-2014)

Drilling of composite materials is one of the major processes in the manufacturing and assembly of sub-component. However, drilling of composite laminates can cause several damages such as degradation in residual tensile strength. In this study, effects of cutting speed, feed rate and drill angle on residual tensile strength of drilled laminates has been investigated. For this purpose, the Taguchi method was employed for three factors at three levels. Acoustic emission signals and wavelet analysis are used to monitor residual tensile strength. The experimental results indicated that the feed rate has the most significant effect. Based on time-frequency analysis of AE signals, it was found that AE signals with frequency ranges of (62.5-125), (250-312.5) and (312.5-375) KHz were generated from matrix cracking, fiber slipping and fiber breakage respectively.
Ramin Khamedi, Esmaeil Porsaeidi, Moosa Jabbari,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)

Acoustic Emission technique is a non destructive method which can be used for detection of corrosion mechanism. In this paper the corrosion of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids solution on some kinds of stainless steel like 304, 316 and GTD-450 with and without residual stress was surveyed by acoustic emission technique. Considering tests diagrams, cumulative counts in the samples with residual stress is more than other ones due to high sensitivity of stainless steel samples to stress corrosion cracking. Also frequency in the samples with residual stress is lower than other ones. Cumulative count in the stainless steel 304 is more than stainless steel 316 for all of the samples. A sudden and intensive corrosion in the hydrochloric acid environment was observed specially in the samples with residual stress. For stainless steel 304, this event was very harmful, because, it will the cause of some pitting corrosion, which concentrates stress in these locations and finally creates crack in structure.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)

This paper examines the short run, long run and causal relationship among economic growth, carbon emissions, energy consumption and employment ratio in Iran over the period 1977–2010. Using autoregressive distributed lag bounds testing approach of cointegration; the results support a long-run relationship among the variables. Also, the estimated income elasticity of carbon emissions per capita in short- and long- run are 0.03 and 0.07, respectively; and the income elasticity of employment ratio in short run and long run are 0.85 and 3.25, respectively. Regarding the causality test, our findings indicate that, there is a unidirectional causality from GDP per capita to both energy consumption and carbon emissions per capita; also, employment ratio causes economic growth in both short run and long run. The overall results show that energy conservation policies, such as rationing energy consumption and controlling carbon dioxide emissions, have not likely adverse impacts on economic growth in Iran. In addition, the paper shows that establishment of labor-intensive industries is of considerable positive impact on the long run economic growth in Iran.
Parinaz Belalpour Dastjerdi, Mohammad Fotouhi, Sakine Fotouhi, Mahdi Ahmadi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

Delamination is one of the main defects in composite materials. Studying the initiation and propagation of delamination is useful for the design and production of high quality resistant materials. Therefore understanding the behavior of delamination damage and having enough knowledge about that will be helpful. In this study, generated acoustic emission signals from two types of glass/epoxy composite specimens at different layups, [0,90]5s and [0]10, is recorded. After that signals were analyzed by applying strain energy function. The results indicate that specimens at different layups have different stiffness behavior toward damage initiation and growth. Using strain energy function method initiation and growth of delamination can be evaluated. The obtained results provide useful information for the design and production of high quality resistant composite materials.

Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2011)

The renvoi is one of the most important issues in the conflict of law systems. The renvoi is divided into two categories; remission and transmission. Some systems do not accept and others who accept renvoi are divided into two groups. Some apply both renvoi and others only accept remission. It is certain that the article 973 of Iran`s Civil Code requires courts to apply remission but it is not clear for the courts what to do about the transmission. The interpretation of this article has arisen disputes among the Iranian jurists. The author has arrived this conclusion that in the light of comparative analysis of renvoi in different conflict of law systems, it is appropriate to say that it is up to the Iranian courts to adapt transmission. If the court, in any event, do not apply transmission, it must apply the domestic rules of the lex fori.
Milad Saeedifar, Mohammad Fotouhi, Reza Mohammadi, Mehdi Ahmadi Najafabadi, Hossein Hosseini Toudeshky,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (7-2014)

Delamination is the most common failure mode in composite materials. It takes place in different modes, i.e. mode I, mode II or the combination of these modes. The present study is concerned with an investigation of mechanical and acoustic emission behavior of delamination. In this work, various lay-ups of glass/epoxy composite laminates have been used to study the delamination behavior when subjected to mode I, mode II and the mixed-mode I/II tests. First, the characterization of load-displacement curves of the specimens is done based on the AE parameters and mechanical responses and the curves were divided into three parts. The crack growth in the mode I was stable state and in the mixed-mode and mode II was unstable. In the next, interlaminar fracture toughness of the specimens, Gc, were measured using standard methodologies and acoustomechanical methodologies which is based on the mechanical behavior and AE information. It was found that the acoustomechanical method presents the lower limit of the interlaminar fracture toughness and agrees with the results that obtained from standard. The images were captured with Scanning electron microscope (SEM) from damage surfaces verifies the results that obtained from Acoustic emission.

Volume 14, Issue 5 (9-2014)

There are several direct and indirect methods to estimate in-situ stress. Generally in all methods rock breaking is required for in-situ stress determination in which broken rock response is due to displacement/strain or hydraulic pressure. Hydraulic fracture, Relief method, Jacking method, Strain Recovery method and borehole breakout method are known as direct methods. On other hand, the indirect methods estimation is based on changing of some physical or other properties of rock which represent from applying stress. Even though, these methods are also laboratory methods, however, indirect techniques are non destructive, low cost and simple for estimation of in-situ stress. This is the reason which has motivated rock mechanics researchers to use Acoustic Emission (AE) and Deformation Rate Analysis (DRA) methods. Results aaccuracy of the methods are affected by rock texture, cracks type and delay time. The delay time means that time between coring in field and test time for stress measuring. The capability of AE and DRA methods in stress estimation have been assessed in this research and the effect of delay time on estimated stress are worked out. AE and DRA tests were carried out on the samples for estimation of in-situ stress. Stress has a nature tensor with 9 components, in which six of them are independent components and the rest (3 components) are dependent components. Each component of tensor need to be determined with a total of six tensors which required six tests in six different orientations. Six series of samples with different delay times (4 series with 20 days as delay time and 2 series with 5 years as delay time) were obtained from abutments of Seyamreh dam (South-West of Iran). AE and DRA tests were carried out. The values obtain from these AE and DRA tests were compared with result of Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) method which carried out at the same locations. The comparison shows a good conformity between the result of AE and DRA methods with those of HF method for horizontal stresses where as there are variations noticed for vertical stress values. This may be due to this fact that in the HF method assumes the vertical stress is equal to overburden weight which is not correct assumption. The other result of this assumption is that the others two principal stresses are horizontal. It is obvious if one of principal stresses would be vertical the two other have to be horizontal. Furthermore, this investigation infers that delay time is very important parameter on the results obtained by AE & DRA methods. Thus better accuracy can be computed when the delay time is minimized.
Milad Saeedifar, Mohammad Fotouhi, Reza Mohammadi, Mehdi Ahmadi, Milad Hajikhani,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)

Sandwich composites are widely used in structural applications because of their appropriate mechanical properties and low strength/weight ratio. Delamination is common failure mode in these structures that lead to a reduction in strength and stiffness of composite. In this paper, using acoustic emission, initiation and propagation of delamination in sandwich composite specimens was investigated. The specimens were loaded under mode I loading. Then the characteristics of the signals related to different damage mechanisms were specified. The acoustic emission signals were classified based on their frequency ranges. Then the acoustic emission signals were recorded during the test specimens were processed using wavelet transform. Thus the percentage of energy in each components of the acoustic emission signal was specified. Each of these components has a certain frequency range corresponding to a damage mechanism. Thus the percentages of different damage mechanisms in each specimen were specified. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was also employed to verify the results which were obtained from acoustic emission and wavelet transform method. The results showed acoustic emission is efficient tool for identification and separation of different damage mechanisms in sandwich structures.
Reza Mohammadi, Milad Saeedifar, Mohamad Fotouhi, Cevat Teymuri, Mehdi Ahmadi Najafabadi,
Volume 14, Issue 11 (2-2015)

The AISI D2 steel is a high-chromium and high-carbon tool steel which has good mechanical properties such as high compressive strength and good through-hardening. Despite these advantages, fracture toughness of this steel is moderate. In this study, fracture toughness of AISI D2 steel was determined using Finite Element and Acoustic Emission methods. Selected steel (AISI D2 cold-work tool steel) was heat treated and tempered at different conditions. Then Compact testing specimens were prepared according to ASTM E399 standard and fracture toughness of the specimens was specified according to the standard method. The specimens were modeled in the commercial FE software (ABAQUS) and fracture toughness of the specimens was determined using FEM. Determination of fracture toughness using AE technique was carried out according to three methods: Acoustic Emission Energy Rate (AEER), Acoustic Emission Count Rate (AECR) and integral of sentry function. The results obtained from ASTM E399, Finite Element and Acoustic Emission methods were compared with each other. It was found that fracture toughness values which were obtained using AECR and integral of sentry function techniques are lower bound and the results obtained from FEM are upper bound values of the fracture toughness. Furthermore, fracture toughness values obtained using AEER were the most consistent with the results obtained from ASTM E399 standard method. Finally, it could be concluded that Acoustic Emission method can be used as a useful method for determination of fracture toughness of engineering materials.
Farshad Meisami, Hossein Ajam,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be produced from vegetable or animal oil. The main benefit of using biodiesel is its capacity to lower exhaust emissions compared to diesel fuel. Over the last few years, numerous studies have been performed on biodiesel production and its effect to engine performance and emissions. However, in those studies; no attention has been paid in economic analysis of biodiesel usage in engines. In this investigation, various mixtures of biodiesel and diesel fuel have been tested on a four cylinders turbocharged diesel engine. The combustion reaction was determined by using the experimental data. Then, the mass flow rate of each exhaust emissions was calculated, using combustion reaction. The economic analysis was performed considering social cost of emissions, inlet fuel cost and the cost of engine power loss. Because of low diesel fuel price in Iran, the results were determined by ignoring the inlet fuel cost. The technical analysis was also performed considering the engine performance results. The results showed that the 10% and 15% biodiesel-diesel blends (B10 and B15) were more affordable than diesel fuel. The performance results of engine were also acceptable in these blends. The power loss was slight and the highest thermal efficiency was also observed in these blends. All biodiesel blends were more affordable than diesel in emissions economic analysis
Ramin Khamedi, Mohammad Nikmehr,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

The aim of this article is to investigate the effects of Nylon nanofiber in carbon- epoxy composites properties under double cantilever beam test by Non-destructive Acoustic Emission testing. In order to increase tougher of carbon- epoxy composite, Nylon nanofibers were placed in to the midplane interface of carbon- epoxy laminates. In order to better identification of the effects of Nylon nanofibers and more accurate clustering of Acoustic emission parameters were used combining of k-means algorithm and Genetic algorithm for clustering. Acoustic emission descriptors like Amplitude, Duration, Count, Acoustic Energy and Rise time were used in order to survey identification of effects of nanofibers. The results of clustering of Acoustic emission signals that obtained from carbon- epoxy composite and carbon- epoxy nanomodified composite shows that the presence of Nylon nanofibers increase the tougher of carbon- epoxy composite and delayed damage mechanisms. This method of clustering is a good fit between acoustic signals and damage mechanisms and time of events. Cumulative events of Acoustic emission Amplitude obtained from damage mechanisms of both composite are in the same range and Acoustic emission duration of carbon-epoxy is more than carbon-epoxy nanomodified composite.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Odour emission has been an obstacle for the development of composting facilities. Composting is an environment friendly process which produces secondary pollutants. Ammonia is the most existing compound in these facilities; therefore Odour dispersion studies depended on geographic and metrological conditions of these kinds of places toward residential cities are required. Ammonia is a Tang, toxic, reactive and corrosive compound. Determination the place of landfills and composting facilities must concord with environmental laws; otherwise the blowing wind could transmit pollutants toward residential cities. Industrial source complex is the most common method for modeling of odour emission from volume and area sources. Kahrizak landfill is located in the south of Tehran with latitude and longitude of 51°20'39" E and 35°28'05" N. The amount of waste discharged to this landfill is about 7000 ton per day. A mathematical model for odour and ammonia emissions from Kahrizak landfill based on Gaussian fluctuating plume theory has been developed in this paper. Using the two-dimensional theory of dispersion, the odour emission from that landfill has been calculated. Since the Gaussian dispersion equation is used for point sources, this equation should be changed to determine the ammonia concentration emitted from volume sources. Virtual point method is used to consider this problem. The mathematical dispersion model is based on Pasquill Gifford and Gauss theory. By using meteorological data cumulated from Emam airport meteorological station, In Pasquill Gifford equations, dispersion parameters and emission equation were calculated. WRPLOT software was used to determine the wind direction and Land gem software was used to calculate the ammonia emission rate. The data needed for this software cumulated from Kahrizak waste management Organization of Tehran. Monin obokhov length and net radiation used for stability class specification. Radiation angle and topographic parameters effects were considered in these calculations The wind velocity and temperature were respectively about 3.6 m/s and 8.4°C.. Bowen ratio, albedo ratio and surface roughness of the site were respectively 1.5, 0.35 and 1. The stability class in the mentioned condition was calculated C. Results show that ammonia emission rate from this landfill and composting facility are respectively about 60 g/s and 103g/s. According to EPA reports these values are reasonable. Finally ammonia dispersion equation was solved by Matlab computing program. Maximum ammonia concentration is about 180mg/m3 when x, the distance, is 80 meters and He, effective height, is1.5 m. Emitted ammonia from Kahrizak landfill could transport toward 2kms from this landfill. Since the nearest residential city is about 8.1 km far away from this landfill, therefore there is not a serious problem threatening people who live there. In order to protect environment and people, It’s recommended not to build any residential, commercial or industrial organization about 2 km from here.

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