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Showing 3 results for Failure Criteria

Volume 7, Issue 1 (11-2008)

In this paper comparison of finite element results and experimental observations of the hydroforming deep drawing is considered in which fluid pressure is used instead of die. Effects of hydroforming parameters during the process are studied, and a comparison with conventional method in deep drawing of aluminum alloys sheets with different blank diameters is presented. Large strain effects, anisotropic material properties, and the Coulomb friction theory in contact surfaces have been considered. ABAQUS code was used for simulation of process. In the first step, the numerical results have been verified by available experimental results, which showed a good agreement. These results contain force-punch travel and thickness strain. In the next step, the effects of initial pressure, friction, and punch radius on wrinkling, tearing, earring, and thickness strain have been studied. The results showed the range of pressure container for the hydroforming deep drawing. A comparison between some of the common deep drawing methods has been presented based on two main failure criteria and thickness strain criteria. Finally it is concluded that the hydroforming process is a more efficient method for achieving the higher drawing rate with respect to the conventional methods.
, Faramarz. Javanroodi, M. Pakbaz,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (10-2008)

In this paper comparison of finite element results and experimental observations of the hydroforming deep drawing is considered in which fluid pressure is used instead of die. Effects of hydroforming parameters during the process are studied, and a comparison with conventional method in deep drawing of aluminum alloys sheets with different blank diameters is presented. Large strain effects, anisotropic material properties, and the Coulomb friction theory in contact surfaces have been considered. ABAQUS code was used for simulation of process. In the first step, the numerical results have been verified by available experimental results, which showed a good agreement. These results contain force-punch travel and thickness strain. In the next step, the effects of initial pressure, friction, and punch radius on wrinkling, tearing, earring, and thickness strain have been studied. The results showed the range of pressure container for the hydroforming deep drawing. A comparison between some of the common deep drawing methods has been presented based on two main failure criteria and thickness strain criteria. Finally it is concluded that the hydroforming process is a more efficient method for achieving the higher drawing rate with respect to the conventional methods.
Fathollah Taheri-Behrooz, Hadi Bakhshan,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)

The analysis of notched composite parts in a structure due to the existence of high stress concentration and undetermined behavior is an exigent issue. In this research, the progressive damage analysis has been applied to predict the failure of notched woven glass- epoxy composite laminates under tensile loading. Stress analysis and investigation of the effect of the hole size on it have been performed by the analytical and numerical methods. Developing an UMAT in the ABAQUS finite element package has made the utilization of the 3D progressive damage analysis feasible. Max. Stress, Yamada- Sun and Tsai- Wu failure criterions have been implemented to predict the damage initiation due to the absence of significant failure criteria for woven composites. Instantaneous and recursive property degradation methods have been used to simulate the damage propagation. The tensile characteristic distance has been computed without any experiments. The comparison of stress and failure analysis with experimental results shows good agreement. Finally, using tensile characteristic length obtained by progressive damage method, the possibility of safety factor determination in the composite joints in order to optimum design has been provided.

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