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Showing 3 results for Micro-Channel

Jafar Jamaati, Ali Reza Farahinia, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)

Numerical modeling of electro-osmotic flow in heterogeneous micro-channels using two different models is presented in this article. For the through modeling of such flows, the coupled equations of Navier-Stokes, Nernst-Planck and the Poisson-Boltzmann are solved for the flow field, electric charges transport and electric field, respectively. Numerical solution of these equations for the heterogeneous micro-channels is complicated and difficult. Therefore, simple and approximate models such as Helmholtz-Smoluchowski have been proposed in which the solution of Poisson-Boltzmann, Nernst-Planck are neglected and the effect of the electric field on the flow field is applied through a prescribed slip boundary condition at the walls of micro-channel. The electro-osmotic flow fields within the heterogeneous micro-channels are usually complex and contain the vortex region that is ideal for mixing purpose. Hence, in this paper, the micro-channels designed so that they are capable to serve as micro-mixers in the mixing applications. For the micro-channels proposed here, the flow fields are obtained both with approximate modeling and the full simulation of electro-osmotic flows so that a comparison can be made to discuss the accuracy of the approximate model. The results of this study can be used to model the electro-osmotic flow field within heterogeneous micro-channels.
Behrooz Behroozi, Majid Ghasemi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (6-2017)

With the development of micro-mechanical systems, human became interested in concentrating on the small-scale impact on the flow and heat transfer in micro-channels. A micro-channel is required for a gas sensor to guide the gas flow. Reducing the size of channel has lead the scientist to concentrate on micro-sensor. Metal oxide gas micro-sensors are used to detect gases such as O3, SO2, CO2, NO, NH3, CH4 and etc. Metal oxide gas micro-sensors are small in size, low cost in fabrication and consume little power. The purpose of the current study is to numerically investigate the micro-channel wall thickness and diameter on gas inlet temperature under the influence of thermal creeping. The governing nonlinear differential equations, mass, momentum, energy, and species, are coupled and solved by a commercial code. The channel is assumed to be two dimensional. Since the Knudsen number is between 0.01 and 0.1, the slip boundary condition, Maxwell equation, is utilized. The result shows that as wall thickness increases the gas inlet temperature increases and temperature difference between gas inlet and outlet decreases. On the other hand as channel diameter decreases the gas inlet temperature increases.
Arsalan Torabi, Mohammad Reza Razfar,
Volume 20, Issue 11 (11-2020)

In recent years, forming a 3D microfluidic channels on the electrical non-conductive material such as Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in the micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) and medical applications is of great interest. Lithography is the most know process to create patterns on the PDMS however there are a few drawbacks to this process such as high operational cost and time, and sidewall angle. In all applications, the quality of the microchannel surface determines the performance of it. In this research as innovatively the electrochemical discharge milling (ECDM) which is known for lower operational cost and proper material removal rate (MRR) (i.e. process time), and is capable of creating patterns on electrical non-conductive material, was used to form a microchannel on the PDMS. To that end, the effect of process parameters such as electrolyte concentration, feed rate and cutting speed and voltage on the surface roughness and surface integrity deeply investigated. It was observed that ECDM is capable of creating patterns on the PDMS with surface integrity which is comparable with the lithography microchannel. It is also observed that decreasing the rotational speed from 10000 to 0 rpm results in increasing the surface roughness 2 to 4 times, this happens due to the increasing the thickness of the gas film around the tool, and subsequently increasing the flying sparks which results in higher surface roughness. Increasing the Voltage from 38 to 42 V results in 38% enhancement of surface roughness. The 25% electrolyte concentration results in lower surface roughness.

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