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Showing 1 results for Sampling Frequency

Seyed Ali Hosseini Kordkheili, Sajjad Hajirezaie, Seyed Hassan Momeni Massuleh,
Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)

A comparison between three different time domain MIMO modal identification techniques i.e. ERA, EITD and PRCE is performed. The comparison is executed for discontinuous (mass and spring) and continuous (beam) systems in two different cases; i. e. experimental and operational modal analysis techniques. For this purpose the modal parameters of the system are measured using both direct time history data of impulse response (EMA) as well as correlation function of random response of the structure (OMA). From the results it is noted that some parameters like sampling frequency and total recording time have effect on their accuracy. Sensitivities of the results due to these parameters are measured and reported for all three considered methods. For this purpose the effecting parameters are altered between a couple of values and the sensitivity of the results is studied for all methods in both EMA and OMA cases. Finally, a comparison between the results of different methods is done and the accuracy of the methods is studied. It is concluded that ERA is the most accurate and reliable method with the least sensitivity to effecting parameters in both EMA and OMA cases.

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