Volume 19, Issue 9 (September 2019)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2019, 19(9): 2085-2092 | Back to browse issues page

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Salari H, Mahmoodi M, Borhani E. New Strategy to Simultaneous Increase in Strength and Electrical Conductivity of UFG Copper Strip Fabricated via Accumulative Roll Bonding- Cold Roll Bonding. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2019; 19 (9) :2085-2092
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-18180-en.html
1- Manufacturing & Production Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
2- Manufacturing & Production Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran , mahmoodi@semnan.ac.ir
3- Nanomaterials Department, Nanotechnology Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Abstract:   (7821 Views)

The cold roll bonding (CRB) is a type of bonding process between similar and/or dissimilar metals that is bonded through plastic deformation via rolling process at room temperature. In addition, the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process is considered as one of the methods for applying severe plastic deformation (SPD) with the ability to achieve ultra-fine grains (UFG) structure and improved mechanical properties. In this research, a combined method was suggested consisting of ARB and CRB processes in order to fabricate UFG copper strip with simultaneous increase of strength and electrical conductivity. Microstructure, mechanical properties, and electrical conductivity of copper specimen fabricated via combined method and ARB processes were investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) micrographs showed in the crystalline structure of the specimen fabricated via combined method, a large amount of the UFG with uniform distribution are observable. Also tensile strength and hardness of strips increased with increasing the number of rolling passes. Finally, investigation the electrical conductivity of the specimens by four-point probes test showed electrical conductivity decreases with increasing the number of ARB cycles, while the specimen fabricated via combined method increased simultaneously strength, hardness, and high electrical conductivity.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Metal Forming
Received: 2018/03/26 | Accepted: 2019/01/29 | Published: 2019/09/1

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