Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2013, 13(1): 61-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Two Point Incremental Forming Analysis Using Slab Analysis with Experimental Data. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2013; 13 (1) :61-69
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-9148-en.html
Abstract:   (5755 Views)
In order to produce shell parts with diffrents applications using the new method in sheet metal forming is inevitable. In this article is intruduced a new process that movement of forming tool is compeltely gradual and controlled. In this method can creat complicated shapes in sheet metal. Also in order to create movement of tool is used Computer numerical Controlled (CNC) machine. In this process with inserting a punch under the sheet and gradual movement of tool in the special path creates a deformation in accoddance to punch shape. In this research by using experimental tests and theoretical analysis (slab analysis) is presented a comprehensive study of the governing equations in process. With calculating of stress field can present applied load at tool and sheet. ge for Calculation of this force is a suitable gauge for choosing kind of CNC machine equipment, sheet type and etc. Also according to analysis results can make decision about the effect of immeasurable important parameters in this process.
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Received: 2012/06/24 | Accepted: 2012/10/23 | Published: 2013/01/19

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