Ghajar R, Tavakkoli F. The Effect of Nonhomogeneous Parameter on Stress Intensity Factor
In a Cracked Layer in Functionally Graded Material under Thermal Stresses. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2016; 15 (11) :275-283
Abstract: (5564 Views)
In this paper, the effect of nonhomogeneous parameter in orthotropic Functionally Graded Material(FGM) in a cracked layer is investigated. It is assumed that the mechanical and thermal properties of material are dependent on x-coordinate (collinear with crack surfaces) in exponential form. The problem is solved for internal and edge crack in two way, integral equations and generalized differential quadrature method. Thermal loading is in a way that temperature distribution in the layer is uniform. Because of variation in mechanical and thermal properties, stress distribution due to this loading is not uniform. In the solution of problem with integral equations method, first, thermo-elasticity problem with no cracks and then isothermal crack problem are separately solved. Afterward with these solutions, the main problem will be solved. In order to solve isothermal crack problem, after conversion and simplifying the equations in orthotropic material, Navier's equations will be solved with the Fourier. Numerical solution of the problem is the generalized differential quadrature element method that is being presented for verification of the results of the integral equations for a specific state in the diagram format. Also the effect of temperature on intensity factor with various values of nonhomogeneous parameter is investigated.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Creep, Fatigue & Failure Received: 2015/06/20 | Accepted: 2015/09/15 | Published: 2015/11/1