Moosabeiki V, Zamani J. The Study of Various Clamped Isotropic Square Plate Simulating Methods and Compare with Experimental Results under Explosion Loads. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2015; 14 (13) :315-322
Abstract: (5968 Views)
The investigation of failure modes of plates and behavior of various resistive structures to destructive effects of explosive waves, due to its importance in design of blast resistive structures, has been of interest to researchers for a long time. In this study, three different methods of numerical simulation of blast wave issues were carried out to evaluate and compare with the experimental results. As a consequence, by the means of study of clamped isotropic square plates under shock wave loading from various weight and distance of charges, the couple of ALE and ConWep methods were approved to have 8.54 per cent error in comparison with ALE and ConWep methods individually. Given that in the coupled approach and ConWep method, the equivalent weight of TNT for different types of explosives is needed, the equivalent weight of TNT for C4 was estimated by 1.14, and according to the empirical pressure-time chart and empirical equation for pressure in the air, this coefficient was proved to be right and the pressure and impulse charts for TNT and C4 explosives with the same weights was studied.
Received: 2014/03/9 | Accepted: 2014/04/7 | Published: 2014/10/11