Volume 13, Issue 11 (1-2014)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2014, 13(11): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Nonlinear bending and buckling analysis of functionally graded annular plates. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2014; 13 (11) :1-14
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-12015-en.html
Abstract:   (6936 Views)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate nonlinear bending and buckling analysis of radially functionally graded annular plates subjected to uniform in-plane compressive loads by Dynamic Relaxation method. The mechanical properties of plates assumed to vary continuously along the radial direction by the Mori–Tanaka distribution. The nonlinear formulations are based on first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and large deflection von Karman equations. The dynamic relaxation (DR) method combined with the finite difference discretization technique is employed to solve the equilibrium equations. Due to the lack of similar research for the bending and buckling of functionally graded annular plates with material variation in the radial direction, some results are compared with the ones obtained by the Abaqus finite element software. Furthermore, some comparison study is carried out to compare the current solution with the results reported in the literature for annular isotropic plates. The achieved good agreements between the results indicate the accuracy of the present numerical method. Finally, numerical results for the maximum displacement and critical buckling load for various boundary conditions, effects of grading index, thickness-to-radius ratio and inner radius -to-outer radius ratio are presented.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Elasticity & Plasticity|Stress Analysis|Composites
Received: 2013/05/14 | Accepted: 2013/06/14 | Published: 2013/12/21

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