Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2017, 16(12): 239-248 | Back to browse issues page

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Jahanshahi E, Hosseinkhani A, Moahmmadi S M H. Manufacturing and simulation of a solar humidification-dehumidification desalination system. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2017; 16 (12) :239-248
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-12225-en.html
Abstract:   (6295 Views)
Solar humidification-dehumidification desalination is one of the most practical methods for water desalination in small scale for regions far from cities and low population. The aim of this study is manufacturing and simulation of a solar humidification-dehumidification desalination system with capacity of 20 lit/day. This system consists of humidification and dehumidification units, solar air and water heaters. To this end, at first this system is explained and modeled. Then, manufacturing process of solar air heaters, and different parts of desalination system is investigated. After the manufacturing process of the desalination system, this system is experimentally tested and the effect of pertinent parameters, such as the temperature of inlet water and air to humidifier; inlet water temperature and flow rate to dehumidifier on the performance of the system and distillate product is investigated. The results show that the effect of water temperature on the fresh water produced in more than air temperature. Moreover, using the chilled water, which its temperature in the range of well temperature, in the dehumidifier inlet leads to an increase of 31 % in the fresh water produced. Also, the best water flow rate to the dehumidifier inlet is 0.12 kg/s. Finally, experimental and simulation results are compared with each other and good consistency is seen.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Solar Energy & Radiation
Received: 2016/08/24 | Accepted: 2016/10/25 | Published: 2016/12/11

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