Volume 18, Issue 7 (11-2018)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2018, 18(7): 10-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Fouladi N. Numerical investigation of flow transient phase of motor burnout in an altitude test simulator. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2018; 18 (7) :10-19
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-14973-en.html
Researcher, Iranian space research institute
Abstract:   (8338 Views)
In this research, the performance study of an altitude test simulator at transient phase of motor burnout is conducted by numerical approach. Using a time dependent pressure profile of a motor in burnout phase, the unsteady exhaust flow is simulated in the main sections of the altitude test simulator, i.e. high expansion ratio nozzle, second throat exhaust diffuser, and vacuum chamber. Present investigation shows that in spite of the high pressure starting condition of the altitude simulator, the supersonic flow in the diffuser tends to breakdown at relatively low combustion pressure in the motor terminating phase. At the breakdown condition, the nozzle exhaust hot gases directed into the vacuum chamber through the annular gap between nozzle and diffuser walls. Present simulation shows that the overall temperature of fluid in vacuum chamber is reached up to 2000 K after the motor burnout. Really, It is potentially dangerous for measurement instruments inside the vacuum chamber. Furthermore; in this research, the influences of backflow arrester (BFA) in variations of vacuum chamber temperature are studied at this transient terminating phase. It has been shown that, the BFA can decrease the exhaust streaming into the chamber in initial breakdown periods. Results show that utilizing a suitable BFA size, the safe temperature condition could be established in vacuum chamber during and after the transient terminating phase of motor.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Aerospace Structures
Received: 2018/02/16 | Accepted: 2018/09/25 | Published: 2018/09/25

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