Zal V, Moslemi Naeini H, Bahramian A R, Shahbazi Karami J. Experimental investigation on the roll forming of PVC /aluminum/glass fabric FMLs into channel section profiles. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2016; 16 (9) :207-215
Abstract: (5941 Views)
Due to the polar functional groups of PVC thermoplastic and its good adhesiveness to the metals, production and roll forming of PVC/ aluminuim/ glass fiber FMLs were investigated in this research. At the first, flexural strength and bonding quality between PVC matrix and aluminuim layer in the FMLs were studied by doing three point bending tests according to ASTM D790 standard. In the following, FMLs with dimension of 12×80 cm and two layups including [0/90, 0/90, Al]s and [45/-45, 45/-45, Al]s were produced using film stacking and hot pressing procedure. The FMLs were rollformed into 30, 45 and 60º channel section profiles at 160ᵒC using a single stand rollforming process and geometrical decects including profile bowing, edge wrinkling, spring back and also aluminuim/composite layers delamination of the resulted profiles were evaluated. The FMLs also were roll formed into 86º channel section profiles using a multi stand roll forming process and the effects of multi stand roll forming on the defects stacking were evaluated. Finally, it was concluded that more than 45º bend angle increase in a rollforming stand results in composite/ aluminum delamination. Also, placement of the reinforcing fibers in the longitudinal direction of the profiles reduces the profile bowing and edge wrinkling defects significantly.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Metal Forming Received: 2016/06/19 | Accepted: 2016/08/14 | Published: 2016/09/14