Azimi A, Zolriasatein A, jafari A. Investigation of hardness and compression behavior of Al/Short glassf nanocomposite produced by ball milling and hot pressing. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2014; 13 (15) :50-58
Abstract: (7373 Views)
Nanostructured (Al-8wt%Zn-3wt%Mg) alloy was synthesized by simultaneous fracture and cold welding mechanisms in mechanical alloying with initial elemental powders and subsequently, this alloy was applied as matrix to fabricate Al/Short glass fiber nanocomposite in 1, 3 and 5 percent of glass fibers. The resulting powders were consolidated under 400 MPa at 380 °C in cylindrical die to produce consolidated nanocomposites. Relative density of samples reduced with increasing the percentage of glass fibers and this trend was more intense from 3 to 5 percent. Also compressive strength and hardness were investigated for these samples in different percent of glass fiber. The results showed that strength and hardness were enhanced with increasing glass fiber but decrease of mechanical properties was observed in 5 percent due to reducing in relative density. Compressive strength was compared between nanocomposite with pure Al and Al alloy matrix, and results show more reinforcement in Al based sample.