Abstract: (7107 Views)
There are several parameters that have significant influence in metal forming process. One of the most important of them is friction coefficient. Friction can change the pattern of metal flow and the force needed for deformation. It is necessary to determine the friction coefficient to study the effect of friction on metal forming process. In this study ring compression test was used to determine the friction coefficient in hot working of Al 6082 alloy. Variation of inner diameter of a ring during deformation is a function of friction coefficient, so it can be used to determine the friction coefficient. Graphite, PTFE and mica plate were used as lubricants. The calibration curves were developed by using FEM simulations for different friction coefficients and compared with experimental results. The friction coefficient for each deformation condition and lubricant was obtained. The results show the best lubricant for hot working of this alloy is PTFE with the friction coefficient of 0.35. Hot working without lubricant led to friction coefficient of 0.69
Received: 2012/07/1 | Accepted: 2012/11/11 | Published: 2013/03/20