Sheikhzadeh G, Sabonchi A R, Botshekan H. Study and Comparison of Effects of Ceiling and Wall Radiant Cooling Panels on Temperature and Velocity Distributions and Heat Transfer in a Room. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2013; 13 (9) :149-160
1- Uni. of Kashan
2- Engineer
Abstract: (6701 Views)
An advance cooling method for buildings is use of radiant cooling system, which is not only economically feasible but also enhances thermal comfort for occupants. In this numerical study the flow and temperature fields in a room equipped with radiant cooling panel, either on the ceiling or on the wall, are studied. Outside summer design temperatures of Tehran and Semnan have been considered and to model the presence of an occupant a cube is placed in the center of the room with its external walls having constant heat flux. The results show that the vertical and horizontal temperature distributions become uniform and the maximum absolute air speed is around 0.2 m/s. The share of radiation heat transfer to the ceiling or the wall cooling panel is at least 58% or 65%, respectively, which increases due to presence of a human model. The net radiation decreases by increasing the panel temperature, but increases by increasing the outside temperature. The wall cooling uses less energy and regarding temperature and velocity distribution provides a better comfort condition
Article Type:
Research Article |
Thermal Comfort|Energy in Buildings|Plumbing & Air Conditioning Received: 2013/03/2 | Accepted: 2013/05/13 | Published: 2013/10/23