1. Ardebili A, Farahani M. Identification of Delamination Defects in Metal-Composite Shells Using Pulse Thermography. Modares Mechanical Engineering. 2020; 20 (9) :2303-2312
2. Hosseinlaghab S, Farahani M, Safarabadi Farahani M. Investigation on the reinforcing effects of using nanoparticle on quasi-static loading of the glass-epoxy composites. Modares Mechanical Engineering. 2021; 21 (8) :541-549
3. Ghabezi, P.; Farahani, M. A cohesive model with a multi-stage softening behavior to predict fracture in nano composite joints. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019; 219: 106611. [
4. Rahmatabadi D, Shahmirzaloo A, Farahani M, Tayyebi M, Hashemi R. Characterizing the elastic and plastic properties of the multilayered Al/Brass composite produced by ARB using DIC. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2019; 753:70-78. [
5. Saranath. KM, Ramji. M. Local zone wise elastic and plastic properties of electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4V alloy using digital image correlation technique: A comparative study between uniform stress and virtual fields method. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015; 68: 222-234. [
6. Rahmatabadi D., Shahmirzaloo A., Hashemi R., Farahani, M. Using digital image correlation for characterizing the elastic and plastic parameters of ultrafine-grained Al 1050 strips fabricated via accumulative roll bonding process. Materials Research Express 2019; 6(8): 086542. [
7. Sam-Daliri O., Faller L. M., Farahani M., Zangl H. Structural health monitoring of adhesive joints under pure mode I loading using the electrical impedance measurement. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021; 245: 107585. [
8. Sam-Daliri O., Farahani M., Faller L. M., Zangl H. Structural health monitoring of defective single lap adhesive joints using graphene nanoplatelets. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020; 55: 119-130. [
9. Venkatachalam S, Khaja Mohiddin S. M, Murthy H, Determination of damage evolution in CFRP subjected to cyclic loading using DIC. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. 2018;1-14. [
10. Wisnom M, Pierron F, Devivier C and Thompson D. Correlation between full-field measurements and numerical simulation results for multiple delamination composite specimens in bending. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2010; 24:109-14. [
11. Devivier C, Pierron F and Wisnom M. Damage detection in composite materials using deflectometry, a full-field slope measurement technique. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2012; 43: 1650-66. [
12. Del Rey Castillo, E., Allen, T., Henry, R., Griffith, M., Ingham, J., Digital image correlation(DIC) for measurement of strains and displacements in coarse, low volume-fraction FRP composites used in civilinfrastructure, Composite Structures 2019;212:43-57. [
13. Shrama K, Al-Jumaili S, Pullin R, Clarke A, Evans S. On the Use of Acoustic Emission and Digital Image Correlation for Welded Joints Damage Characterization. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2019;381-389.
14. Laurin F, Charrier J-S, Lévêque D, Maire J-F, Mavel A and Nuñez P. Determination of the properties of composite materials thanks to digital image correlation measurements. Procedia IUTAM. 2012; 4: 106-15. [
15. Caminero M, Lopez-Pedrosa M, Pinna C and Soutis C. Damage monitoring and analysis of composite laminates with an open hole and adhesively bonded repairs using digital image correlation. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2013. [
16. Khechai A, Tati A, Guerira B, Guettala A, Mohite P.M. Strength degradation and stress analysis of composite plates with circular,square and rectangular notches using digital image correlation. Composite Structures. 2017; 699-715. [
17. Sabato A, Niezrecki C. Feasibility of Digital Image Correlation for railroad tie inspection and ballast support assessment. Measurement. 2017; 103:93-105. [
18. Szebenyi G, Hliva V. Detection of Delamination in Polymer Composites by Digital Image Correlation-Experimental Test. Polymers. 2019; 11(3), 523. [
19. Pakravan M, Farahani M. Evaluation of Damage in Composite Laminated Sheets with Circular Defects under Tensile Loading Using Digital Image Correlation Method. Modares Mechanical Engineering. 2020; 20(4):1025-1031.
20. Ramakrishnan KR, Corn S, Le Moigne N, Ienny P, Slangen P. Experimental assessment of low velocity impact damage in flax fabrics reinforced biocomposites by coupled high-speed imaging and DIC analysis. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2020;106137 [
21. Han W, Hu K, Shi Q, Zhu F. Damage evolution analysis of open-hole tensile laminated composites using a progress damage model verified by AE and DIC. Composite Structures. 2020; 11:112452. [
22. Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zheng J, Kong X, Zhou J, Harper L, Blackman BR, Kinloch AJ, Dear JP. The behaviour of thermoplastic and thermoset carbon fibre composites subjected to low-velocity and high-velocity impact. Journal of Materials Science. 2020; 55(33):15741-68. [
23. Sam-daliri, O, Farahani M, Araei A. Condition monitoring of crack extension in the reinforced adhesive joint by carbon nanotubes. Welding Technology Review. 2019; 91(12): 7-15. [
24. Shahmirzaloo, A.; Farahani, M.; Farhang, M. Evaluation of local constitutive properties of Al2024 friction stir-welded joints using digital image correlation method. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2021, 56.7: 419-429. [