1- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
2- Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
3- -tarbiat modares university
Abstract: (5201 Views)
In this research, interaction and oblique coalescence of bubbles under buoyancy force was simulated, numerically. The governing equations are continuity and momentum equations which have been discretized using the finite volume method and the SIMPLE algorithm. For simulating the interface of two phases, the level set method has been incorporated. Level Set method suffers from poor mass conservation of dispersed phase especially in the case of severe deformation of interface. In order to control of mass conservation of the level set method, re-initialization equations and a geometric mass control loop are used which this loop is implemented in the level set method for the first time in this research. Using proposed geometric mass control loop, mass dissipation drawback of the level set method is handled in simulation of bubbles’ coalescence. The results outlined in the present study well agree with the existing experimental results. Also results of investigation of mass dissipation of the proposed scheme to simulation of oblique coalescence problem show that the maximum amount of this mass dissipation was less than 4%. Therefore, the level set method with proposed geometric mass control loop could be used properly for simulation of oblique interactions and coalescence of bubbles in multiphase flows.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Two & Multi Phase Flow Received: 2018/01/7 | Accepted: 2018/01/21 | Published: 2018/02/10