Volume 23, Issue 9 (September 2023)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023, 23(9): 531-541 | Back to browse issues page

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Astaraki S, Zamani E, Pol M H. Experimental investigation of the effect of using shear-thickening fluid in the structure of honeycomb-core sandwich panels on energy absorption in low-velocity impact loading. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023; 23 (9) :531-541
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-70254-en.html
1- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
2- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran , zamani.ehsan@sku.ac.ir
3- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran
Abstract:   (1761 Views)
In this research, energy absorption in sandwich panel structures with honeycomb core and skin made of glass-epoxy multi-layer composite, aluminum, and two-dimensional glass fabrics impregnated with shear-thickening fluid under low-velocity impact loading has been investigated. Polyethylene glycol 400 and hydrophilic fumed silica with nanometer dimensions were used to make the shear thickening fluid, and then a rheometer was used to verify the rheological properties of the fluid. The test was carried out at two heights of 100 and 500 mm with a drop weight device. The sandwich panel honeycomb core has been tested once filled with shear thickening fluid and again empty of shear thickening fluid. The results of the rheology test show that the viscosity value increases with the increase of the shear rate. The impact test results show an increase in energy absorption in the structure of sandwich panels filled with shear thickening fluid compared to empty sandwich panels. At the drop height of 500 mm, the absorption of specific energy in the sandwich panel structure with a skin made of two-dimensional glass fabrics impregnated with shear thickening fluid, the ratio of sandwich panel with a skin made of aluminum and composite increased by 27.93, and 9.47%, respectively, and energy absorption in The sandwich panel with composite skin has increased by 16.86% compared to the sandwich panel with aluminum skin.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Impact Mechanics
Received: 2023/07/3 | Accepted: 2023/08/10 | Published: 2023/09/1

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