Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023, 23(10): 51-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Jandaghi Shahi V, Ranjbar A. A Modular Jig and Fixture System Design for Machining of Family Parts with the Same Geometric Shape. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023; 23 (10) :51-56
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-72715-en.html
1- , V_jandaghi@arakut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (792 Views)
The main goal of this paper is to develop a special modular fixture system for machining and drilling parts that hold pneumatic jacks componets. This family of parts is usually made in various dimensions and sizes but with a specific geometric shape. The design requirements of the restrictions, the way of the construction process is considered as the design inputs of this system.
Positioning and clamping system have been designed, modeled and simulated for the mass production of a family of these parts with minimal changes in the manufacturing process. The results obtained from the idea of designing such restraints in machining processes show that with its help, it is possible to reduce the design and manufacturing costs of restraints for a group of parts that are similar in appearance but different in size and dimensions. It will significantly reduce and minimize the time of adjusting these equipments during the production process and will increase the productivity and circulation of products.
Full-Text [PDF 534 kb]   (615 Downloads)    
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Machining
Received: 2023/12/1 | Accepted: 2023/10/2 | Published: 2023/10/2

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