Rahmatabadi D, Hashemi R. Experimental investigation of fracture surfaces and mechanical properties of AA1050 aluminum produced by accumulative roll bonding process. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2017; 16 (10) :305-312
1- Assistant professor / Iran University of Technology
Abstract: (6139 Views)
Accumulative roll bonding is new method of severe plastic deformation that in the last decade, utilized to produce many materials. In present study, investigated mechanical properties and fracture mode of microstructure and multi-layered Al-Al fabricated during accumulative roll bonding process. Accumulative roll bonding process applied without using lubricant, in the ambient temperature repeated in seven cycle continuously and without heat treatment between cycles of process that the value of reduction thickness is 50% in each cycle. The evaluation of mechanical properties and fracture mode performed by uniaxial tensile test, micro hardness and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and reveled that by increasing number of ARB cycles, micro hardness and tensile strength increased that increasing rate at initial cycles more than last cycles. Also elongation after first cycle decreased and then increased. The variation for mechanical properties during ARB due to governing cold work and high strain hardening at initial cycles and improve microstructural and grain refinement at last cycles. Maximum value of tensile strength and micro hardness achieved in last cycle (seventh cycle) that compared with primary annealed sheet 241.4 and 106% increased, respectively. Also results of SEM demonstrated that by rising the number of ARB cycles, viewed dimples with shallower and smaller than the initial sample and changed fracture mechanism from ductile to shear ductile.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Metal Forming Received: 2016/07/22 | Accepted: 2016/09/10 | Published: 2016/10/15