Volume 23, Issue 6 (June 2023)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023, 23(6): 379-386 | Back to browse issues page

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Aghanasiri A, Rezaei Ashtiani H. Experimental evaluation of the effect of aluminum alloy foam core on the mechanical behavior of sandwich panel. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023; 23 (6) :379-386
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-66882-en.html
1- Arak university of technology
2- Arak university of technology , hr_rezaei@arakut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1828 Views)
The type and material of the core piece of sandwich panels are important parameters in the mechanical behavior of these sandwich samples. In this study, the mechanical behavior of sandwich panels with two types of aluminum alloy foam core was investigated. Also, the effect of the method used to stabilize aluminum foam investigates and compares during the bending and compressive tests, for this purpose, the properties of the core of sandwich panels made with LM13 alloy aluminum foam were fabricated with calcium stabilizer and silicon carbide powder separately. The results of the X-ray diffraction test showed the presence of Al4Ca intermetallic compounds in aluminum foams containing calcium metal, and silicon carbide particles for aluminum foams containing silicon carbide powder in the cell wall. The yield strength of sandwich panels with aluminum foam core and calcium metal stabilizer was higher than that of cores with silicon carbide particle stabilizer. Also, sandwich panels with aluminum foam cores containing silicon carbide powder showed more energy absorption. In contrast, foams with silicon carbide powder stabilizer absorbed more energy under the uniaxial pressure test. Also, the results of the macrostructure analysis of how the shape of the sandwich panel changed in the three-point bending test were indicative of a reduction in force due to the weakness in the connection between the sandwich panel shell and the aluminum foam core.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Analysis & Selection of Materials
Received: 2023/01/17 | Accepted: 2023/05/20 | Published: 2023/05/31

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