Volume 24, Issue 8 (August 2024)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2024, 24(8): 499-509 | Back to browse issues page

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Khodaeipour B, Khodarahmi H, sadeghyazdi M, Zia shamami M. Numerical and Experimental Study of Damage in Multi-Compartment Armor due to UNDEX. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2024; 24 (8) :499-509
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-76503-en.html
1- Imam Hossein University
2- Imam Hossein University , msadeghy@ihu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (679 Views)
Multi-compartment structures are a sort of multi-layer armor widely used to protect naval equipment, due to their high resistance to underwater blasts, simple-tech/low-cost production, and repairability. The present article numerically investigates the contact UNDEX damages of conceptual-construction structures consisting of three metal layers and two mid-compartments. For this purpose, a set of experiments was designed and executed using AUTODYN. The numerical modeling process and outputs were validated with the results of an experimental test. The results showed that all the structures with the same mediums in compartments suffered rupture in their last layer. Structures with air-water mediums did not experience tearing in their last layer if had a St37 midplate. Benefiting from a St37 front plate led to a significant energy absorption increase of 62%. Also, all structures with water-air mediums had excellent resistance performances and presented a meaningful reduction of 49% in the last layer deflection providing a St37 midplate. Furthermore, the comparison of structural performances showed that the structure consisting of Al2024-T3, St37, and St37 layers respectively, and water-air mediums brings forward the most competitive altogether values for the minimum last layer's central deflection of 11.6 mm and maximum energy absorption per areal mass equal to 84.6 J.m2/kg.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Forming of metal sheets
Received: 2024/08/10 | Accepted: 2024/10/20 | Published: 2024/07/31

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