Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023, 23(10): 149-154 | Back to browse issues page

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Tahmasbi V, Sousanabadi Farahani A, Baghi, Ghazi khansari. Statistical Modeling and Optimization of Thrust Force and Surface Roughness in Drilling Hybrid Aluminum Matrix Composites. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2023; 23 (10) :149-154
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-72791-en.html
1- , Tahmasbi@arakut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (704 Views)
Metal composites have received attention from various industries due to their excellent properties, such as a high strength-to-weight ratio and wear resistance. However, due to the presence of hard and abrasive particles, the challenges have always faced machining. Therefore, studying the effective parameters in the machining of these materials is very important. Drilling is one of the most common and widely used methods in the industry. In this study, the Response Surface Method (RSM) and Central Composite Design (CCD) were used to model, optimize, and analyze the effects of machining parameters. Aluminum composite with AL356 alloy reinforced with 25 micrometers of silicon carbide and 45 micrometers of mica mineral, as well as a 6 mm diameter carbide drill, were used for the experiments. According to the results, with an increase in the drilling speed, the drilling forces increased and the surface roughness decreased. Additionally, increasing the feed rate increased forces and surface roughness. With an increase in the volume fraction of SiC reinforcing particles, the drilling forces and surface roughness increased and decreased, respectively. By analyzing the data obtained from the experiments, the best combination of values was found to minimize the surface roughness and axial force at the same time. The best combination of parameters was found to be: a spindle speed of 1855 rpm, a feed rate of 50 mm/rev, and a weight percentage of 15% SiC
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Machining
Received: 2023/12/5 | Accepted: 2023/10/2 | Published: 2023/10/2

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